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it was a real challenge

  • 1 challenge

    ' ælin‹
    1. verb
    1) (to ask (someone) to take part in a contest: He challenged his brother to a round of golf.) desafiar, retar
    2) (to question (someone's authority or right, the truth of a statement etc).) poner en duda, cuestionar

    2. noun
    1) (an invitation to a contest: He accepted his brother's challenge to a fight.) desafío
    2) (the act of questioning someone's right, a statement etc.) recusación
    - challenging
    challenge1 n reto / desafío
    1. desafiar
    2. cuestionar / poner en duda
    many scientists now challenge this theory ahora, muchos científicos cuestionan esta teoría
    1 (gen) reto, desafío
    2 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL alto, quién vive nombre masculino
    3 SMALLLAW/SMALL recusación nombre femenino
    1 (invite to compete) retar, desafiar
    2 (question, dispute - person, authority) poner a prueba, cuestionar; (- statement) poner en duda, cuestionar, poner en tela de juicio
    3 (stimulate) suponer un reto para, constituir un reto para
    4 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL dar el alto a, dar el quién vive a
    5 SMALLLAW/SMALL recusar
    to issue a challenge to somebody desafiar a alguien, retar a alguien
    challenge ['ʧælɪnʤ] vt, - lenged ; - lenging
    1) dispute: disputar, cuestionar, poner en duda
    2) dare: desafiar, retar
    3) stimulate: estimular, incentivar
    : reto m, desafío m
    demanda s.f.
    desafío s.m.
    reto s.m.
    desafiar v.
    recusar v.
    retar v.

    I 'tʃæləndʒ, 'tʃælɪndʒ
    a) ( summon) desafiar*, retar

    to challenge somebody to + INF — desafiar* a alguien a que (+ subj)

    c) ( question) \<\<authority/findings\>\> cuestionar; \<\<assumption/theory\>\> cuestionar, poner* en entredicho or en duda or en tela de juicio
    2) ( stimulate) \<\<job\>\> suponer* or constituir* un reto or un desafío para
    3) ( stop) ( Mil) darle* el alto a

    1) c
    a) (to duel, race) desafío m, reto m

    to issue a challenge to somebody — desafiar* or retar a alguien

    b) ( competition) rival m
    2) c u ( stimulation) reto m, desafío m
    3) c (by policeman, sentry) alto m
    1. N
    1) (to game, fight etc) desafío m, reto m ; [of sentry] alto m
    2) (=bid) (for leadership etc) intento m ( for por)
    3) (fig) desafío m, reto m
    4) (Jur) recusación f
    2. VT
    1) (to duel) desafiar, retar; [sentry] dar el alto a
    2) [+ speaker] hablar en contra de

    to challenge sb to do sthdesafiar or retar a algn a que haga algo

    3) (=dispute) [+ fact, point] poner en duda
    4) (Jur) recusar
    * * *

    I ['tʃæləndʒ, 'tʃælɪndʒ]
    a) ( summon) desafiar*, retar

    to challenge somebody to + INF — desafiar* a alguien a que (+ subj)

    c) ( question) \<\<authority/findings\>\> cuestionar; \<\<assumption/theory\>\> cuestionar, poner* en entredicho or en duda or en tela de juicio
    2) ( stimulate) \<\<job\>\> suponer* or constituir* un reto or un desafío para
    3) ( stop) ( Mil) darle* el alto a

    1) c
    a) (to duel, race) desafío m, reto m

    to issue a challenge to somebody — desafiar* or retar a alguien

    b) ( competition) rival m
    2) c u ( stimulation) reto m, desafío m
    3) c (by policeman, sentry) alto m

    English-spanish dictionary > challenge

  • 2 challenge

    1. сущ.
    1) а) вызов( на поединок, дуэль и т. п.;
    также переносные употребления) to issue, send a challenge ≈ бросить вызов to accept, meet, respond to, take up a challenge ≈ принять вызов Challenges to fight are punishable by fine and imprisonment. ≈ Вызов на поединок карается штрафом и лишением свободы. It was a challenge to our very existence. ≈ Само наше существование было поставлено на карту. His whole countenance is a challenge to scrutiny. ≈ Само выражение лица провоцировало на то, чтобы проверить и перепроверить его слова. б) перен. сложная задача, проблема formidable, real challenge ≈ настоящий вызов, истинное испытание It was a challenge just to survive. ≈ Даже просто выжить было подвигом. ∙ Syn: summons, defiance
    2) нечто, призванное обратить на себя внимание а) обращение часового к подошедшему с требованием назвать пароль б) мор. опознавательный сигнал в) поведение охотничьей собаки, когда она берет след
    3) а) обвинение( также юр.) ;
    высказанное сомнение( в истинности научной гипотезы, чьих-л. заявлений и т.п.) Any scheme may be pursued for bringing her title into challenge. ≈ Для того, чтобы подвергнуть сомнению ее права на титул, можно идти на все, что угодно. Syn: charge б) юр. отвод присяжных peremptory challenge principal challenge Syn: challenge to the polls
    4) мед. введение в организм вещества, провоцирующего выделение (обычно большого количества) антител
    2. гл.
    1) выговаривать, ругать;
    призывать к ответу( за что-л.) I have never been challenged for crossing these fields. ≈ Ни разу меня не ловили за проход по этим полям.
    2) спрашивать пароль, пропуск;
    (о часовом, охраннике) спрашивать "Кто идет?" On any one approaching his post, he must challenge them by the words "Who comes there?" ≈ Когда кто-либо приближается к посту, он должен обратиться к нему со словами "Кто идет"?
    3) (о собаке) подавать голос при взятии следа
    4) юр. давать отвод (присяжному, свидетелю, свидетельскому показанию и т.п.) ;
    не принимать дело к рассмотрению Anybody may challenge on the ground that so and so is unfit. ≈ Любой может дать отвод на том основании, что то-то и то-то не имеет отношения к делу.
    5) ставить под вопрос, оспаривать;
    призывать к рассмотрению As a temporary measure, I do not presume to challenge its wisdom. ≈ Я предпочитаю не оспаривать разумность этой меры постольку, поскольку она временная.
    6) архаич. требовать( звания, места;
    внимания, уважения и т. п.) ;
    архаич. иметь "природное" право на что-л. I challenge no thanks for what I publish. ≈ Я не прошу благодарности за то, что публикую. Horace challenges superiority above all the poets. ≈ Гораций превосходит всех поэтов.
    7) бросать вызов, вызывать( также переносные употребления) ;
    провоцировать, "просить";
    ист. вызывать на дуэль We are challenged to produce a precedent. ≈ Они поставили нас перед необходимостью привести прецедент. He challenges controversy in every possible way. ≈ Хочется противоречить ему во всем, чем только можно.
    8) делать иньекцию типа challenge
    4) вызов (на состязание) ;
    - to launch a * against smb. бросить кому-л вызов;
    - to meet the * принять вызов вызов на дуэль;
    - to address a * to smb. послать кому-л вызов;
    - to have a * delivered by a second послать вызов через секунданта сомнение;
    постановка под вопрос;
    - to bring smth. into * поставить что-л под сомнение;
    бросить тень сомнения на что-л;
    - to bring smb.'s title into * оспаривать чье-л право;
    - a * of the premises of an arguments (логика) возражения против предпосылок рассуждения испытание, проба сил;
    напряжение сил;
    нечто требующее мужества, труда;
    - my new job is not easy but it's a * моя новая работа нелегка, но для меня это будет проба сил сложная задача;
    - the * of a nuclear age задачи, которые ставит перед нами ядерный век;
    - to issue the * ставить задачу;
    - to meet the * оказаться на высоте (юридическое) отвод присяжного заседателя;
    - peremptory * отвод присяжных заседателей без указания причины;
    - * to the array отвод всего жюри;
    - * to the polls отвод отдельных присяжных заседателей;
    - * to the favour отвод по мотивам заинтересованности;
    - to uphold the * удовлетворить отвод возражение в ходе процесса (американизм) недопущение избирателя к голосованию (американизм) требование об аннулировании избирательного бюллетеня или результатов голосования;
    - the election of a new government was met by a * from its opponents противники нового правительства требовали считать недействительным его избрание( книжное) претензия, притязание;
    - * of superiority притязание на превосходство;
    - to lay * to smth. предъявлять претензию на что-л (морское) опознавательные (сигналы) оклик( часового) ;
    - to give the * окликать( ветеринарное) контрольное проверочное заражение вакцинированных животных (охота) лай собак, дающий знать, что они напали на след вызывать;
    бросать вызов (спортивное) вызвать на соревнование;
    - to * smb. to run a race вызывать кого-л на соревнование по бегу сомневаться;
    - to * smb.'s knowledge сомневаться в чьих-л знаниях, ставить под вопрос чью-л осведомленность оспаривать, подвергать сомнению;
    - to * the accuracy of a statement оспаривать правильность утверждения;
    - to * the wisdom of a procedure выражать сомнение в целесообразность какой-л процедуры требовать (усилий) ;
    - this job will * your abilities эта работа будет испытанием ваших способностей;
    - this event *s an explanation это событие требуется объяснить отводить, давать отвод ( юридическое) отводить присяжного заседателя (юридическое) возражать( против) (американизм) давать отвод избирателю (американизм) требовать признания недействительным избирательного бюллетеня или результатов голосования (военное) откликать (о часовом) ;
    спрашивать пропуск, пароль (морское) показывать опознавательные challenge бросать вызов ~ возражать, оспаривать ~ возражать ~ возражение, оспаривание ~ возражения в ходе процесса ~ вызов (на состязание, дуэль и т. п.) ~ вызов ~ вызывать, бросать вызов;
    to challenge to socialist emulation вызывать на социалистическое соревнование ~ вызывать ~ давать отвод ~ юр. давать отвод присяжным ~ недопущение избирателя к голосованию ~ оклик (часового) ~ окликать (о часовом) ;
    спрашивать пароль, пропуск ~ мор. опознавательные (сигнал) ~ оспаривать;
    подвергать сомнению;
    to challenge the accuracy of a statement оспаривать правильность утверждения ~ оспаривать ~ юр. отвод (присяжных) ;
    peremptory challenge отвод без указания причины (в уголовных делах) ~ отвод ~ отвод присяжного заседателя ~ отводить присяжного заседателя ~ отрицать ~ подвергать критике ~ подвергать сомнению ~ мор. показывать опознавательные ~ постановка под вопрос ~ претензия ~ притязание ~ сложная задача, проблема ~ сомневаться, отрицать;
    the teacher challenged my knowledge учитель усомнился в моих знаниях ~ сомневаться ~ сомнение ~ спрашивать пропуск или пароль ~ ставить задачу ~ требование об аннулировании избирательного бюллетеня ~ требование об аннулировании результатов голосования ~ требование признать недействительным избирательный бюллетень ~ требование признать недействительными результаты голосования ~ требовать (внимания, уважения и т. п.) ~ требовать ~ for cause отвод присяжного заседателя по конкретному основанию ~ of juror отвод присяжного заседателя ~ оспаривать;
    подвергать сомнению;
    to challenge the accuracy of a statement оспаривать правильность утверждения ~ to jury отвод состава суда ~ вызывать, бросать вызов;
    to challenge to socialist emulation вызывать на социалистическое соревнование economic ~s экономические "вызовы" (борьба с инфляцией, уменьшающийся объем национального богатства, подлежащего распределению, интернационализация экономики) ;
    непопулярные экономические меры institutional ~s проблемы порождаемые созданием учреждений (централизация, отсутствие гибкости, бюрократизация) ~ юр. отвод (присяжных) ;
    peremptory challenge отвод без указания причины (в уголовных делах) peremptory ~ отвод без указания причины ~ сомневаться, отрицать;
    the teacher challenged my knowledge учитель усомнился в моих знаниях

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > challenge

  • 3 challenge

    ['ʧælɪnʤ] 1. сущ.
    1) вызов (на соревнование, поединок, дуэль)

    to issue / send a challenge — бросить вызов

    to accept / meet / respond to / take up a challenge — принять вызов

    Challenges to fight are punishable by fine and imprisonment. — Вызовы на поединок караются штрафом и лишением свободы.

    2) сложная задача, проблема

    formidable / real challenge — настоящий вызов, истинное испытание

    It was a challenge just to survive. — Даже просто выжить было подвигом.

    It was a challenge to our very existence. — Само наше существование было поставлено на карту.

    4) мор. опознавательные сигналы
    5) охот. лай собаки, когда она берёт след
    6) возражение в ходе судебного процесса; оспаривание

    Any scheme may be pursued for bringing her title into challenge. — Для того, чтобы оспорить её право на собственность, можно идти на всё, что угодно.

    charge 2.
    7) юр. отвод присяжных
    8) мед. введение в организм вещества, провоцирующего выделение антител ( обычно большого количества)
    2. гл.
    1) ставить под сомнение, оспаривать

    As a temporary measure, I do not presume to challenge its wisdom. — Я не осмеливаюсь ставить под сомнение разумность этого шага в качестве временной меры.

    2) бросать вызов, вызывать; ист. вызывать на дуэль

    We are challenged to produce a precedent. — Нас поставили перед необходимостью создать прецедент.

    3) требовать (усилий, стараний), стать испытанием (чьих-л. способностей, возможностей)

    I'm really at my best when I'm challenged. — Когда ситуация требует от меня проявить способности, я оказываюсь по-настоящему на высоте.

    The job doesn't really challenge her. — На этой работе она не может как следует проявиться.

    4) воен. спрашивать (пароль, пропуск)

    On anyone approaching his post, he must challenge them by the words "Who comes there?" — При приближении кого-либо к его посту, он должен обратиться к ним со словами: "Кто идёт?"

    5) юр. давать отвод (присяжному, свидетелю, свидетельскому показанию)

    Counsel for the parties may challenge the array. — Представители сторон могут дать отвод всему составу коллегии присяжных.

    6) охот. подавать голос при взятии следа ( о собаке)
    7) мед. делать инъекцию
    8) уст. требовать (признания, внимания, уважения)

    I challenge no thanks for what I publish. — Я не прошу благодарности за то, что публикую.

    Horace challenges superiority above all the poets. — Гораций превосходит всех поэтов.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > challenge

  • 4 todo

    1 all, the whole of, all of.
    Toda la mañana All morning. Perdió todo su dinero=He lost all his money.
    2 every, each.
    Todo carro que.. All car that....
    3 entire.
    everything, absolutely everything, all, all the lot.
    whole, unity, entirety.
    * * *
    3 (cada) every
    4 (igual) like, exactly like, the image of
    1 (sin excluir nada) all, everything
    2 (cualquiera) anybody
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    así y todo in spite of everything
    a todo esto (por cierto) by the way 2 (mientras) in the meantime
    con todo in spite of everything
    de todas formas / después de todo anyway, after all
    del todo completely, entirely
    eso es todo that's all, that's it
    estar en todo to be really with it, know what's going on
    fue todo uno familiar it all happened at once
    hay de todo there are all sorts
    por todo,-a all over
    ser todo uno familiar to be all the same thing
    todo el mundo everybody
    todo lo contrario quite the opposite, quite the contrary
    todo lo más at the most
    todo quisque / todo Dios familiar every Tom, Dick and Harry
    todos y cada uno each and everyone
    1 (totalidad) whole
    2 (en charadas) all, whole
    1 completely, totally, all
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. (f. - toda)
    all, everything
    - todas 3. adv.
    wholly, entirely
    4. (f. - toda)
    1) every, each
    2) all, whole, entire
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [en singular] (=en su totalidad) all

    todo lo que usted necesiteeverything o whatever you need

    con todo lo listo que es, no es capaz de resolver esto — clever as he is o for all his intelligence, he can't solve this problem

    todo lo demásall the rest

    a o con toda prisa — in all haste, with all speed

    a toda velocidadat full speed

    a todo esto, la orquesta siguió tocando — meanwhile, the band kept on playing

    a todo esto, ¿os apetece ir al cine? — by the way, would you like to go to the cinema?

    a todo esto, no nos olvidemos de llamarla — while we're on the subject, we mustn't forget to phone her

    cuanto, mundo
    2) [en plural]
    a) [en un conjunto] all
    b) (=cada) every
    forma 2)
    3) [con valor enfático]

    es todo un hombre — he's every inch a man, he's a real man

    más 1., 2), d)
    4) (=del todo)
    2. PRON
    1) [en singular]

    lo han vendido todo — they've sold the lot, they've sold it all

    todo el que quiera... — everyone o anyone who wants to...

    todo a cien pound store, dollar store (EEUU), shop selling everyday items at low prices

    2) [en plural] (=cosas) all (of them); (=personas) everybody, everyone

    todos estaban de acuerdoeverybody o everyone agreed

    todos los que quieran venir — all those who want to come, anyone who wants to come

    3) [locuciones con preposición]

    ir a todo — to be prepared to do or die

    ante todo — first of all, in the first place

    con todo, con todo y — in spite of

    el coche, con todo y ser nuevo... — the car, in spite of being new..., despite the fact that the car was new...

    con todo (y con eso) — still, nevertheless

    con todo y con eso llegamos una hora tarde — we still arrived an hour late, nevertheless we arrived an hour late

    de todo, lo llamaron de todo — they called him every name under the sun

    nos pasó de todo — everything possible happened to us, you name it, it happened to us

    del todo — wholly, entirely

    después de todo — after all

    de todas todas —

    ¡te digo que sí de todas todas! — I tell you it jolly well is!

    botica 1), pesar 4., 3), sobre II, 9)

    como o en un todo — as a whole

    jugar 3. TODO ► Para traducir el adjetivo todo con el sentido de en su totalidad se usa all, seguido del sustantivo en singular y sin determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent all afternoon watching TV ► Con el mismo sentido anterior, también se puede traducir por whole o entire, este último es más enfático. En este caso, el indefinido tiene que ir acompañado de un sustantivo contable en singular y precedido por un determinante: Se pasó toda la tarde viendo la tele He spent the whole o the entire afternoon watching TV ► Todos se traduce por every cuando se hace hincapié en todos y cada uno de los individuos de un grupo de personas o cosas y también cuando se habla de acciones repetidas: Todos los niños deben llevar el uniforme del colegio Every child must wear school uniform Salimos a cenar todos los viernes We go out for dinner every Friday El sustantivo que sigue a every va en singular y nunca lleva determinante. El verbo va también en singular. ► Cuando todos se emplea para generalizar, se traduce por all. En este caso el sustantivo que sigue a all no lleva determinante: Todos los alemanes saben hablar inglés All Germans can speak English ► Todos también se traduce por all para referirse al conjunto de individuos de un grupo pero, a diferencia de every, sin dar importancia a los elementos. En este caso el sustantivo lleva determinante y va en plural, como el verbo: Todos los libros de la biblioteca eran antiguos All the books in the library were old
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.
    Ex. All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.
    Ex. The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex. The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex. The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex. The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex. The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex. The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex. Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex. The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex. Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex. The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex. It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    1) ( la totalidad de) all

    nos comimos todo el pan/todos los bombones — we ate all the bread/chocolates

    toda la mañana — all morning, the whole morning

    2) (cualquier, cada)

    todo artículo importado — all imported items, any imported item

    todos los días/los años — every day/year

    a todo esto — ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way


    el/un todo — the/a whole

    jugarse el todo por el todoto risk o gamble everything on one throw

    - da pronombre
    a) ( sin excluir nada) everything

    ¿eso es todo? — is that all?


    todos/todas — ( referido a - cosas) all; (- a personas) all, everybody

    vinieron todos — they all came, everybody came

    ¿están todos? — is everyone o everybody here?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    con todo (y eso) — (fam) ( aun así) all the same, even so

    con todo, sigo pensando que... — all the same o even so I still think that...

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything; venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things; hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything; del todo totally; no es del todo cierto it's not entirely o totally true; y todo: enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work; tuvo que venir la policía y todo (fam) the police had to come and everything (colloq); de todas, todas (fam): ¿es verdad? - de todas, todas is it true? - you bet it is! (colloq); ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile (colloq); me las pagará todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him for all of this; no tenerlas todas consigo — to be a little worried o uneasy

    3) (como adv)
    a) ( completamente) all

    está toda entusiasmada con el viajeshe's all o terribly excited about the trip

    * * *
    = all, complete, every, everything, whole affair, the, wholeness, the full monty, the whole lot, at large, the works!, the whole thing, the entire length of.

    Ex: All returned documents must be checked for the presence of a hold on the title.

    Ex: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.
    Ex: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex: The CLEAR key erases everything on the screen.
    Ex: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
    Ex: The part chosen should have a unity of its own, a wholeness that offers a complete experience without at the same time giving away everything.
    Ex: The article ' The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.
    Ex: Alternatively the printer might not have ordered enough paper for the whole book, either because he miscalculated or because he could not afford to buy the whole lot at once = Por otro lado, el impresor podría no haber encargado suficiente papel para imprimir el libro entero, bien porque lo calculó mal o porque no podía permitirse el lujo de comprarlo todo de una vez.
    Ex: The committee will be expected to produce an annual report to the members at large.
    Ex: Whole cities laid to waste, heroes falling in battle, death of gods, the works!.
    Ex: The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.
    Ex: It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.
    * ¡a por todas! = go for it!.
    * abandonar toda esperanza = give up + hope.
    * abarcarlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * absolutamente todo = anything and everything, the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * absolver a Alguien de todos los cargos = acquit + Nombre + on all counts.
    * acaparar toda la atención = steal + the limelight.
    * accesible por todos = widely accessible.
    * acceso para todos = access for all.
    * aceptado por todos = widely accepted.
    * a decir de todos = by all accounts.
    * afectar a todo el país = sweep + the country.
    * ahorros de toda la vida = life-time savings, life savings.
    * ahorros de toda una vida = life savings.
    * al alcance de todos = within everybody's reach, within everyone's reach, accessible to everyone, accessible to everybody.
    * al igual que con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * a lo largo de todo = the entire length of.
    * antes de todo = before anything else, first off.
    * ante todo = first and foremost, before anything else, more than anything else, first of all, above all, above all things.
    * a pesar de todo = all the same, in spite of everything, despite everything, despite it all, in spite of it all, all this said.
    * a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombre = for all + Posesivo + Nombre.
    * aprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong education.
    * a toda costa = absolutely, come what may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * a toda máquina = in the fast lane, fast lane, full steam ahead, at full tilt, full-tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda marcha = at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda mecha = at a rate of knots, full steam ahead, at full blast, at full throttle, at top speed, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a toda pasta = at a rate of knots.
    * a toda pastilla = in the fast lane, on the fast track, fast lane, full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at a rate of knots, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a toda prueba = unswerving.
    * a todas horas = at all hours, around the clock.
    * a todas luces = patently.
    * a todas partes = far and wide.
    * a toda velocidad = full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed.
    * a todo alrededor = all round.
    * a todo color = full-colour, in full colour.
    * a todo gas = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo lo largo de = the length of.
    * a todo meter = full steam ahead, at full stretch, at full speed, at full blast, at top speed.
    * a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force, in full gear.
    * a todos lados = far and wide.
    * a todos los efectos = to all intents and purposes, to all intents, for all practical purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a todos nosotros = us all.
    * a todos por igual = one size fits all.
    * a todo vapor = full steam ahead, full-tilt, at full tilt, full-throttle, at full throttle, at top speed, at full blast, at full speed, at full stretch.
    * a todo volumen = at full blast.
    * autoaprendizaje durante toda la vida = lifelong learning.
    * avanzar a toda máquina = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda mecha = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a toda pastilla = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo gas = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo meter = go + full steam ahead.
    * avanzar a todo vapor = go + full steam ahead.
    * bastante para todos = enough to go round.
    * bien de todos, el = common good, the.
    * buscar por todas partes = scour + Nombre + for.
    * buscar por todo el mundo = search + the world (over).
    * capaz de todo = capable of anything.
    * casi de todo = just about everything.
    * casi todo = everything but the kitchen sink, just about everything.
    * casi todos = almost any.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * celebrar por todo lo alto = make + a song and dance about.
    * comérselo todo = eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * como con todo en la vida = as with everything in life.
    * como un todo = as a whole.
    * comportarse como toda una señora = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * comportarse como todo un caballero = take + the high road, take + the high ground.
    * conjuntarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * conocido de todos = well-known.
    * conocido por todos = widely recognised, well-known.
    * conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.
    * contar todo sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * con toda claridad = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda confianza = feel + free to.
    * con toda desfachatez = shamelessly.
    * con toda franqueza = to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con toda honestidad = in all honesty.
    * con toda insolencia = shamelessly.
    * con toda la razón = quite rightly.
    * con toda la vestimenta = in full gear.
    * con toda nitidez = as clear as a bell.
    * con toda probabilidad = in all probability, probability.
    * con toda seguridad = safely.
    * con toda sinceridad = quite honestly, to put it frankly, in all sincerity, in all honesty.
    * con todas las de la ley = full-bodied, full-fledged, full-scale.
    * con todas las prestaciones = full-featured.
    * con todas sus prestaciones = fully featured.
    * con toda su fuerza = in full force.
    * con toda tranquilidad = casually.
    * con todo descaro = shamelessly.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * con todo incluido = with the works!.
    * con todo mi debido respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todo mi respeto hacia = with (all) due respect to.
    * con todos los extras = with the works!.
    * con todos los lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * con todos mis respetos hacia (la opinión de) = pace.
    * con todos sus defectos = warts and all.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * contra (todo) pronóstico = against (all/the) odds.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * controlarlo todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * coordinarlo todo = tie + the pieces together.
    * correr a toda velocidad = sprint.
    * cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
    * cubrir todo el espectro = run + the gamut.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence.
    * decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad = to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    * dedicar toda una vida = spend + lifetime.
    * dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo a = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * del todo = all the way.
    * demostrarlo todo = be proof enough.
    * dentro de todo = all in all.
    * desde todos los puntos de vista = in every sense.
    * desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundo = wish + Nombre + every success.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * después de todo = after all.
    * de toda la empresa = systemwide.
    * de toda la institución = institution-wide, systemwide.
    * de toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * de toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * de toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * de todas formas = anyway(s), at any rate, anyhow.
    * de todas las formas posibles = in any and all ways.
    * de todas las partes del mundo = from all over the world, from all over the globe, from every part of the world.
    * de todas maneras = at any rate.
    * de todas partes = from far and wide.
    * de todo = throughout.
    * de todo corazón = heart-to-heart, with all + Posesivo + heart.
    * de todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * de todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * de todo el mundo = world over, the, from (all) around the world, throughout the world, around the world, across the globe, around the globe, from (all) around the globe, all over the globe, from across the world, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * de todo el país = across the land, all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country.
    * de todo el planeta = across the planet.
    * de todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * de todo + Nombre = all through + Nombre.
    * de todos conocido = well-known.
    * de todos lados = from far and wide.
    * de todos los colores = of all stripes, a rainbow of.
    * de todos los tiempos = all-time, of all time(s).
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todos modos = at any rate.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de todo un poco = about this and that and everything else, about this and that.
    * de una vez por todas = once and for all, once for all.
    * Día de Todos los Santos = All Saints' Day.
    * dirigirse a toda prisa hacia = make + haste towards.
    * disfrutar de todas las ventajas = have + the best of both worlds.
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante toda la noche = all-night, all night long.
    * durante toda la vida = lifelong [life-long].
    * durante toda una vida = over a lifetime.
    * durante todo = all the way through, throughout.
    * durante todo el día = all day long.
    * durante todo el trimestre = semester-long.
    * durante todo el verano = all summer long.
    * durante todo + Tiempo = all through + Tiempo.
    * durar toda una vida = go on + for a lifetime, last + (for) a lifetime.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo a rodar = upset + the applecart.
    * echarlo todo por tierra = upset + the applecart.
    * echar toda la carne en el asador = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, shoot (for) + the moon, go for + broke.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el fin de todos los fines = the end of all ends.
    * el mejor de todos = the cream of the crop, crème de la crème.
    * el mejor momento de todos = the time of all times.
    * el peor de todos = the worst of the lot.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el sueño de todos = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * en igualdad de condiciones para todos los sexos = gender-equitable.
    * en toda la empresa = company-wide, systemwide.
    * en toda la institución = systemwide.
    * en toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * en toda ocasión = at every turn.
    * en todas partes = all around, far and wide.
    * en todo = throughout.
    * en todo caso = if anything.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * en todo el estado = statewide [state-wide].
    * en todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], world over, the, throughout the world, around the world, all around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over, in the whole world.
    * en todo el país = all around the country, all over the country, from all over the country, across the country.
    * en todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * en todo el proceso = throughout.
    * en todo el sistema = systemwide.
    * en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours, time after time.
    * en todos estos sentidos = in all these regards.
    * en todos lados = far and wide.
    * en todos los aspectos = all-round.
    * en todos los sentidos = in all respects, in every sense.
    * en todos menos en = in all but.
    * en todos y cada uno de = in all.
    * escolarización para todos = universal schooling.
    * eso es casi todo = that's about it.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * exento de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * extenderse por todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * facilitarle la vida a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * famoso en todo el mundo = world-famous [world famous], world-renowned, world-renown.
    * fuente de todos los males, la = root of all evil, the.
    * fuera de toda duda = incontrovertible, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * fuera de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * hacerlo todo excepto = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacerlo todo menos = stop at + nothing short of.
    * hacer (todo) el trabajo pesado = do (all) + the donkey work.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hacer todo lo que está en nuestras manos = pull out + all the stops.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda = do + Posesivo + best, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can.
    * hacer todo lo que Uno pueda (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer un todo de = lump + Nombre + into.
    * hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.
    * igualdad de condiciones para todos = levelling of the playing field.
    * igual para todos = one size fits all.
    * incluir a todo el mundo = inclusivity.
    * incluirlo todo = be all inclusive.
    * insuficiente para todos = insufficient to go round.
    * integrar formando un todo = articulate.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * jalárselo todo = scoff + the lot, eat + Posesivo + way through.
    * jugarse el todo por el todo = take + the plunge, risk + life and limb.
    * jugárselo todo = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * jugárselo todo a una sola carta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * justamente todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * justamente todo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * libre de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * llegar a todas partes = reach + far and wide, extend + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.
    * llevar al hospital con toda urgencia = rush + Nombre + to hospital.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo mejor de todo = best of all.
    * lo primero de todo = first of all, first off.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * más allá de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * más bien todo lo contrario = quite the contrary, quite the reverse.
    * más que todo lo demás = beyond all else.
    * más que todos nosotros juntos = more than all of us put together.
    * meter las manos en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * meterse en todos los fregados = have + a finger in every pie.
    * motocicleta todo terreno = dirt bike.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no del todo maduro, verde = underripe.
    * no ser oro todo lo que reluce = not + it's cracked up to be.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * No todo lo que reluce es oro = All that glitters is not gold, Not all that is gold glitters.
    * ocurrir todo a la vez = happen + all at once.
    * origen de todos males, el = root of all evil, the.
    * para sorpresa de todos = to everyone's surprise.
    * para toda la empresa = company-wide, enterprise-wide.
    * para toda la industria = industry-wide.
    * para toda la universidad = university-wide.
    * para toda la vida = lifelong [life-long], for life.
    * para todo el mercado = industry-wide.
    * para todos los efectos prácticos = for all practical purposes.
    * para todos por igual = across the board [across-the-board].
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * para todo uso = all-purpose.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * póliza de seguro a todo riesgo = all risks cover.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.
    * por encima de toda crítica = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda duda = beyond reproach, above reproach.
    * por encima de toda razón = beyond reason.
    * por encima de toda sospecha = above suspicion.
    * por encima de todo = at all costs, at any cost, at any price.
    * por lo que dicen todos = by all accounts.
    * por toda la ciudad = citywide [city-wide].
    * por toda la Internet = Internet-wide.
    * por toda la nación = nationwide [nation-wide].
    * por toda la provincia = province-wide.
    * por toda la vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todas las instituciones oficiales = government-wide.
    * por todas partes = all over the place, everywhere, widely, all around, far and wide.
    * por toda una vida = lifetime [life-time].
    * por todo = all over, throughout, all the way through.
    * por todo el campus universitario = campus-wide [campuswide].
    * por todo el continente = continent-wide.
    * por todo el distrito = district-wide [districtwide].
    * por todo el gobierno = government-wide.
    * por todo el mundo = worldwide [world-wide], around the world, across the globe, around the globe, across the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * por todo el planeta = across the planet, planet-wide.
    * por todo el servicio = service-wide.
    * por todo lo alto = grandly, on a grand scale.
    * por todo + Nombre de Lugar = across + Nombre de Lugar.
    * por todos conocido = well-known.
    * por todos lados = far and wide.
    * por todos los medios = by all means.
    * por todos sitios = everywhere.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * reconocido por todos = widely recognised.
    * relación parte = whole/part relationship.
    * replantearse todo desde cero = get back to + basics.
    * reservados todos los derechos = all rights reserved.
    * resistir con todas las fuerzas = resist + with every cell in + Posesivo + body.
    * respetado por todos = widely-respected.
    * revolucionarlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * revolverlo todo = turn + everything upside down.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * sacarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.
    * seguro a todo riesgo = comprehensive insurance, all-risk insurance.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser todo corazón = have + a heart of gold.
    * ser todo oídos = be all ears.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser todo ventajas = the best of both worlds.
    * ser todo vida = be all life.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado = all (other) things being equal.
    * sobre todas las cosas = above all things.
    * sobre todo = above all, above everything else, in particular, above all things.
    * tan amado de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan amado por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan querido por todos = so beloved of all.
    * tan queridos de todos = so beloved of all.
    * tenerlo todo = have + the best of both worlds.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * tener todas las posibilidades de = have + every possibility of.
    * tener todo + Nombre + a + Posesivo + disposición = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo + Nombre + para + Pronombre = have + the run of the + Nombre.
    * tener todo un éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.
    * tienda de todo a cien = dollar store.
    * tienda que vende de todo = general store.
    * titular a toda plana = headline banner.
    * toda alma viviente = every living soul.
    * toda clase de = all sorts of.
    * toda la comunidad = the community at large.
    * toda la fuerza = full force.
    * toda la fuerza de = the full force of.
    * toda la fuerza del impacto = full force.
    * toda la noche = all night long.
    * toda la sociedad = society at large.
    * toda la trupe = in full force.
    * toda la verdad sobre = the skinny on.
    * toda la vida = from the cradle to the grave, whole lifelong, whole life.
    * todas las florituras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todas las iniciales del nombre propio = full initials.
    * todas las partes implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * todas las razones del mundo = every reason.
    * todas las semanas = weekly.
    * toda una serie de = a whole series of.
    * toda una vida = a lifetime.
    * toda una vida de experiencia = a lifetime of experience.
    * toda una vida de trabajo = a lifetime of work.
    * todo a la vez = all at once.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * todo bicho viviente = every living soul, everyone and their mother, every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo confuso = in a state of disarray.
    * todo continúa como antes = life goes on as before.
    * todo cuesta algo = nothing comes without a cost.
    * todo de una vez = in one lump.
    * todo de (un) golpe = all at once.
    * todo dios = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todo el cotarro = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo el día = all day, all day long, around the clock.
    * todo el fin de semana = all weekend long.
    * todo el mundo = all and sundry, every Tom, Dick and Harry, everybody, each and everyone.
    * todo el mundo debe tener acceso a la información = access for all.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the, full force of the law, the.
    * todo el rato = all the while.
    * todo el santo día = all day long.
    * todo el tiempo = all of the time, left, right and centre, the whole time, all the while.
    * todo el tinglado = the whole works, the whole shebang, everything and the kitchen sink, the whole enchilada, the whole (kit and) caboodle, the whole nine yards, the whole shooting match, the whole banana, lock, stock and barrel.
    * todo en su conjunto = whole affair, the.
    * todo en uno = all in one.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * todo está a la vista = what you see is what you get.
    * todo esto = the whole thing.
    * todo excepto = everything except (for).
    * todo florido = in full blossom.
    * todo hijo de vecino = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo incluido = all-inclusive.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * todo liado = in a state of disarray.
    * todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse, in marked contrast.
    * todo lo demás = all else.
    * todo lo que toca se convierte en oro = Midas touch, the.
    * todo lo relativo al personaje novelesco Holmes = Holmesiana.
    * todo lujo de detalles = chapter and verse.
    * todo marcha bien = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo menos = everything except (for).
    * todo mindundi = every Tom, Dick and Harry.
    * todo + Nombre = the whole + Nombre.
    * todo queda en casa = all in the family.
    * todo quisque = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo quisqui = every Tom, Dick and Harry, everyone and their mother.
    * todo recto = straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos = everybody, everyone, them all, all comers, great and small, all concerned, anyone and everyone.
    * todos a cubierta = all hands on deck!.
    * todos a la faena = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todos al rescate = all hands on deck, all hands to the pump(s).
    * todo seguido = continuously, straight ahead, straight on.
    * todos ellos = them all.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * todos + estar de acuerdo = agree on + all hands.
    * todos excepto = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos excepto + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos lo demás = everyone else.
    * todos los accesorios extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los adornos extras = all the bells and whistles.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * todos los demás = everybody else.
    * todos los derechos reservados = all rights reserved.
    * todos los días = daily, on a daily basis, every day, day in and day out.
    * todos los miembros de la agencia = agency-wide.
    * todos los otros = all of the other.
    * todos manos a la obra = all hands to the pump(s), all hands on deck.
    * todos menos = everyone except, everybody except.
    * todos menos + Número = all but + Número.
    * todos nosotros = all of us.
    * todos por igual = share and share alike.
    * todos ustedes = you all.
    * todos vosotros = you all.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, in full force, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * todos y cada uno de + Adjetivo + Nombre = Pronombre + every + Nombre.
    * todo tiene sus ventajas y sus inconvenientes = swings and roundabouts, what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * todo va a las mil maravillas = everything is hunky-dory.
    * todo vale = no holds barred.
    * trabajo de toda una vida = life's work, lifework.
    * tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.
    * tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * Verbo + sobre todo = Verbo + the most.
    * vida a toda pastilla = life in the fast lane.
    * y lo peor de todo = and worst of all.
    * y sobre todo = and worst of all.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.
    * zampárselo todo = scoff + the lot.

    * * *
    (la totalidad de): invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class
    ha estado llorando toda or todita la mañana ( fam); he's been crying all morning o the whole morning
    no lo he visto en todo el día/toda la semana I haven't seen him all day/all week
    todo el secreto consiste en usar un buen caldo the secret of the whole thing is to use good stock
    dedicó toda su vida a la investigación he dedicated his entire o whole life to research
    se recorrió todo México she traveled all over Mexico
    España toda lo acompaña the whole of Spain is with him
    deja las cosas tiradas por todos lados he leaves things lying about everywhere o all over the place
    empujó con todas sus fuerzas she pushed with all her might
    todas y cada una de las necesidades de su empresa each and every one of o all of your company's needs
    me gustan todos los deportes I like all sports
    todos ustedes lo sabían all of you knew, you all knew
    (uso enfático): a toda velocidad at top speed
    a todo correr as fast as possible
    le dieron todo tipo or toda clase de facilidades they gave him every facility
    está fuera de toda duda it's beyond all doubt
    a todo esto (mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime; (a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    a todo esto, a Juan se lo habían llevado al hospital while all this was happening o meanwhile o in the meantime they had taken Juan to (the) hospital
    3 todo lo + ADJ/ADV:
    puedes hacerlo todo lo largo que quieras you can make it as long as you like
    (cualquier, cada): toda persona detenida debe ser informada de sus derechos all detainees must be informed of their rights, anyone who is detained must be informed of his or her rights
    todo artículo importado all imported items, any imported item
    todo tipo de información all kinds of information
    todo aquél que se sienta capaz anyone who feels capable
    todos los días/los jueves/los años every day/Thursday/year
    todos los primeros viernes de mes the first Friday of every month
    el/un todo the/a whole
    dos mitades forman un todo two halves make a whole
    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 ( en sing) everything
    lo han perdido todo they've lost everything
    a pesar de todo la sigo queriendo despite everything I still love her
    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like
    te puedes quedar todo lo que quieras you can stay as long as you like
    no fue todo lo interesante que pensábamos que iba a ser it wasn't as interesting as we thought it would be
    ¿eso es todo? is that all?
    se cree que lo sabe todo he thinks he knows it all
    con él siempre es o todo o nada with him it's always (a case of) all or nothing
    2 todos/todas (referidoa cosas) all; (— a personas) all, everybody
    se rompieron todos they all broke
    los compró todos she bought all of them
    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came
    son todos compañeros de clase they're all classmates
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?
    B ( en locs):
    con todo y con eso or con todo ( fam) (aun así) all the same, even so; (bien mirado) all in all
    con todo, sigo pensando que … all the same o even so I still think that …
    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything
    del todo totally
    está loca del todo she's completely o totally mad
    fue del todo imposible it was absolutely o totally impossible
    eso no es del todo cierto that's not entirely o totally true
    y todo: estropeado y todo, éste es mucho más valioso damaged though it is, this one is still much more valuable
    enfermo y todo, vino a trabajar sick as he was, he still came to work
    tuvo que venir la policía y todo ( fam); the police had to come and everything ( colloq)
    de todas, todas ( fam): ¿es verdad? — de todas, todas is it true? — you bet it is! ( colloq)
    ganó de todas, todas he won by a mile ( colloq)
    me las pagará/pagarás todas juntas one of these days I'll get even with him/you for all of this
    no tenerlas todas consigo to be a little worried o uneasy
    ser todo uno: verla entrar y ponerse a llorar fue todo uno he saw her come in and immediately o promptly burst into tears
    está todo mojado it's all wet
    iba toda vestida de negro she was dressed all in black
    tiene la cara toda marcada her face is badly scarred
    está toda entusiasmada con la idea del viaje she's all o terribly excited about the trip
    todo alrededor del puño all o right around the cuff
    ya es toda una señorita she's a real young lady now, she's quite a young lady now
    aquello fue todo un espectáculo that was quite a show!, that was some show!
    (indicando cualidad predominante): el pescado era todo espinas the fish was full of bones
    cuéntame, soy toda oídos tell me, I'm all ears
    por toda respuesta lanzó un bufido/me guiñó el ojo his only reply was to snort/wink at me
    * * *


    todo 1
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    1 ( la totalidad de) all;

    toda la mañana all morning, the whole morning;
    invitó a toda la clase she invited the whole class;
    por todos lados all over the place;
    todos ustedes lo sabían you all knew;
    See Also→ mundo 1
    2 (cualquier, cada):

    todo aquel que quiera anyone who wishes to;
    todos los días every day
    3 ( uso enfático):

    con toda inocencia in all innocence;
    le dieron todo tipo de facilidades they gave him all kind of facilities;
    a todo esto ( mientras tanto) meanwhile, in the meantime;

    ( a propósito) incidentally, by the way
    ■ pronombre

    todo le parece poco he's never satisfied;
    come todo lo que quieras eat as much as you like;
    todo o nada all or nothing

    todos/todas ( referido acosas) all;

    (— a personas) all, everybody;

    vinieron todos they all came, everybody came;
    buena suerte a todos good luck to everybody;
    es el más alto de todos he's the tallest of the lot o of them all;
    ¿están todos? is everyone o everybody here?;
    todos y cada uno each and every one
    2 ( en locs)

    de todo: come de todo she'll eat anything;
    venden de todo they sell everything o all sorts of things;
    hace de todo un poco he does a bit of everything;
    del todo totally
    3 ( como adv)

    todo 2 sustantivo masculino:
    el/un todo the/a whole;

    jugarse el todo por el todo to risk o gamble everything on one throw
    1 adjetivo
    1 (la totalidad: singular) all, whole: recorrió toda España, she travelled all over Spain
    toda la semana, the whole week o all week
    toda tu vida, your entire life o all your life
    2 (: plural) all: todos sus hermanos, all his brothers
    todos lo sabíamos, we all knew
    se comió todas las fresas, she ate all the strawberries
    3 (todo el mundo) todos están riendo, everybody is laughing
    4 (cada, cualquier) every: viene todos los meses, he comes every month
    todo el que desee..., anyone who wishes to...
    5 fam (intensificador) through and through: es toda una atleta, she is every inch an athlete
    II pron
    1 (sin excepciones, sin exclusiones) everything: lo compró todo, he bought it all
    lo perdió todo, he lost everything
    lo sabe todo, she knows everything
    todo son problemas, there's nothing but trouble
    eso es todo, that's all
    (todo el mundo) todos piensan que eres muy lista, everybody thinks you're very clever
    nos invitó a todos, he invited all of us
    todos y cada uno, each and every one
    III adv (por completo, totalmente) estaba todo convencido, he was entirely convinced
    estás todo mojado, you are all wet
    está todo nervioso, he's terribly o all excited
    IV sustantivo masculino todo (total, suma) whole
    en todo o en parte, in whole or in part
    All y whole tienen significados parecidos, pero se usan en estructuras diferentes. All se coloca delante de un artículo, pronombre posesivo o demostrativo, mientras que whole se coloca después: all the world, pero the whole world; all your family, pero your whole family; all this time, pero this whole time. Recuerda que no puedes usar whole sin artículo o pronombre correspondiente ni con sustantivos que indican masa (incontables). Por tanto, la traducción de todo el vino es all the wine y no the whole wine.
    El plural todos o todo el mundo se traduce por everybody o everyone. Aunque el verbo acompañante aparezca en singular, cualquier pronombre que emplees debe estar en plural: Todos deben traer sus propios bolígrafos. Everybody has to bring their (own) pens.

    ' todo' also found in these entries:
    - acabar
    - alta
    - alto
    - amén
    - anochecer
    - ante
    - arramblar
    - arriba
    - bendita
    - bendito
    - bicho
    - bocado
    - borraja
    - borrosa
    - borroso
    - bregar
    - caballero
    - cachaza
    - camino
    - carente
    - caso
    - cháchara
    - color
    - comandita
    - comerse
    - con
    - conforme
    - contrapelo
    - contraria
    - contrario
    - control
    - corazón
    - Cristo
    - cuanta
    - cuanto
    - danza
    - decir
    - delante
    - derecha
    - derecho
    - descaminada
    - descaminado
    - despojar
    - después
    - dios
    - disponer
    - empeño
    - encerrarse
    - encima
    - above-board
    - abrupt
    - ache
    - aching
    - act up
    - add up
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - aid
    - all
    - all-in
    - altogether
    - always
    - amok
    - anyhow
    - anything
    - appearance
    - as
    - backdrop
    - ball
    - be-all and end-all
    - behind
    - bend
    - best
    - blare out I
    - blast
    - blast out
    - blow
    - blunder
    - boat
    - boil down
    - bottom
    - breast
    - but
    - by
    - call
    - careless
    - character
    - checklist
    - cheese off
    - chiefly
    - clause
    - clean
    - clear up
    - colour
    - come out
    - come to
    - common
    - comprehensive
    * * *
    todo, -a
    1. [el conjunto o total de] all;
    todo el día all day;
    todo el libro the whole book, all (of) the book;
    todo el vino all (of) the wine;
    todas las manzanas all the apples;
    todos los americanos all Americans;
    toda esta planta está dedicada al impresionismo all (of) o the whole of this floor is devoted to impressionism;
    todo un día está dedicado a visitar la ciudad a whole day is devoted to visiting the city;
    todos ellos se marcharon they all left;
    toda su ilusión es conocer Europa her greatest wish is to visit Europe;
    por todas partes everywhere;
    todo el mundo, Méx [m5] todo mundo everybody;
    en todo momento at all times;
    ilustraciones a todo color full-colour illustrations;
    un seguro a todo riesgo a comprehensive insurance policy;
    subimos la calle a toda velocidad we went up the street as fast as we could o at top speed;
    todo Buenos Aires habla de ello the whole of o all of Buenos Aires is talking about it
    2. [cada, cualquier] every;
    todos los días/lunes every day/Monday;
    como todo mexicano sabe… as every Mexican knows…, as all Mexicans know…;
    todo edificio de más de veinte años pasará una revisión all buildings that are more than twenty years old will be inspected;
    todo aquel que o [m5] todo el que viole las normas anybody o anyone who breaks the rules;
    todos aquellos que o [m5] todos los que están en huelga all those (who are) on strike
    3. [para enfatizar]
    es todo un hombre he's every inch a man;
    ya es toda una mujer she's a grown woman now;
    fue todo un éxito it was a great success;
    se produjo todo un cúmulo de casualidades there was a whole series of coincidences
    4. [del todo]
    el jardín estaba todo descuidado the garden was completely o all neglected;
    se puso toda enojada she got all annoyed
    1. [singular] everything;
    lo vendió todo he sold everything, he sold it all;
    todo está listo everything is ready, it's all ready;
    todo es poco tratándose de sus hijos nothing is too much when it comes to her children;
    se enoja por todo he gets angry at the slightest thing;
    eso es todo that's all
    Esp todo a cien [tienda] Br ≈ pound shop, US ≈ nickel-and-dime store
    todos [todas las personas] everybody, everyone;
    [todas las cosas] all of them;
    todos vinieron everybody o everyone came, they all came;
    quiero agradecer a todos su cooperación I would like to thank you all o everybody o everyone for your cooperation;
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everybody o everyone here?;
    todos están rotos they're all broken, all of them are broken;
    me los ha dado todos she's given me all of them, she's given me them all
    3. [otras frases]
    ante todo [sobre todo] above all;
    [en primer lugar] first of all;
    con todo (y con eso) all the same;
    de todo everything (you can think of);
    tenemos de todo we have everything;
    puede pasar de todo anything could happen;
    después de todo after all;
    del todo completely;
    no estoy del todo contento I'm not entirely happy;
    no lo hace mal del todo she doesn't do it at all badly;
    está en todo he thinks of everything;
    pese a todo, a pesar de todo in spite of o despite everything;
    todo lo más at (the) most;
    y todo: me invitó a cenar y todo she even asked me to dinner;
    se presentó en la fiesta con muletas y todo he turned up at the party, crutches and all;
    de todas todas without a shadow of a doubt;
    fue todo uno: subirse al barco y marearse fue todo uno no sooner had he got on the boat than he felt sick
    jugarse el todo por el todo to stake everything
    el camarero era todo amabilidad the waiter was all friendliness, the waiter was extremely friendly;
    esa chica es todo huesos that girl is all skin and bones;
    soy todo oídos I'm all ears
    a todo esto loc adv
    [mientras tanto] meanwhile; [a propósito] by the way
    * * *
    I adj all;
    todos los domingos every Sunday;
    toda la clase the whole o the entire class
    II adv all;
    estaba todo sucio it was all dirty;
    con todo all the same;
    del todo entirely, absolutely
    III pron all, everything; pl everybody, everyone;
    estaban todos everybody was there;
    esto es todo cuanto sé that’s all I know
    o todo o nada all or nothing;
    de todas todas fam without a shadow of a doubt;
    ir a por todas go all out;
    estar en todo be on top of things
    * * *
    todo, -da adj
    1) : all, whole, entire
    con toda sinceridad: with all sincerity
    toda la comunidad: the whole community
    2) : every, each
    a todo nivel: at every level
    3) : maximum
    a toda velocidad: at top speed
    todo el mundo : everyone, everybody
    todo nm
    : whole
    todo, -da pron
    1) : everything, all, every bit
    lo sabe todo: he knows it all
    es todo un soldado: he's every inch a soldier
    2) todos, -das pl
    : everybody, everyone, all
    * * *
    todo1 adj
    2. (cada) every
    todo el mundo everyone / everybody
    todo2 adv all
    todo3 pron
    2. (todas las cosas) everything
    3. (toda la gente) everyone / everybody

    Spanish-English dictionary > todo

  • 5 desaforado

    1 excessive, desperate, out of control.
    2 lawless.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: desaforar.
    * * *
    1 (exagerado) huge, enormous, terrible
    2 (escandaloso) outrageous
    * * *
    ADJ [comportamiento] outrageous; [persona] lawless, disorderly; [grito] ear-splitting

    es un desaforado — he's a violent sort, he's dangerously excitable

    * * *
    - da adjetivo < ambición> unbridled, boundless; < grito> terrible
    - da masculino, femenino

    como un desaforado< correr> hell for leather; < gritar> at the top of one's voice

    * * *
    = raging, intemperate, riotous, outrageous, excessive, desperate, out-of-control, wild [wilder -comp., wildest -sup.], ardent.
    Ex. This problem is unlikely to be solved during a period of raging inflation and cutbacks in education spending = Es poco probable que este problema se resuelva durante un período de inflación disparada y recortes en los gastos en la educación.
    Ex. From hermeneutics to the most intemperate positivism, the real challenge is that of conceiving a general methodology.
    Ex. I'd like to see the full force of the law brought down on these people who are involved in this riotous behaviour.
    Ex. There must be few other ways of leaving oneself so vulnerable to the slings and arrows of outrageous (or outraged) critics.
    Ex. Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex. Compassion shadowed the trustee's face -- she could see he was desperate -- and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'All right, I'll go over this afternoon'.
    Ex. This article discusses the out-of-control situation of federal paperwork and the consequent burdens it places on the US public and business sector.
    Ex. The letter sent Tomas Hernandez into a frenzy of conflicting reactions: ecstatic jubilation and ego-tripping, wild speculation and outrageous fantasy, compounded by confusion and indirection.
    Ex. Significantly, however, Panizzi's rules did not prove as viable as did his ideology, and they were promptly and materially changed and recast by his most ardent admirers and followers.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo < ambición> unbridled, boundless; < grito> terrible
    - da masculino, femenino

    como un desaforado< correr> hell for leather; < gritar> at the top of one's voice

    * * *
    = raging, intemperate, riotous, outrageous, excessive, desperate, out-of-control, wild [wilder -comp., wildest -sup.], ardent.

    Ex: This problem is unlikely to be solved during a period of raging inflation and cutbacks in education spending = Es poco probable que este problema se resuelva durante un período de inflación disparada y recortes en los gastos en la educación.

    Ex: From hermeneutics to the most intemperate positivism, the real challenge is that of conceiving a general methodology.
    Ex: I'd like to see the full force of the law brought down on these people who are involved in this riotous behaviour.
    Ex: There must be few other ways of leaving oneself so vulnerable to the slings and arrows of outrageous (or outraged) critics.
    Ex: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex: Compassion shadowed the trustee's face -- she could see he was desperate -- and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'All right, I'll go over this afternoon'.
    Ex: This article discusses the out-of-control situation of federal paperwork and the consequent burdens it places on the US public and business sector.
    Ex: The letter sent Tomas Hernandez into a frenzy of conflicting reactions: ecstatic jubilation and ego-tripping, wild speculation and outrageous fantasy, compounded by confusion and indirection.
    Ex: Significantly, however, Panizzi's rules did not prove as viable as did his ideology, and they were promptly and materially changed and recast by his most ardent admirers and followers.

    * * *
    1 ‹fiesta› riotous, wild; ‹ambición› unbridled, boundless; ‹grito› terrible
    2 ‹partidario/nacionalista› ardent, fervent
    masculine, feminine
    se puso a comer como un desaforado he started eating as if he hadn't eaten in a week
    corrieron como desaforados they ran hell for leather o like crazy ( colloq)
    gritaba como un desaforado he was shouting at the top of his voice o like a madman, he was shouting his head off ( colloq)
    * * *

    Del verbo desaforar: ( conjugate desaforar)

    desaforado es:

    el participio

    ◊ -da sustantivo masculino, femenino: como un desaforado ‹ correr hell for leather;

    gritar at the top of one's voice
    ' desaforado' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    desaforado, -a
    [gritos, baile, carrera] wild; [ambición, codicia, deseo] unbridled, wild; [celebración, fiesta] wild; [comilona, borrachera] enormous, gargantuan
    los hinchas gritaban como desaforados the fans screamed wildly;
    bailaba/comía como un desaforado he danced/ate like a man possessed
    * * *
    1 ambición boundless
    2 grito ear-splitting

    Spanish-English dictionary > desaforado

  • 6 certero

    accurate, sure, definite, positive.
    * * *
    1 (disparo) accurate, good
    2 (seguro) certain, sure
    * * *
    1) (=correcto) [respuesta] accurate; [decisión] correct, right; [acto] sure
    2) [tiro] well-aimed
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    a) < tiro> accurate; < golpe> well-aimed
    b) < juicio> sound; < respuesta> good
    * * *
    = indubitable, unerring.
    Ex. The project was directed toward the testing of various strategies for collecting and archiving of Internet material in a narrowly defined area of indubitable broad general interest.
    Ex. The real challenge lies in the library profession's unerring commitment to the canon as the keystone of library and information service.
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    a) < tiro> accurate; < golpe> well-aimed
    b) < juicio> sound; < respuesta> good
    * * *
    = indubitable, unerring.

    Ex: The project was directed toward the testing of various strategies for collecting and archiving of Internet material in a narrowly defined area of indubitable broad general interest.

    Ex: The real challenge lies in the library profession's unerring commitment to the canon as the keystone of library and information service.

    * * *
    certero -ra
    1 ‹tiro› accurate; ‹golpe› well-aimed
    es un tirador certero he's a crack shot
    2 ‹juicio› sound; ‹respuesta› good
    * * *

    ◊ -ra adjetivo

    a) tiro accurate;

    golpe well-aimed
    b) juicio sound;

    respuesta good
    certero,-a adj (en la puntería) accurate
    (en la opinión) sound
    ' certero' also found in these entries:
    - deadly
    - sharpshooter
    - accuracy
    - sure
    * * *
    certero, -a adj
    1. [tiro] accurate
    2. [comentario, respuesta] appropriate
    * * *
    adj accurate
    * * *
    certero, -ra adj
    : accurate, precise
    certeramente adv

    Spanish-English dictionary > certero

  • 7 infalible

    * * *
    1 infallible
    * * *
    1) [persona] infallible
    2) [aparato, plan] foolproof
    3) [puntería] unerring
    4) (=inevitable) certain, sure
    * * *
    adjetivo <persona/método> infallible; < puntería> unerring
    * * *
    = sure-fire [surefire], foolproof, infallible, watertight, unerring, fail-safe.
    Ex. For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.
    Ex. Theoretically, encryption is foolproof but as security threats increase, smart card encryption will be necessary to help companies improve security systems.
    Ex. Consultation of contemporary documents are more reliable, if not infallible.
    Ex. Before multimedia producers can protect their rights against users and reap the benefits of their investment, they must ensure that their own licensing position is watertight because they cannot sue to protect rights they do not have.
    Ex. The real challenge lies in the library profession's unerring commitment to the canon as the keystone of library and information service.
    Ex. The technical safeguards available are not fail-safe.
    * * *
    adjetivo <persona/método> infallible; < puntería> unerring
    * * *
    = sure-fire [surefire], foolproof, infallible, watertight, unerring, fail-safe.

    Ex: For example, asking where someone was born is not a sure-fire way of finding out what their accent is and may lead to erroneous assumptions.

    Ex: Theoretically, encryption is foolproof but as security threats increase, smart card encryption will be necessary to help companies improve security systems.
    Ex: Consultation of contemporary documents are more reliable, if not infallible.
    Ex: Before multimedia producers can protect their rights against users and reap the benefits of their investment, they must ensure that their own licensing position is watertight because they cannot sue to protect rights they do not have.
    Ex: The real challenge lies in the library profession's unerring commitment to the canon as the keystone of library and information service.
    Ex: The technical safeguards available are not fail-safe.

    * * *
    ‹persona/método› infallible; ‹puntería› unerring
    tiene un instinto infalible her instincts are infallible o unerring o never wrong
    * * *

    infalible adjetivo ‹persona/método infallible;
    puntería unerring
    infalible adjetivo infallible
    ' infalible' also found in these entries:
    - infallible
    - fool
    - sure
    * * *
    1. [método, persona] infallible;
    [puntería] unerring
    2. [inevitable] inevitable;
    es infalible, siempre que la invito está ocupada it's the same every time without fail, whenever I invite her over she's busy
    * * *
    adj infallible
    * * *
    : infallible

    Spanish-English dictionary > infalible

  • 8 test

    1) (examination) (Sch.) Klassenarbeit, die; (Univ.) Klausur, die; (short examination) Test, der

    put somebody/something to the test — jemanden/etwas erproben

    2) (critical inspection, analysis) Test, der
    3) (basis for evaluation) Prüfstein, der
    4) (Cricket) Testmatch, das
    2. transitive verb
    1) (examine, analyse) untersuchen [Wasser, Gehör, Augen]; testen [Gehör, Augen, Produkt]; prüfen [Schüler]; überprüfen [Hypothese, Aussage, Leitungen]
    2) (try severely) auf die Probe stellen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/92598/test_out">test out
    * * *
    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) die Prüfung
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) die Probe
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) der Test
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) die Untersuchung
    5) (a test match.) der Vergleichskampf
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) prüfen
    - test match
    - test pilot
    - test-tube
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (of knowledge, skill) Prüfung f, Test m; SCH Klassenarbeit f; UNIV Klausur f
    aptitude \test Eignungstest m
    driving \test Fahrprüfung f
    IQ \test Intelligenztest m
    oral/practical/written \test mündliche/praktische/schriftliche Prüfung
    to fail a \test eine Prüfung nicht bestehen
    to give sb a \test jdn prüfen
    I'll give the kids a vocabulary \test today ich lasse die Kinder heute einen Vokabeltest schreiben
    to pass a \test eine Prüfung bestehen
    to take a \test einen Test [o eine Prüfung] machen
    2. MED, SCI (examination) Untersuchung f, Test m
    I'm going to have an eye \test tomorrow ich lasse mir morgen die Augen untersuchen
    blood \test Blutuntersuchung f
    pregnancy \test Schwangerschaftstest m
    urine \test Urinprobe f
    to do [or perform] [or carry out] a \test eine Untersuchung durchführen
    to have a \test sich akk untersuchen lassen, sich akk einer Untersuchung unterziehen geh
    3. (of metallurgy) Versuchstiegel m, Kapelle f
    4. (of efficiency) Test m
    safety \test Sicherheitsprüfung f, Sicherheitstest m
    to undergo a \test sich akk einem Test unterziehen
    5. (challenge) Herausforderung f, Prüfung f fig
    to be a real \test of sth eine echte Herausforderung für etw akk sein, etw auf eine harte Probe stellen
    that was a real \test of his endurance das war für ihn eine wirkliche Belastungsprobe
    to put sth to the \test etw auf die Probe stellen
    T\test [match] Testmatch nt
    the acid \test die Feuerprobe
    to stand the \test of time die Zeit überdauern
    II. vt
    1. (for knowledge, skill)
    to \test sb jdn prüfen [o testen]
    I expect they will want to \test my shorthand and typing ich denke, man wird mich in Steno und Schreibmaschine prüfen
    2. (try to discover)
    to \test sth etw untersuchen [o geh erkunden]
    we should \test the parents' reaction before we go ahead with the changes wir sollten erst einmal die Reaktion der Eltern abwarten, bevor wir weitere Änderungen vornehmen
    3. (check performance)
    to \test sth etw testen [o überprüfen
    4. (for medical purposes)
    to \test sth etw untersuchen
    I was \tested for HIV before I gave blood vor dem Blutspenden wurde ich auf Aids untersucht
    to \test sb's blood eine Blutuntersuchung durchführen
    to \test sb's eyes jds Augen untersuchen
    to \test sb's hearing jds Hörvermögen testen
    5. SCH
    to \test sth etw abfragen [o prüfen]
    to \test sb jdn prüfen
    to \test sb's IQ [or intelligence] jds IQ testen
    to \test sth SCI etw testen [o untersuchen]
    how can we \test the presence of oxygen in this sample? wie können wir den Sauerstoffgehalt in dieser Probe ermitteln?
    they \tested the strength of the acid samples sie analysierten die Konzentration der Säureproben
    6. (try to prove)
    to \test sth etw überprüfen
    to \test a theory eine Theorie zu beweisen versuchen
    to \test sth (by touching) etw prüfen; (by tasting) etw probieren [o geh kosten]
    she \tested the water by dipping her toes into the pool sie testete mit ihren Zehen die Wassertemperatur im Becken
    8. (try to the limit)
    to \test sb/sth jdn/etw auf die Probe stellen
    to \test the patience of a saint [or of Job] eine harte Geduldsprobe sein
    those kids' behaviour would \test the patience of Job bei diesen Kindern muss man wirklich eine Engelsgeduld haben
    to \test the water(s) die Stimmung testen
    III. vi MED einen Test machen
    she \tested positive for HIV ihr Aidstest ist positiv ausgefallen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (SCH) Klassenarbeit f; (UNIV) Klausur f; (short) Kurzarbeit f, Test m; (= intelligence test, psychological test etc) Test m; (= driving test) (Fahr)prüfung f

    he gave them a vocabulary tester ließ eine Vokabel- or Wörterarbeit schreiben; (orally) er hat sie Vokabeln abgefragt

    to put sb/sth to the test — jdn/etw auf die Probe stellen

    that was a real test of character/his endurance — das war eine wirkliche Charakterprüfung/Belastungsprobe für ihn

    2) (on vehicle, product, weapon etc) Test m; (= check) Kontrolle f
    3) (= chemical test) Test m, Untersuchung f

    to do a test for sugar — einen Zuckertest machen, eine Untersuchung auf Zucker machen

    = test match
    2. adj attr
    3. vt
    1) (= examine, check) testen, prüfen; (SCH) pupil prüfen; (orally) abfragen; person, intelligence testen; (fig) auf die Probe stellen

    the teacher tested them on that chapter —

    to test sb/sth for accuracy — jdn/etw auf Genauigkeit prüfen

    I just wanted to test your reactionich wollte nur mal sehen, wie du reagierst

    have you been tested? (for AIDS etc)hast du dich testen lasen?, hast du einen Test gemacht?

    2) (chemically) gold prüfen; water, contents of stomach etc untersuchen
    4. vi
    Tests/einen Test machen; (chemically also) untersuchen (for auf +acc)

    testing, testing one, two, three! —

    we are testing for a gas leak/loose connection — wir überprüfen die Leitung auf eine undichte Stelle, wir überprüfen, ob irgendwo Gas austritt/ein Anschluss locker ist

    * * *
    test1 [test]
    A s
    1. allg, auch TECH Probe f, Versuch m, Test m
    2. a) Prüfung f, Untersuchung f, Stichprobe f
    b) fig Probe f, Prüfung f:
    a severe test eine strenge Prüfung, fig eine harte Probe;
    put to the test auf die Probe stellen;
    put to the test of experience praktisch erproben;
    stand the test die Probe bestehen, ( auch stand the test of time) sich bewähren;
    test of nerves Nervenprobe;
    test of strength Kraftprobe; crucial 1
    3. Prüfstein m, Prüfungsmaßstab m, Kriterium n:
    4. SCHULE, PSYCH Test m, (Eignungs-, Leistungs) Prüfung f
    5. MED (Blut- etc) Probe f, Test m
    6. CHEM
    a) Analyse f
    b) Reagens n
    c) Nachweis m, Prüfbefund m
    7. METALL
    a) Versuchstiegel m, Kapelle f
    b) Treibherd m
    8. Probebohrung f (nach Öl)
    9. test match
    10. Br HIST Testeid m:
    Test Act Testakte f (Gesetz von 1673);
    take the test den Testeid leisten
    B v/t
    1. ( for sth auf etwas [hin]) prüfen ( auch SCHULE) oder untersuchen, erproben, einer Prüfung unterziehen, testen ( alle auch TECH):
    test out ausprobieren;
    test sth with ( oder on) etwas testen an (dat)
    2. a) einen Torhüter testen, auf die Probe stellen, jemandes Geduld etc auch auf eine harte Probe stellen:
    don’t test my patience! meine Geduld ist gleich zu Ende!
    b) Reifen etc beanspruchen
    3. SCHULE, PSYCH etc jemanden testen
    4. CHEM analysieren
    5. ELEK eine Leitung prüfen, abfragen
    6. MATH die Probe machen auf (akk)
    7. MIL etc ein Gewehr etc auch anschießen
    C adj Probe…, Versuchs…, Prüf(ungs)…, Test…:
    test circuit ELEK Messkreis m;
    test drive AUTO Probefahrt f;
    test flight FLUG Probe-, Testflug m;
    test run TECH Probelauf m (einer Maschine etc);
    test track AUTO Teststrecke f
    test2 [test] s
    1. ZOOL harte Schale (von Mollusken etc)
    2. testa
    double-blind experiment ( double-blind experiment oder test) s PHARM, PSYCH Doppelblindversuch m
    * * *
    1) (examination) (Sch.) Klassenarbeit, die; (Univ.) Klausur, die; (short examination) Test, der

    put somebody/something to the test — jemanden/etwas erproben

    2) (critical inspection, analysis) Test, der
    3) (basis for evaluation) Prüfstein, der
    4) (Cricket) Testmatch, das
    2. transitive verb
    1) (examine, analyse) untersuchen [Wasser, Gehör, Augen]; testen [Gehör, Augen, Produkt]; prüfen [Schüler]; überprüfen [Hypothese, Aussage, Leitungen]
    2) (try severely) auf die Probe stellen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Probe -n f.
    Prüfung -en f.
    Test -s m.
    Untersuchung f. v.
    prüfen v.

    English-german dictionary > test

  • 9 justo

    1 just, fair, fair-minded, impartial.
    2 fair, equitable, just.
    3 tight, fitting.
    4 exact, proper, correct, due.
    1 just, exactly.
    2 justly, rightly.
    3 tightly, closely.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: justar.
    * * *
    1 (persona, decisión) just, fair; (sentencia) just
    2 (ropa) tight
    3 (exacto) exact
    4 (escaso) just enough
    5 (preciso) exact, precise
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 just person, fair person
    1 RELIGIÓN the just
    ir justo,-a de dinero to be short of money
    ir justo,-a de tiempo to be pressed for time
    justo en ese momento just at that moment
    no es justo it isn't fair
    * * *
    1. (f. - justa)
    1) fair
    2) just
    2. adv.
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=con justicia) [castigo, sentencia, solución, decisión, sociedad] fair, just; [juicio, premio, árbitro, juez] fair; [causa] just

    pero seamos justos... — but let's be fair...

    un reparto más justo de la riquezaa more equitable o just distribution of wealth

    2) (=exacto) [precio, medidas] exact
    3) (=preciso)
    4) (=escaso)

    justo de: vamos un poco justos de tiempo — we're a bit pushed for time

    el equipo ha llegado a estas alturas de la competición muy justo de fuerzas — the team have struggled to get this far in the competition

    5) (=apretado) [ropa] tight

    el traje me queda o me viene o me está muy justo — the suit is very tight for o on me

    entramos todos en el coche, pero muy justos — we all got into the car, but it was a real squeeze

    2. ADV
    1) (=exactamente) [gen] just; [con cantidades] exactly

    eso es justo lo que iba a decirthat's just o exactly what I was going to say

    llegó justo cuando yo salíashe arrived just o exactly as I was leaving

    ¡justo! — that's it!, right!, exactly!

    2) (=escasamente)

    vivir muy justo — to just manage to make ends meet, have only just enough to live on


    los justos — (Rel) the just

    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    1) <persona/castigo/sociedad> just, fair; < causa> just
    a) ( exacto) <medida/peso/cantidad> exact

    son 5.000 pesetas justos — that's 5,000 pesetas exactly

    tener el dinero justo or tener lo justo para vivir — to have just enough to live on

    c) ( ajustado)
    a) ( exactamente) just

    es justo lo que queríait's just o exactly what I wanted

    vive justo al ladohe lives just o right next door

    y justo hoy que pensaba salir — and today of all days, when I was planning to go out

    b) ( ajustado)

    me cupo todo, pero muy justo — I managed to get everything in, but only just

    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    1) <persona/castigo/sociedad> just, fair; < causa> just
    a) ( exacto) <medida/peso/cantidad> exact

    son 5.000 pesetas justos — that's 5,000 pesetas exactly

    tener el dinero justo or tener lo justo para vivir — to have just enough to live on

    c) ( ajustado)
    a) ( exactamente) just

    es justo lo que queríait's just o exactly what I wanted

    vive justo al ladohe lives just o right next door

    y justo hoy que pensaba salir — and today of all days, when I was planning to go out

    b) ( ajustado)

    me cupo todo, pero muy justo — I managed to get everything in, but only just

    * * *
    1 = fair [fairer -comp., fairest -sup.], rightful, salt of the earth, just.

    Ex: It is hardly fair to assess the British Museum code by modern standards for catalogue codes.

    Ex: Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of rightful users of a library really makes use of it.
    Ex: In the novel, residents of the drought-plagued hamlet of Champaner, egged on by a salt-of-the-earth hothead leader, recklessly accept a sporting challenge thrown down by the commander of the local British troops.
    Ex: Since neither position, in the extreme, represents a just or workable solution, a compromise must be introduced.
    * causa justa = good cause.
    * comercio justo = fair trade.
    * considerar en su justa medida = see + in proportion.
    * justo castigo = nemesis.
    * justo y equitativo = fair and equitable.
    * oportunidad justa = sporting chance.
    * pagar justos por pecadores = the innocent + suffer + for the guilty, throw + the baby out with the bath water.
    * palabra justa, la = mot juste, the.
    * recibir un trato justo = treat + fairly.
    * recompensa justa = just reward.
    * ser justo = play + fair.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo hasta con el diablo = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo que = there + be + justice in.
    * una negociación justa = a square deal.
    * un trato justo = a square deal.


    Ex: Surveillance licensing is one question which falls squarely into the 'free movement of goods' category and does not involve the harmonization of the laws of member states.

    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * justo ahora = right now, just now.
    * justo a la vuelta de la esquina = just around the corner.
    * justo antes de = on the eve of, in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * justo antes (de que) = immediately before.
    * justo a tiempo = (just) in the nick of time, just in time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * justo después = immediately.
    * justo después de = right behind, right after, on the heels of, on the coattails of.
    * justo después de (que) = immediately after.
    * justo detrás de = right behind.
    * justo en = right in.
    * justo encima de = smack right on top of.
    * justo en el blanco = dead on target.
    * justo en el medio (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * justo en en centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * justo en ese momento = just then.
    * justo en la diana = dead on target.
    * justo entonces = immediately.
    * justo hasta = down to.
    * justo lo contrario de = quite the opposite of.
    * justo lo que se necesita = just the ticket, that's the ticket!.
    * justo + Preposición = right + Preposición.
    * ser justo lo que se necesita = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser justo lo que Uno necesita = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * venir justo después de = come on + the heels of.
    * vivir con lo justo = live on + a shoestring (budget).

    * * *
    justo1 -ta
    A ‹decisión/castigo/sentencia› fair, just; ‹persona/sociedad› just, fair; ‹causa› just
    (exacto): quedan 200 gramos justos there are exactly 200 grams left
    me dio el dinero justo he gave me the right money o the right amount o the exact money
    son 30 euros justos that's 30 euros exactly
    estamos los justos para una partida de cartas there's just the right number of us here for a game of cards
    buscaba la palabra justa he was searching for exactly o just the right word
    (apenas suficiente): tenemos el tiempo justo we have just enough time
    tenemos el dinero justo or tenemos lo justo para vivir we have just enough to live on
    andan muy justos de dinero they're very short of money, money's very tight
    la comida estuvo un poco justa there was only just enough food
    (ajustado): estos zapatos me quedan demasiado justos these shoes are too tight (for me)
    es justo lo que quería it's just o exactly what I wanted
    vive justo al lado he lives just o right next door
    ¡qué fastidio! y justo hoy que pensaba salir what a nuisance, and today of all days, when I was planning to go out
    saltó justo a tiempo he jumped just in time o ( colloq) in the nick of time
    llegamos a lo justo we got there just in time
    llegó justito en ese momento ( fam); he arrived just o right at that very moment
    (ajustado): con el sueldo que gana vive muy justo he only just manages to scrape by on what he earns
    me cupo todo, pero muy justo I managed to get everything in, but only just
    * * *


    justo 1
    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    1persona/castigo/sociedad just, fair;
    causa just
    a) ( exacto) ‹medida/peso/cantidad exact;

    son 40 euros justas that's 40 euros exactly;
    buscaba la palabra justa he was searching for exactly o just the right word

    andan muy justos de dinero they're very short of money;
    teníamos las sillas justas we had just enough chairs for everybody
    c) ( ajustado):

    justo 2 adverbio

    es justo lo que quería it's just o exactly what I wanted;
    vive justo al lado he lives just o right next door;
    y justo hoy que pensaba salir and today of all days, when I was planning to go out
    b) ( ajustado):

    me cupo todo, pero muy justo I managed to get everything in, but only just
    I adjetivo
    1 just, fair, right
    un castigo justo, a fair punishment
    un hombre justo, a just man
    2 (adecuado, idóneo) right, accurate
    la palabra justa en el momento justo, the right word at the right time
    3 (exacto) tengo tres horas justas, I've got just three hours
    la medida justa, the exact measurement
    4 (preciso) very: en ese justo momento apareció ella, she turned up at that very moment
    5 (apretado) (ropa, tiempo) tight: estamos justos de tiempo, we're pressed for time 6 lo justo, just enough
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino just o righteous person
    los justos, the just, the righteous
    III adverbio justo (exactamente) exactly, precisely, just
    justo ahora, just now
    justo al lado, right beside
    justo lo que necesitaba, it's just what I needed
    ' justo' also found in these entries:
    - honesta
    - honesto
    - justa
    - parcial
    - pelada
    - pelado
    - derecho
    - después
    - momento
    - quedar
    - sobre
    - bustling
    - come on
    - cue
    - dead
    - dip
    - directly
    - due
    - fair
    - front
    - godsend
    - jack up
    - just
    - need
    - nemesis
    - nick
    - nightcap
    - past
    - retribution
    - right
    - right-minded
    - right-thinking
    - square
    - square deal
    - very
    - across
    - beyond
    - by
    - immediately
    - make
    - plant
    - plumb
    - pull
    - rightful
    - smack
    - strike
    - subsistence
    - turn
    * * *
    justo, -a
    1. [equitativo] fair;
    luchó por una sociedad justa she fought for social justice;
    no es justo que tenga que hacerlo todo yo it isn't fair that I should have to do it all myself
    2. [merecido] [recompensa, victoria] deserved;
    [castigo] just;
    fue el justo campeón he was the deserved champion
    3. [lógico]
    es justo que él también quiera ir it is only normal that he should want to go too
    4. [exacto] exact;
    tengo el dinero justo para comprar el libro I've got exactly the right amount of o just enough money to buy the book;
    estamos los justos para jugar un partido de dobles there's just enough of us for a game of doubles
    5. [idóneo] right;
    no encuentro la palabra justa I can't find the right word
    6. [apretado, ceñido] tight;
    estar o [m5] venir justo to be a tight fit;
    cabemos cinco, pero un poco justos there's room for five of us, but it's a bit of a squeeze
    7. [escaso]
    vamos justos de tiempo we've only just got enough time;
    estamos justos de leche we've barely o only just got enough milk;
    ando justo de dinero I haven't got much money at the moment;
    viven con lo justo they only just have enough to live on;
    le quedan las fuerzas justitas he has barely enough strength left;
    la comida fue muy justa there was barely enough food to go round
    8. Rel righteous
    los justos the righteous;
    pagarán justos por pecadores the innocent will suffer instead of the guilty
    1. [exactamente] just;
    justo a tiempo just in time, in the nick of time;
    justo en medio right in the middle;
    ¿al lado del puente? – justo ahí by the bridge? – exactly o Br spot on
    2. [precisamente] just;
    justo ahora iba a llamarte I was just about to call o Br phone you;
    vaya, justo ahora que llego yo se va todo el mundo honestly, everybody's leaving just as I get here
    * * *
    I adj
    1 just, fair
    2 ( exacto) right, exact;
    este vestido me está muy justo this dress is very tight
    II adv
    justo a tiempo just in time;
    justo después right after, just after;
    justo en aquel momento just at that moment;
    ¡justo! right!, exactly!
    aprobó muy justo he only just passed;
    lo justo just enough
    III m, justa f just person;
    los justos the just pl
    * * *
    justo adv
    1) : justly
    2) : right, exactly
    justo a tiempo: just in time
    3) : tightly
    justo, -ta adj
    1) : just, fair
    2) : right, exact
    3) : tight
    estos zapatos me quedan muy justos: these shoes are too tight
    justo, -ta n
    : just person
    los justos: the just
    * * *
    justo1 adj
    1. (razonable) fair
    ¡no es justo! it's not fair!
    2. (exacto) exact / right
    me dio el dinero justo she gave me the right money / she gave me the exact money
    3. (escaso) just enough
    4. (apretado) tight
    justo2 adv just / exactly

    Spanish-English dictionary > justo

  • 10 test

    [test] n
    1) (of knowledge, skill) Prüfung f, Test m; sch Klassenarbeit f; univ Klausur f;
    aptitude \test Eignungstest m;
    driving \test Fahrprüfung f;
    IQ \test Intelligenztest m;
    oral/ practical/written \test mündliche/praktische/schriftliche Prüfung;
    to fail a \test eine Prüfung nicht bestehen;
    to give sb a \test jdn prüfen;
    I'll give the kids a vocabulary \test today ich lasse die Kinder heute einen Vokabeltest schreiben;
    to pass a \test eine Prüfung bestehen;
    to take a \test an einem Test [o einer Prüfung] teilnehmen
    2) med, sci ( examination) Untersuchung f, Test m;
    I'm going to have an eye \test tomorrow ich lasse mir morgen die Augen untersuchen;
    blood \test Blutuntersuchung f;
    pregnancy \test Schwangerschaftstest m;
    urine \test Urinprobe f;
    to do [or perform] [or carry out] a \test eine Untersuchung durchführen;
    to have a \test sich akk untersuchen lassen, sich akk einer Untersuchung unterziehen ( geh)
    3) ( of metallurgy) Versuchstiegel m, Kapelle f
    4) ( of efficiency) Test m;
    safety \test Sicherheitsprüfung f, Sicherheitstest m;
    to undergo a \test sich akk einem Test unterziehen
    5) ( challenge) Herausforderung f, Prüfung f ( fig)
    to be a real \test of sth eine echte Herausforderung für etw akk sein, etw auf eine harte Probe stellen;
    that was a real \test of his endurance das war für ihn eine wirkliche Belastungsprobe;
    to put sth to the \test etw auf die Probe stellen
    T\test Testmatch nt
    the acid \test die Feuerprobe;
    to stand the \test of time die Zeit überdauern vt
    1) (for knowledge, skill)
    to \test sb jdn prüfen [o testen];
    I expect they will want to \test my shorthand and typing ich denke, man wird mich in Steno und Schreibmaschine prüfen
    to \test sth etw untersuchen [o ( geh) erkunden];
    we should \test the parents' reaction before we go ahead with the changes wir sollten erst einmal die Reaktion der Eltern abwarten, bevor wir weitere Änderungen vornehmen
    to \test sth etw testen [o überprüfen];
    to \test sth etw untersuchen;
    I was \tested for HIV before I gave blood vor dem Blutspenden wurde ich auf Aids untersucht;
    to \test sb's blood eine Blutuntersuchung durchführen;
    to \test sb's eyes jds Augen untersuchen;
    to \test sb's hearing jds Hörvermögen testen
    5) sch
    to \test sth etw abfragen [o prüfen];
    to \test sb jdn prüfen;
    to \test sb's IQ [or intelligence] jds IQ testen;
    to \test sth sci etw testen [o untersuchen];
    how can we \test the presence of oxygen in this sample? wie können wir den Sauerstoffgehalt in dieser Probe ermitteln?;
    they \tested the strength of the acid samples sie analysierten die Konzentration der Säureproben
    to \test sth etw überprüfen;
    to \test a theory eine Theorie zu beweisen versuchen
    7) to \test sth ( by touching) etw prüfen;
    ( by tasting) etw probieren [o ( geh) kosten];
    she \tested the water by dipping her toes into the pool sie testete mit ihren Zehen die Wassertemperatur im Becken
    to \test sb/ sth jdn/etw auf die Probe stellen
    to \test the patience of a saint [or of Job] eine harte Geduldsprobe sein;
    those kids' behaviour would \test the patience of Job bei diesen Kindern muss man wirklich eine Engelsgeduld haben;
    to \test the water(s) die Stimmung testen vi med einen Test machen;
    she \tested positive for HIV ihr Aidstest ist positiv ausgefallen

    English-German students dictionary > test

  • 11 contest

    1. noun
    (competition) Wettbewerb, der; (Sport) Wettkampf, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (dispute) bestreiten; anfechten [Anspruch, Recht]; infrage stellen [Behauptung, These]
    2) (fight for) kämpfen um
    3) (Brit.) (compete in) kandidieren bei; (compete for) kandidieren für
    * * *
    (a struggle, competition etc to gain an advantage or victory: a sporting contest.) der Wettkampf
    - academic.ru/15642/contestant">contestant
    * * *
    I. n
    [ˈkɒntest, AM ˈkɑ:n-]
    1. (event, competition) Wettbewerb m; SPORT Wettkampf m
    beauty \contest Schönheitswettbewerb m
    dance \contest Tanzturnier nt
    singing \contest Gesangswettbewerb m
    sports \contest Sportwettkampf m
    tennis \contest Tennisturnier nt
    to enter a \contest an einem Wettbewerb teilnehmen; SPORT an einem Wettkampf teilnehmen
    to hold [or stage] a \contest einen Wettbewerb veranstalten; SPORT einen Wettkampf veranstalten
    2. also POL (competing) Wettstreit m ( for um + akk)
    a leadership \contest ein Wettstreit m um die Führungsposition
    media \contest Wettstreit m der Medien
    3. (dispute) Streit m; (fight) Kampf m ( for um + akk)
    no \contest ungleicher Kampf
    II. vt
    to \contest sth
    1. (compete for) um etw akk kämpfen [o konkurrieren
    2. POL (compete in) an etw dat teilnehmen; (compete for) für etw akk kandidieren
    to \contest the presidency für das Amt des Präsidenten/der Präsidentin [o die Präsidentschaft] kandidieren
    to \contest a seat um einen Wahlkreis kämpfen
    3. (dispute) etw bestreiten; decision, idea etw infrage stellen; (challenge legality of) etw anfechten
    to \contest claims/a will Ansprüche/ein Testament anfechten
    to \contest a suit einen Prozess [o ein Verfahren] anfechten
    * * *
    1. n
    (for um) Kampf m; (= competition also) Wettkampf m, Wettstreit m (geh); (= beauty contest etc) Wettbewerb m

    it was a real contest of skilles kam dabei wirklich aufs Können an

    2. vt
    1) (= fight over) kämpfen um; (= fight against, oppose) kämpfen gegen; (PARL) election teilnehmen an (+dat)

    the seat was not contestedes gab keinen Kampf um den Wahlkreis

    2) (= dispute) statement bestreiten, angreifen; measure angreifen; (JUR) will, right, legal action anfechten
    3. vi
    [kən'test] kämpfen ( for um)
    * * *
    A s [ˈkɒntest; US ˈkɑn-]
    1. (Br auch Wahl)Kampf m, Streit m
    2. Wettstreit m, auch SPORT etc Wettkampf m, -bewerb m ( alle:
    for um)
    3. Wortwechsel m, -streit m
    4. Disput m, Kontroverse f, Auseinandersetzung f
    B v/t [kənˈtest; US auch ˈkɑn-]
    1. kämpfen um, streiten um:
    14 titles were contested by 283 competitors SPORT 283 Teilnehmer kämpften um 14 Titel
    2. wetteifern um, sich bewerben um, kandidieren für:
    contest an election POL für eine Wahl kandidieren
    3. bestreiten, auch JUR eine Aussage, ein Testament etc anfechten:
    contest an election POL ein Wahlergebnis oder eine Wahl anfechten;
    contest sb’s right to do sth jemandem das Recht streitig machen, etwas zu tun
    C v/i wetteifern (with, against mit)
    * * *
    1. noun
    (competition) Wettbewerb, der; (Sport) Wettkampf, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (dispute) bestreiten; anfechten [Anspruch, Recht]; infrage stellen [Behauptung, These]
    2) (fight for) kämpfen um
    3) (Brit.) (compete in) kandidieren bei; (compete for) kandidieren für
    * * *
    Kampf ¨-e m.
    Wettbewerb m.
    Wettkampf m. (with, against) v.
    wetteifern (mit) v. v.
    anfechten v.
    beanstanden v.
    bestreiten v.
    in Abrede stellen ausdr.
    kämpfen um ausdr.
    sich bewerben um ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > contest

  • 12 poner

    1 to put.
    Ella puso el mantel She set the tablecloth.
    Ella puso su mejor esfuerzo She exerted her best effort.
    2 to give, to set (asignar) (tarea, examen).
    le pusieron Mario they called him Mario
    le pusieron un cinco en el examen he got five out of ten in the exam
    3 to switch or put on (conectar) (televisión, radio).
    4 to send (comunicar) (telegrama, fax).
    ¿me pones con él? can you put me through to him? (peninsular Spanish)
    5 to show (Cine, Teatro & TV).
    ¿qué ponen en la tele? what's on the telly?
    6 to set up.
    ha puesto una tienda she has opened a shop
    poner la mesa to lay the table
    7 to do up.
    han puesto su casa con mucho lujo they've done up their house in real style
    8 to put in.
    poner dinero en el negocio to put money into the business
    poner algo de mi/tu/etc. parte to do my/your/etc bit
    poner mucho empeño en (hacer) algo to put a lot of effort into (doing) something
    Ponga más sal Put in more salt.
    9 to suppose.
    pongamos que sucedió así (let's) suppose that's what happened
    pon que necesitemos cinco días suppose we need five days
    poniendo que todo salga bien assuming everything goes according to plan
    10 to say (decir). (peninsular Spanish)
    ¿qué pone ahí? what does it say?
    11 to lay (eggs) (ave).
    12 to make, to render, to turn, to get.
    13 to apply, to put on.
    Ella puso desinfectante She applied disinfectant.
    14 to lay eggs, to lay.
    La gallina puso The hen laid eggs.
    15 to say about.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponéis, ponen.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    pon (tú), ponga (él/Vd.), pongamos (nos.), poned (vos.), pongan (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    3) set
    4) set up, establish
    5) add
    6) switch on, put on
    7) lay
    - ponerse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones poner cuidado, poner en duda, poner por las nubes, poner a parir, poner como un trapo, poner verde, poner de vuelta y media, poner por testigo, ponerse por delante, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=colocar, situar) to put

    ¿dónde pongo mis cosas? — where shall I put my things?

    poner algo [aparte] — to put sth aside, put sth to one side

    ponlo en su [sitio] — put it back

    2) [+ ropa, calzado] to put on
    3) (=añadir) to add

    ponle más sal — add some salt, put some more salt in it

    4) (=aplicar, administrar) to put
    5) (=disponer, preparar)

    poner la [mesa] — to lay {o} set the table

    6) (=instalar)
    a) [+ teléfono, calefacción] to put in
    b) [+ tienda] to open; [+ casa] to furnish
    7) (=exponer)

    ponlo al sol — leave {o} put it out in the sun

    8) (=hacer funcionar) [+ radio, televisión, calefacción] to put on, turn on; [+ disco] to put on, play

    ¿pongo música? — shall I put some music on?

    9) (=ajustar) [+ despertador] to set

    poner el reloj [en hora] — to put one's watch right

    ponlo [más alto] — turn it up

    10) (=adoptar)

    ¿por qué pones esa voz tan tonta? — why are you speaking in that silly voice?

    ¡no pongas esa [cara]! — don't look at me like that!

    11) (=volver) + adj, adv to make

    para no ponerle de mal humor — so as not to make him cross, so as not to put him in a bad mood

    ¡cómo te han puesto! — (=te han manchado) look what a mess you are!; (=te han pegado) they've given you a right thumping!

    12) (=servir)

    ¿qué te pongo? — what can I get you?, what would you like?

    ¿me pones más patatas? — could I have some more potatoes?

    13) (=conectar por teléfono) to put through

    ¿me pone con el Sr. García, por favor? — could you put me through to Mr García, please?

    14) (=exhibir)

    ¿qué ponen en el cine? — what's on at the cinema?

    ¿ponen alguna película esta noche? — is there a film on tonight?

    15) (=enviar) to send
    16) (=escribir) to put

    ¿qué pongo en la carta? — what shall I put in the letter?

    ¿te has acordado de poner el remite? — did you remember to put the return address on it?

    17) (=decir, estar escrito) to say

    ¿qué pone aquí? — what does it say here?

    18) (=imponer) [+ examen, trabajo] to give, set

    nos pone mucho trabajo — he gives {o} sets us a lot of work

    me han puesto una [multa] — I've been fined, I've been given a fine

    19) (=oponer) [+ inconvenientes] to raise

    le pone [peros] a todo — he's always finding fault with everything

    20) (=aportar, contribuir)
    [+ dinero]

    yo pongo el dinero pero ella escoge — I do the paying, but she does the choosing

    21) (=invertir) to put in
    22) (=apostar)
    23) (=llamar) to call

    ¿qué nombre {o} cómo le van a poner? — what are they going to call him?, what name are they giving him?

    24) (=criticar, alabar)

    te puso muy [bien] ante el jefe — she was very nice about you to the boss

    ¡[cómo] te han puesto! — (=te han criticado) they had a real go at you!; (=te han alabado) they were really nice about you!

    tu cuñada te ha puesto muy [mal] — your sister-in-law was very nasty about you

    25) (=tildar)

    poner a algn [de], la han puesto de idiota para arriba — they called her an idiot and worse

    26) (=suponer)

    pongamos [que] ganas la lotería — suppose {o} supposing you win the lottery

    poniendo que... — supposing that...


    poner a algn [a] + infin


    poner a Juan [bien] con Pedro — to make things up between Juan and Pedro

    poner a Juan [mal] con Pedro — to make Juan fall out with Pedro, cause a rift between Juan and Pedro

    29) [en trabajo]

    poner a algn [de], puso a su hija de sirvienta — she got her daughter a job as a servant

    31) [gallina] [+ huevos] to lay
    1) [aves] to lay (eggs)
    2) (=apostar)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( colocar) to put

    lo pusieron en el curso avanzadohe was put o placed in the advanced class

    b) <anuncio/aviso> to place, put
    2) ( agregar) to put

    ¿cuándo se le pone el agua? — when do you put the water in?, when do you add the water?

    ¿le pones azúcar al café? — do you take sugar in your coffee?

    3) <ropa/calzado> (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿me pones los zapatos? — can you put my shoes on (for me)?

    4) <inyección/supositorio> to give

    poner la mesato lay o set the table

    a) (instalar, montar) <oficina/restaurante> to open
    b) <cocina/teléfono/calefacción> to install
    c) cerradura/armario to fit
    7) ave < huevo> to lay
    8) (Esp) (servir, dar)

    ¿qué le pongo? — what can I get you?

    póngame un café, por favor — I'll have a coffee, please

    ¿cuántos le pongo? — how many would you like?

    b) ( proporcionar) autobús/tren to lay on
    10) < atención> to pay; <cuidado/interés> to take
    a) ( imponer) < deberes> to give, set; <examen/problema> to set
    b) ( oponer)

    no puso inconvenientehe didn't have o raise any objections

    a todo le pone peros or pegas — she finds fault with everything

    c) ( adjudicar) < nota> to give

    ¿qué nota te puso? — what mark did he give you?

    12) ( dar) <nombre/apodo> to give; < ejemplo> to give

    ¿qué título le pusiste? — what title did you give it?

    le pusieron el apodo de `el cojo' — they nicknamed him `el cojo'

    13) ( enviar) < telegrama> to send
    14) ( escribir) to put
    15) (esp Esp) ( expresar por escrito) to say
    16) (Esp) (exhibir, dar) <obra/película>

    ¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? — is there anything interesting on TV?

    ¿qué ponen en el Royal? — what's on o what's showing at the Royal?

    17) (RPl) ( tardar) to take
    18) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)
    19) ( adoptar) cara/voz

    poner a alguien a + inf: puso a las hijas a trabajar he sent his daughters out to work; lo puse a hacer los deberes — I made him do his homework


    poner a alguien de algo: la pusieron de jefa de sección they made her head of department; lo pusieron de ángel he was given the part of an angel; siempre te pone de ejemplo — he always holds you up as an example

    21) ( suponer)

    pon que perdemos ese tren... — say we miss that train o if we (were to) miss that train...

    pongamos (por caso) que están equivocadossuppose o let's just say they're wrong

    ponerle — (esp AmL)

    ¿cuánto se tarda? - ponle dos horas — how long does it take? - about two hours o reckon on two hours

    a) (conectar, encender) <televisión/calefacción> to turn on, switch on, put on; <programa/canal> to put on; < disco> to put on

    puso el motor en marchashe switched on o started the engine

    b) (ajustar, graduar)
    23) (Esp) ( al teléfono)

    poner a alguien con algo/alguien — to put somebody through to something/somebody

    ¿me pone con la extensión 24? — could you put me through to extension 24, please?

    vi gallina to lay
    1) ponerse v pron
    a) (refl) ( colocarse)

    pongámonos a la sombralet's sit (o lie etc) in the shade

    ponerse de rodillas — to kneel (down), get down on one's knees

    ponte ahí, junto al árbol — stand over there, by the tree

    se me/le puso que... — (AmS fam) I/he had a feeling that... (colloq)

    se le pone cada cosa... — he gets the strangest ideas into his head

    b) (Esp) ( llegar)
    3) sol to set
    4) (refl) <calzado/maquillaje/alhaja> to put on

    me puse el collar de perlasI wore o put on my pearl necklace

    5) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)

    cómo te has puesto de barro! — look at you, you're covered in mud!

    a) ( empezar)

    ponerse a + inf — to start -ing, to start + inf

    se puso a lloverit started raining o started to rain

    b) (CS arg) ( contribuir dinero)

    cuando llega la cuenta hay que ponerse — when the bill comes, everyone has to cough up (colloq)

    yo me pongo con cienI'll put in o chip in a hundred

    7) (Esp) ( al teléfono)

    ¿Pepe? sí, ahora se pone — Pepe? OK, I'll just get him for you

    * * *
    = affix, fit, put, set, lay, set up, lay out on, lay down, deposit, play, lay out, plant, bung + Nombe + in, get on.
    Ex. Some libraries use small stickers affixed to the spines which have cartoons or ideograms indicating a special genre.
    Ex. One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.
    Ex. If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.
    Ex. If no fines are to be charged for a particular combination of borrower and material type, set the maximum fine to zero.
    Ex. By such mutual assistance, the wits and endeavours of the world may no longer be as so many scattered coals, or firebrands, which, for want of union are soon quenched, whereas, being but laid together, they would have yielded a comfortable light and heat.
    Ex. A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.
    Ex. A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.
    Ex. A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.
    Ex. The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.
    Ex. In another style of lesson, the book is approached through film clips, dramatizations on TV, or played on records or tapes made commercially.
    Ex. There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'To everything there is a season...a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted: a life-cycle analysis of education for librarianship'.
    Ex. Instead of bunging it in the washing machine, clean it carefully by hand using lukewarm water.
    Ex. The full-length, two-direction zipper makes it easy to get on and off, and the bottom is easy to unzip for diaper changes.
    * con la mirada puesta en = in + Posesivo + sights.
    * cosas + ponerse feas = things + get rough.
    * costes + ponerse por las nubes = costs + spiral.
    * de quita y pon = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up, removable.
    * encargado de poner en práctica = implementor [implementer].
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * poner a Alguien al cargo de = put + Nombre + in charge of.
    * poner a Alguien al frente de = put + Nombre + in charge of.
    * poner a Alguien al mando de = put + Nombre + in charge of.
    * poner a Alguien al tanto de = fill + Alguien + in on.
    * poner a Alguien contra las cuerdas = put + Nombre + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en contacto con = put + Nombre + in touch with.
    * poner a Alguien en el compromiso de = leave + Nombre + with the choice of.
    * poner a Alguien en guardia = put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard.
    * poner a Alguien en su sitio = cut + Nombre + down to size, knock + Nombre + off + Posesivo + pedestal, cut + Nombre + down to size.
    * poner a Alguien en un aprieto = put + Nombre + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en un apuro = put + Alguien + on the spot, put + Nombre + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en un compromiso = put + Alguien + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en un pedestal = put + Nombre + on a pedestal.
    * poner a cargo de = put in + charge of.
    * poner a disposición = keep within + reach.
    * poner a disposición de = make + available to, put at + the disposal of, place + at the disposal of, bring within + reach.
    * poner a la altura de las circunstancias = bring + Nombre + up to par.
    * poner a la defensiva = put on + the defensive.
    * poner al alcance = bring within + reach.
    * poner al día = bring + Nombre + up to date, bring + Nombre + up to scratch.
    * poner al día (de) = bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.
    * poner Algo a disposición = put + Nombre + within reach.
    * poner Algo al alcance = put + Nombre + within reach.
    * poner Algo al descubierto = bring + Nombre + to the surface.
    * poner Algo a mano = put + Nombre + within reach.
    * poner Algo a prueba = push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits.
    * poner Algo en = stick + Nombre + on.
    * poner Algo en Internet = put (out) + Nombre + on the web.
    * poner Algo patas arriba = turn + Nombre + inside-out.
    * poner Algo por delante de = put + Nombre + ahead of.
    * poner Alguien al descubierto = blow + Posesivo + cover.
    * poner + Alguien + frenético = make + Alguien + furious.
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * poner al revés = upend.
    * poner al tanto (de) = bring into + the swim of, bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.
    * poner al tanto sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de = put + Nombre + ahead in.
    * poner a + Número = set to + Número.
    * poner aparte = set + apart.
    * poner a + Posesivo + disposición = put at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * poner a prueba = stretch, tax, try, strain, overtax, pilot, put to + the test, test, plumb + the depths of, trial, overstretch, push + the envelope, put + Nombre + to the test, try + Nombre + on, push + Nombre + to the edge.
    * poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien = test + Posesivo + patience, try + Nombre + patience.
    * poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = try + the patience of a saint.
    * poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint.
    * poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.
    * poner a punto = overhaul, hone, fine tune [fine-tune], tune-up.
    * poner atención = lend + an ear, listen (to).
    * poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.
    * poner bonito = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.
    * poner carnada = bait.
    * poner cebo = bait.
    * poner como ejemplo = instance, cite + as an example, showcase.
    * poner con chinchetas = thumbtack.
    * poner delante de = lay before.
    * poner de manifiesto = bring into + relief, highlight, show, state, throw into + relief, throw up, evince, illustrate, underscore, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], bring to + light, make + it + clear, lay + bare, provide + insight into, reveal, flag + Nombre + up.
    * poner de manifiesto las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * poner demasiado énfasis en Algo = overemphasise [over-emphasise] [overemphasize, -USA].
    * poner de patitas en la calle = give + Nombre + the boot, sack, boot (out), give + Nombre + the sack, turf out.
    * poner de pie = stand + upright.
    * poner de pie apoyado sobre un costado = stand on + Posesivo + side.
    * poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.
    * poner de relieve = bring into + relief, throw into + relief, underscore, highlight, show, state, throw up, evince, illustrate, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], flag + Nombre + up, reveal.
    * poner de relieve la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * poner doble acristalamiento = double glaze.
    * poner el candado = padlock.
    * poner el centro de atención = put + focus.
    * poner el colofón final = bookend.
    * poner el culo = take + Nombre + lying down.
    * poner el dedo en la llaga = hit + a (raw) nerve, touch on + raw nerve, hit + the nail on the head, strike + home, strike + a nerve, touch on + a sore spot, touch + a (raw) nerve.
    * poner el despertador = set + the alarm clock.
    * poner el énfasis = put + focus.
    * poner el grito en el cielo = be (all) up in arms, kick up + a stink, kick up + a fuss, blow + Posesivo + top, make + a row, make + a ruckus, kick up + a row, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack, scream + blue murder, froth at + the mouth, shout + blue murder.
    * poner el matasellos a una carta = postmark.
    * poner el precio = price.
    * poner el sello = stamp.
    * poner el sello a = place + a stamp on.
    * poner el sello de = rubber stamp.
    * poner empeño = strive.
    * poner en adobo = marinade.
    * poner en alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.
    * poner en alquiler = rent out.
    * poner en apuros = cast + a shadow over, put + Nombre + in difficulties.
    * poner encima = top with.
    * poner en circulación = circulate.
    * poner en claro = clear up.
    * poner en cola = queue.
    * poner en cola de espera = place + in queue.
    * poner en contacto = bring into + relationship, contact, provide + an interface, bring into + contact.
    * poner en contenedor = containerise [containerize, -USA].
    * poner en cuarentena = quarantine.
    * poner en cuestión = call into + question, render + questionable.
    * poner en cuestión la validez de = bring into + question the validity of, question + the validity of.
    * poner en dificultades = put + Nombre + in difficulties.
    * poner en duda = challenge, be flawed, question, render + suspect, unsettle, cast + doubt on, regard + with suspicion, put in + doubt, call into + question, shed + doubt, throw into + doubt, throw + doubt on.
    * poner en duda la validez de = bring into + question the validity of.
    * poner en duda unos principios = shake + foundations.
    * poner en el haber de = credit.
    * poner en entredicho = challenge, cast + doubt on, subvert, compromise, cast + aspersions on, challenge + Posesivo + assumptions, doubt, question, call into + question, impugn.
    * poner en entredicho una postura = compromise + position.
    * poner en escena = stage.
    * poner en estado de alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.
    * poner en evidencia = make + it + clear, underline, bring to + light, put + Nombre + to shame, call + Posesivo + bluff, bring to + the fore.
    * poner énfasis = put + emphasis.
    * poner énfasis en = lay + stress on, place + emphasis on, lay + emphasis on.
    * poner en forma = buff up.
    * poner en funcionamiento = activate, set in + action, set up, trip, put into + working order, put in + place, put in + place, put into + place, set in + motion.
    * poner en funcionamiento un programa = implement + program(me).
    * poner en garantía = pawn.
    * poner en hielo = ice.
    * poner en juego = tap.
    * poner en la calle = evict.
    * poner en la pared = pin up.
    * poner en la red + Documento Impreso = webify + Documento Impreso.
    * poner en libertad = release from + jail.
    * poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.
    * poner en libertad condicional = release on + bail.
    * poner en libertad condicional, poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.
    * poner en lista de espera = put + on a waiting list.
    * poner en marcha = implement, set up, trip, set out on, crank up.
    * poner en marcha un proyecto = mobilise + effort.
    * poner en órbita = place into + orbit.
    * poner en orden = tidy up, put in + order, clear up.
    * poner en peligro = jeopardise [jeopardize, -USA], put into + jeopardy, imperil, put at + risk, compromise, endanger, pose + risk.
    * poner en peligro la seguridad = breach + security.
    * poner en peligro la vida = risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb.
    * poner en práctica = exercise, implement, put into + practice, put to + work, put into + effect, put into + practical effect, put in + place, put into + place, translate into + practical action, bring to + bear, deploy.
    * poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.
    * poner en práctica una normativa = carry out + policy.
    * poner en práctica un arte = practise + art.
    * poner en préstamo = circulate.
    * poner en primer plano = foreground.
    * poner en relación = bring into + relationship.
    * poner en remojo = steep.
    * poner en ridículo = poke + fun at.
    * poner en riesgo = put at + risk.
    * poner en su sitio = put in + place.
    * poner en tela de juicio = throw + doubt on, contest.
    * poner en tensión = put + Nombre + under pressure.
    * poner entre comillas = enclose + in quotation marks.
    * poner entre corchetes = bracket.
    * poner entre la espada y la pared = press to + the point.
    * poner entre paréntesis = bracket.
    * poner entre rejas = put + Nombre + behind bars.
    * poner en uso = bring into + use, take in + use.
    * poner en venta = put on + sale.
    * poner esfuerzo = give + effort.
    * poner fin = curb, bring to + a close, draw to + a close.
    * poner fin a = put + paid to, put + an end to, put + a stop to, call + a halt on, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, sound + the death knell for, kill off.
    * poner fin a un embarazo = terminate + pregnancy.
    * poner freno = curb.
    * poner freno a = place + a curb on, clamp down on.
    * poner fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * poner guiones = hyphenate.
    * poner huevos = lay + eggs, oviposit.
    * poner impuestos = impose + VAT.
    * poner la brida = bridle.
    * poner la casa al revés = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner la casa patas arriba = turn + the house upside down.
    * poner la dirección en un sobre = address + envelope.
    * poner ladrillos = laying of bricks, lay + bricks.
    * poner la fecha = date-stamp.
    * poner la mesa = lay + the table.
    * poner la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.
    * poner la responsabilidad en = put + the burden on.
    * poner las antenas = prick (up) + Posesivo + ears, Posesivo + antennas + go up.
    * poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * poner las cartas sobre la mesa = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * poner las cosas en marcha = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.
    * poner las cosas en movimiento = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.
    * poner las cosas en su lugar = set + the record straight.
    * poner las esposas = handcuff.
    * poner la vida en peligro = put + Posesivo + life at risk.
    * ponerle el cascabel al gato = stick + Posesivo + neck out (for), stick out + Posesivo + neck.
    * ponerle la guinda = put + icing on the cake.
    * ponerle la mano encima a = lay + a finger on.
    * ponerle los cuernos a = cuckold.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * poner lo pelos de punta = frighten + the living daylights out of.
    * poner los ojos en blanco = roll + Posesivo + eyes.
    * poner los pelos de punta = bristle, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + Nombre + to death, make + Posesivo + hair stand on end, scare + the hell out of.
    * poner los pies en alto = put + Posesivo + feet up.
    * poner los pies en + Posesivo + casa = darken + Posesivo + door.
    * poner los pies sobre la tierra = come down + to earth.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho empeño en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner negro = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend.
    * poner nervioso = rattle.
    * poner nervioso a Alguien = give + Nombre + the screaming abdabs.
    * poner + Nombre + a dieta = put + Nombre + on a diet.
    * poner + Nombre + a + Nombre = place + Nombre + against + Nombre.
    * poner objeciones = object.
    * poner objeciones a = object to.
    * poner obstáculos = cramp.
    * poner orden = bring + order, tidying (up), create + order, clear out, clear up.
    * poner orden en el caos = create + order out of chaos, create + order out of chaos.
    * poner papel en la impresora = load + printer.
    * poner parches = patch up, patch.
    * poner patas arriba = upend.
    * poner pegas = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.
    * poner peros = baulk [balk, -USA], cavil (about/at), quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.
    * poner por las nubes = praise + highly, wax + lyrical, wax + rapturous, praise + Nombre + to the skies, sing + Posesivo + praises.
    * poner por los suelos = slate, slag + Nombre + off, mouth off, say + nasty things about, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, trash, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, rubbish.
    * poner + Posesivo + granito de arena = do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + bit.
    * poner precio a la cabeza de = declare + open season on.
    * poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = put + a price on + Posesivo + head.
    * poner punto final a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, close + the book on.
    * poner punto y final a = put + a stop to, sound + the death knell for.
    * poner reparos = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.
    * poner sal = salt.
    * ponerse = don, pull on, wax.
    * ponerse a = set about + Gerundio, get (a)round to, settle down to, get down to + Nombre.
    * ponerse a cero = roll over to + zero.
    * ponerse a cubierto = run for + cover.
    * ponerse a dieta = go on + a diet.
    * ponerse a hacer = set out to + do.
    * ponerse a hacer Algo en serio = buckle down to.
    * ponerse al corriente = come up to + speed.
    * ponerse al corriente de = catch up with, catch up on.
    * ponerse al día = catching up, come up to + speed, get + up to speed.
    * ponerse al día de = get up to + speed on.
    * ponerse al día de un atraso = clear + backlog.
    * ponerse al día en = catch up with, catch up on.
    * ponerse Algo = slip + Nombre + on.
    * ponerse al rojo vivo = reach + boiling point, fire up.
    * ponerse al tanto = get + up to speed, wise up.
    * ponerse al tanto de = get up to + speed on.
    * ponerse a malas con = run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * ponerse amarillo de envidia = turn + green with envy.
    * ponerse a temblar con sólo pensar en = shudder at + the thought of.
    * ponerse a trabajar en serio = get on with + Posesivo + work, buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.
    * ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.
    * ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.
    * ponerse blanco = turn + white, whiten.
    * ponerse borroso = blur.
    * ponerse ciego = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * ponerse + Color = go + Color.
    * ponerse colorado = get + red in the face, go + bright red.
    * ponerse colorado como un tomate = go + bright red.
    * ponerse como loco = go + crazy, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse como una fiera = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse como unas castañuelas = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.
    * ponerse como un energúmeno = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + a fuse, wax + indignant, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, tear + Posesivo + hair out, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse contentísimo = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.
    * ponerse de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * ponerse del lado de = side with.
    * ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * ponerse de lleno a = buckle down to.
    * ponerse de mil colores = go + bright red.
    * ponerse de moda = come into + vogue, come into + fashion.
    * ponerse de parte de = side with.
    * ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * ponerse de pie = rise, stand up, get to + Posesivo + feet, rise to + Posesivo + feet.
    * ponerse de punta = stand out.
    * ponerse, el = donning, the.
    * ponerse el cinturón = buckle up.
    * ponerse en cola = queue up, line up.
    * ponerse en contacto = make + contact.
    * ponerse en contacto con = be in touch (with), interact (with), get in + touch with.
    * ponerse en contra de = turn against.
    * ponerse en cuclillas = squat (down), crouch (down).
    * ponerse en el lugar de = place + Reflexivo + in the position of, put + Reflexivo + in the position of.
    * ponerse en el lugar de Alguien = put + Reflexivo + in + Nombre/Posesivo + shoes, wear + Posesivo + shoes, walk in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * ponerse enfermo = get + sick.
    * ponerse en fila = line up.
    * ponerse en forma = get + fit.
    * ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playa = get + beach-fit.
    * ponerse en lugar de Alguien = stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * ponerse en marcha = set off, get off + the ground, swing into + action.
    * ponerse en medio = get in + the way (of).
    * ponerse en pie de guerra = dig up + the tomahawk, dig up + the hatchet, dig up + the war axe.
    * ponerse en práctica = go into + effect.
    * ponerse en ridículo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * ponerse en tensión = tense up.
    * ponerse firme = stand to + attention.
    * ponerse frenético = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, work up + a lather, tear + Posesivo + hair out, be furious.
    * ponerse fresco con = act + fresh with.
    * ponerse furioso = infuriate, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse gallito = bluster.
    * ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, blow + Posesivo + top, go + postal, go + crazy, blow + a fuse, lose + Posesivo + temper, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse histérico = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler.
    * ponerse la ropa rápidamente = slip into + Posesivo + clothes.
    * ponerse las medallas = take + the credit (for).
    * ponerse las orejeras = put on + blinkers.
    * ponerse las pilas = buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.
    * ponerse las pilas, ponerse de lleno a, ponerse a trabajar en serio = buckle down to.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * ponerse manos a la obra = get down to + business, swing into + action.
    * ponerse marrón = turn + brown.
    * ponerse morado = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * ponerse nervioso = get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, be in a tizz(y), get in(to) a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * ponerse por las nubes = go + ballistic.
    * ponerse rígido = stiffen.
    * ponerse rojo = get + red in the face, go + bright red.
    * ponerse rojo como un tomate = go + bright red.
    * ponerse seriamente a = settle to.
    * ponerse tenso = tense up, stress + Nombre + out.
    * ponerse tibio = pig out (on).
    * ponerse una tarea = set + Reflexivo + task.
    * poner sobre aviso = alert to.
    * poner término a = put + paid to.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner trabas = cramp.
    * poner una bomba = plant + bomb.
    * poner una demanda = face + legal action.
    * poner una denuncia = file + police report.
    * poner una marca de comprobación = check-mark.
    * poner una nota en un sitio público = post.
    * poner una reclamación = appeal.
    * poner una señal = put up + a sign, put up + a notice.
    * poner una señal de aviso = post + a warning, post + a warning sign.
    * poner una tienda = pitch + tent.
    * poner un círculo alrededor = circle.
    * poner un ejemplo = take + an example, draw + example.
    * poner un letrero = put up + a sign, post + a notice, put up + a notice.
    * poner un pie = set + foot (inside/in/on).
    * poner un poquito de picante = pep up.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * poner verde = mouth off, get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue, trash, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, slate, rubbish.
    * poner vertical = stand + upright, upend.
    * poner y quitar = get on and off.
    * pongamos el caso de que = for the sake of + argument.
    * pongamos, por ejemplo,... = let us say, take, for example,..., take, for instance,....
    * por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo = to take a + Adjetivo + example.
    * por poner un ejemplo sobre + Nombre = to take + Nombre.
    * precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.
    * precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.
    * que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * quita o pon = give or take.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sólo con la ropa interior puesta = in + Posesivo + underclothes.
    * sol + ponerse (por) = sun + set (on).
    * volver a ponerse al día = be back on track, be on track.
    * ya lo quitas, ya lo pones = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( colocar) to put

    lo pusieron en el curso avanzadohe was put o placed in the advanced class

    b) <anuncio/aviso> to place, put
    2) ( agregar) to put

    ¿cuándo se le pone el agua? — when do you put the water in?, when do you add the water?

    ¿le pones azúcar al café? — do you take sugar in your coffee?

    3) <ropa/calzado> (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿me pones los zapatos? — can you put my shoes on (for me)?

    4) <inyección/supositorio> to give

    poner la mesato lay o set the table

    a) (instalar, montar) <oficina/restaurante> to open
    b) <cocina/teléfono/calefacción> to install
    c) cerradura/armario to fit
    7) ave < huevo> to lay
    8) (Esp) (servir, dar)

    ¿qué le pongo? — what can I get you?

    póngame un café, por favor — I'll have a coffee, please

    ¿cuántos le pongo? — how many would you like?

    b) ( proporcionar) autobús/tren to lay on
    10) < atención> to pay; <cuidado/interés> to take
    a) ( imponer) < deberes> to give, set; <examen/problema> to set
    b) ( oponer)

    no puso inconvenientehe didn't have o raise any objections

    a todo le pone peros or pegas — she finds fault with everything

    c) ( adjudicar) < nota> to give

    ¿qué nota te puso? — what mark did he give you?

    12) ( dar) <nombre/apodo> to give; < ejemplo> to give

    ¿qué título le pusiste? — what title did you give it?

    le pusieron el apodo de `el cojo' — they nicknamed him `el cojo'

    13) ( enviar) < telegrama> to send
    14) ( escribir) to put
    15) (esp Esp) ( expresar por escrito) to say
    16) (Esp) (exhibir, dar) <obra/película>

    ¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? — is there anything interesting on TV?

    ¿qué ponen en el Royal? — what's on o what's showing at the Royal?

    17) (RPl) ( tardar) to take
    18) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)
    19) ( adoptar) cara/voz

    poner a alguien a + inf: puso a las hijas a trabajar he sent his daughters out to work; lo puse a hacer los deberes — I made him do his homework


    poner a alguien de algo: la pusieron de jefa de sección they made her head of department; lo pusieron de ángel he was given the part of an angel; siempre te pone de ejemplo — he always holds you up as an example

    21) ( suponer)

    pon que perdemos ese tren... — say we miss that train o if we (were to) miss that train...

    pongamos (por caso) que están equivocadossuppose o let's just say they're wrong

    ponerle — (esp AmL)

    ¿cuánto se tarda? - ponle dos horas — how long does it take? - about two hours o reckon on two hours

    a) (conectar, encender) <televisión/calefacción> to turn on, switch on, put on; <programa/canal> to put on; < disco> to put on

    puso el motor en marchashe switched on o started the engine

    b) (ajustar, graduar)
    23) (Esp) ( al teléfono)

    poner a alguien con algo/alguien — to put somebody through to something/somebody

    ¿me pone con la extensión 24? — could you put me through to extension 24, please?

    vi gallina to lay
    1) ponerse v pron
    a) (refl) ( colocarse)

    pongámonos a la sombralet's sit (o lie etc) in the shade

    ponerse de rodillas — to kneel (down), get down on one's knees

    ponte ahí, junto al árbol — stand over there, by the tree

    se me/le puso que... — (AmS fam) I/he had a feeling that... (colloq)

    se le pone cada cosa... — he gets the strangest ideas into his head

    b) (Esp) ( llegar)
    3) sol to set
    4) (refl) <calzado/maquillaje/alhaja> to put on

    me puse el collar de perlasI wore o put on my pearl necklace

    5) (en estado, situación) (+ compl)

    cómo te has puesto de barro! — look at you, you're covered in mud!

    a) ( empezar)

    ponerse a + inf — to start -ing, to start + inf

    se puso a lloverit started raining o started to rain

    b) (CS arg) ( contribuir dinero)

    cuando llega la cuenta hay que ponerse — when the bill comes, everyone has to cough up (colloq)

    yo me pongo con cienI'll put in o chip in a hundred

    7) (Esp) ( al teléfono)

    ¿Pepe? sí, ahora se pone — Pepe? OK, I'll just get him for you

    * * *
    = affix, fit, put, set, lay, set up, lay out on, lay down, deposit, play, lay out, plant, bung + Nombe + in, get on.

    Ex: Some libraries use small stickers affixed to the spines which have cartoons or ideograms indicating a special genre.

    Ex: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.
    Ex: If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.
    Ex: If no fines are to be charged for a particular combination of borrower and material type, set the maximum fine to zero.
    Ex: By such mutual assistance, the wits and endeavours of the world may no longer be as so many scattered coals, or firebrands, which, for want of union are soon quenched, whereas, being but laid together, they would have yielded a comfortable light and heat.
    Ex: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.
    Ex: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.
    Ex: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.
    Ex: The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.
    Ex: In another style of lesson, the book is approached through film clips, dramatizations on TV, or played on records or tapes made commercially.
    Ex: There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'To everything there is a season...a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted: a life-cycle analysis of education for librarianship'.
    Ex: Instead of bunging it in the washing machine, clean it carefully by hand using lukewarm water.
    Ex: The full-length, two-direction zipper makes it easy to get on and off, and the bottom is easy to unzip for diaper changes.
    * con la mirada puesta en = in + Posesivo + sights.
    * cosas + ponerse feas = things + get rough.
    * costes + ponerse por las nubes = costs + spiral.
    * de quita y pon = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up, removable.
    * encargado de poner en práctica = implementor [implementer].
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * poner a Alguien al cargo de = put + Nombre + in charge of.
    * poner a Alguien al frente de = put + Nombre + in charge of.
    * poner a Alguien al mando de = put + Nombre + in charge of.
    * poner a Alguien al tanto de = fill + Alguien + in on.
    * poner a Alguien contra las cuerdas = put + Nombre + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en contacto con = put + Nombre + in touch with.
    * poner a Alguien en el compromiso de = leave + Nombre + with the choice of.
    * poner a Alguien en guardia = put + Nombre + on + Posesivo + guard.
    * poner a Alguien en su sitio = cut + Nombre + down to size, knock + Nombre + off + Posesivo + pedestal, cut + Nombre + down to size.
    * poner a Alguien en un aprieto = put + Nombre + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en un apuro = put + Alguien + on the spot, put + Nombre + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en un compromiso = put + Alguien + on the spot.
    * poner a Alguien en un pedestal = put + Nombre + on a pedestal.
    * poner a cargo de = put in + charge of.
    * poner a disposición = keep within + reach.
    * poner a disposición de = make + available to, put at + the disposal of, place + at the disposal of, bring within + reach.
    * poner a la altura de las circunstancias = bring + Nombre + up to par.
    * poner a la defensiva = put on + the defensive.
    * poner al alcance = bring within + reach.
    * poner al día = bring + Nombre + up to date, bring + Nombre + up to scratch.
    * poner al día (de) = bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.
    * poner Algo a disposición = put + Nombre + within reach.
    * poner Algo al alcance = put + Nombre + within reach.
    * poner Algo al descubierto = bring + Nombre + to the surface.
    * poner Algo a mano = put + Nombre + within reach.
    * poner Algo a prueba = push + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits.
    * poner Algo en = stick + Nombre + on.
    * poner Algo en Internet = put (out) + Nombre + on the web.
    * poner Algo patas arriba = turn + Nombre + inside-out.
    * poner Algo por delante de = put + Nombre + ahead of.
    * poner Alguien al descubierto = blow + Posesivo + cover.
    * poner + Alguien + frenético = make + Alguien + furious.
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * poner al revés = upend.
    * poner al tanto (de) = bring into + the swim of, bring + Nombre + up to speed (on), get + Nombre + up to speed on.
    * poner al tanto sobre = give + Nombre + the lowdown on.
    * poner a mal tiempo buena cara = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de = put + Nombre + ahead in.
    * poner a + Número = set to + Número.
    * poner aparte = set + apart.
    * poner a + Posesivo + disposición = put at + Posesivo + fingertips.
    * poner a prueba = stretch, tax, try, strain, overtax, pilot, put to + the test, test, plumb + the depths of, trial, overstretch, push + the envelope, put + Nombre + to the test, try + Nombre + on, push + Nombre + to the edge.
    * poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien = test + Posesivo + patience, try + Nombre + patience.
    * poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = try + the patience of a saint.
    * poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo = test + the patience of a saint.
    * poner a prueba una idea = test + idea, pilot + idea.
    * poner a punto = overhaul, hone, fine tune [fine-tune], tune-up.
    * poner atención = lend + an ear, listen (to).
    * poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.
    * poner bonito = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.
    * poner carnada = bait.
    * poner cebo = bait.
    * poner como ejemplo = instance, cite + as an example, showcase.
    * poner con chinchetas = thumbtack.
    * poner delante de = lay before.
    * poner de manifiesto = bring into + relief, highlight, show, state, throw into + relief, throw up, evince, illustrate, underscore, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], bring to + light, make + it + clear, lay + bare, provide + insight into, reveal, flag + Nombre + up.
    * poner de manifiesto las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * poner demasiado énfasis en Algo = overemphasise [over-emphasise] [overemphasize, -USA].
    * poner de patitas en la calle = give + Nombre + the boot, sack, boot (out), give + Nombre + the sack, turf out.
    * poner de pie = stand + upright.
    * poner de pie apoyado sobre un costado = stand on + Posesivo + side.
    * poner de + Posesivo + parte = do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + bit.
    * poner de relieve = bring into + relief, throw into + relief, underscore, highlight, show, state, throw up, evince, illustrate, underline, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], flag + Nombre + up, reveal.
    * poner de relieve la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * poner doble acristalamiento = double glaze.
    * poner el candado = padlock.
    * poner el centro de atención = put + focus.
    * poner el colofón final = bookend.
    * poner el culo = take + Nombre + lying down.
    * poner el dedo en la llaga = hit + a (raw) nerve, touch on + raw nerve, hit + the nail on the head, strike + home, strike + a nerve, touch on + a sore spot, touch + a (raw) nerve.
    * poner el despertador = set + the alarm clock.
    * poner el énfasis = put + focus.
    * poner el grito en el cielo = be (all) up in arms, kick up + a stink, kick up + a fuss, blow + Posesivo + top, make + a row, make + a ruckus, kick up + a row, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack, scream + blue murder, froth at + the mouth, shout + blue murder.
    * poner el matasellos a una carta = postmark.
    * poner el precio = price.
    * poner el sello = stamp.
    * poner el sello a = place + a stamp on.
    * poner el sello de = rubber stamp.
    * poner empeño = strive.
    * poner en adobo = marinade.
    * poner en alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.
    * poner en alquiler = rent out.
    * poner en apuros = cast + a shadow over, put + Nombre + in difficulties.
    * poner encima = top with.
    * poner en circulación = circulate.
    * poner en claro = clear up.
    * poner en cola = queue.
    * poner en cola de espera = place + in queue.
    * poner en contacto = bring into + relationship, contact, provide + an interface, bring into + contact.
    * poner en contenedor = containerise [containerize, -USA].
    * poner en cuarentena = quarantine.
    * poner en cuestión = call into + question, render + questionable.
    * poner en cuestión la validez de = bring into + question the validity of, question + the validity of.
    * poner en dificultades = put + Nombre + in difficulties.
    * poner en duda = challenge, be flawed, question, render + suspect, unsettle, cast + doubt on, regard + with suspicion, put in + doubt, call into + question, shed + doubt, throw into + doubt, throw + doubt on.
    * poner en duda la validez de = bring into + question the validity of.
    * poner en duda unos principios = shake + foundations.
    * poner en el haber de = credit.
    * poner en entredicho = challenge, cast + doubt on, subvert, compromise, cast + aspersions on, challenge + Posesivo + assumptions, doubt, question, call into + question, impugn.
    * poner en entredicho una postura = compromise + position.
    * poner en escena = stage.
    * poner en estado de alerta = put on + standby, put on + alert, place + Nombre + on standby.
    * poner en evidencia = make + it + clear, underline, bring to + light, put + Nombre + to shame, call + Posesivo + bluff, bring to + the fore.
    * poner énfasis = put + emphasis.
    * poner énfasis en = lay + stress on, place + emphasis on, lay + emphasis on.
    * poner en forma = buff up.
    * poner en funcionamiento = activate, set in + action, set up, trip, put into + working order, put in + place, put in + place, put into + place, set in + motion.
    * poner en funcionamiento un programa = implement + program(me).
    * poner en garantía = pawn.
    * poner en hielo = ice.
    * poner en juego = tap.
    * poner en la calle = evict.
    * poner en la pared = pin up.
    * poner en la red + Documento Impreso = webify + Documento Impreso.
    * poner en libertad = release from + jail.
    * poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.
    * poner en libertad condicional = release on + bail.
    * poner en libertad condicional, poner en libertad bajo fianza = release on + bail.
    * poner en lista de espera = put + on a waiting list.
    * poner en marcha = implement, set up, trip, set out on, crank up.
    * poner en marcha un proyecto = mobilise + effort.
    * poner en órbita = place into + orbit.
    * poner en orden = tidy up, put in + order, clear up.
    * poner en peligro = jeopardise [jeopardize, -USA], put into + jeopardy, imperil, put at + risk, compromise, endanger, pose + risk.
    * poner en peligro la seguridad = breach + security.
    * poner en peligro la vida = risk + Posesivo + life, risk + life and limb.
    * poner en práctica = exercise, implement, put into + practice, put to + work, put into + effect, put into + practical effect, put in + place, put into + place, translate into + practical action, bring to + bear, deploy.
    * poner en práctica una idea = put + Posesivo + idea + into practice.
    * poner en práctica una normativa = carry out + policy.
    * poner en práctica un arte = practise + art.
    * poner en préstamo = circulate.
    * poner en primer plano = foreground.
    * poner en relación = bring into + relationship.
    * poner en remojo = steep.
    * poner en ridículo = poke + fun at.
    * poner en riesgo = put at + risk.
    * poner en su sitio = put in + place.
    * poner en tela de juicio = throw + doubt on, contest.
    * poner en tensión = put + Nombre + under pressure.
    * poner entre comillas = enclose + in quotation marks.
    * poner entre corchetes = bracket.
    * poner entre la espada y la pared = press to + the point.
    * poner entre paréntesis = bracket.
    * poner entre rejas = put + Nombre + behind bars.
    * poner en uso = bring into + use, take in + use.
    * poner en venta = put on + sale.
    * poner esfuerzo = give + effort.
    * poner fin = curb, bring to + a close, draw to + a close.
    * poner fin a = put + paid to, put + an end to, put + a stop to, call + a halt on, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, sound + the death knell for, kill off.
    * poner fin a un embarazo = terminate + pregnancy.
    * poner freno = curb.
    * poner freno a = place + a curb on, clamp down on.
    * poner fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * poner guiones = hyphenate.
    * poner huevos = lay + eggs, oviposit.
    * poner impuestos = impose + VAT.
    * poner la brida = bridle.
    * poner la casa al revés = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner la casa patas arriba = turn + the house upside down.
    * poner la dirección en un sobre = address + envelope.
    * poner ladrillos = laying of bricks, lay + bricks.
    * poner la fecha = date-stamp.
    * poner la mesa = lay + the table.
    * poner la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.
    * poner la responsabilidad en = put + the burden on.
    * poner las antenas = prick (up) + Posesivo + ears, Posesivo + antennas + go up.
    * poner las bases = lay + foundation, lay + the basis for.
    * poner las cartas boca arriba = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * poner las cartas sobre la mesa = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * poner las cosas en marcha = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.
    * poner las cosas en movimiento = get + the ball rolling, set + the ball rolling, start + the ball rolling, get + things rolling, get + things going, set + the wheels in motion.
    * poner las cosas en su lugar = set + the record straight.
    * poner las esposas = handcuff.
    * poner la vida en peligro = put + Posesivo + life at risk.
    * ponerle el cascabel al gato = stick + Posesivo + neck out (for), stick out + Posesivo + neck.
    * ponerle la guinda = put + icing on the cake.
    * ponerle la mano encima a = lay + a finger on.
    * ponerle los cuernos a = cuckold.
    * ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.
    * poner lo pelos de punta = frighten + the living daylights out of.
    * poner los ojos en blanco = roll + Posesivo + eyes.
    * poner los pelos de punta = bristle, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + Nombre + to death, make + Posesivo + hair stand on end, scare + the hell out of.
    * poner los pies en alto = put + Posesivo + feet up.
    * poner los pies en + Posesivo + casa = darken + Posesivo + door.
    * poner los pies sobre la tierra = come down + to earth.
    * poner más fuerte = crank up.
    * poner mucho ahínco = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho ahínco en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño = try + Posesivo + heart out.
    * poner mucho empeño en = put + Posesivo + heart into.
    * poner mucho empeño en + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.
    * poner mucho empeño por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner mucho esmero por = take + (great) pains to.
    * poner negro = drive + Alguien + (a)round the bend.
    * poner nervioso = rattle.
    * poner nervioso a Alguien = give + Nombre + the screaming abdabs.
    * poner + Nombre + a dieta = put + Nombre + on a diet.
    * poner + Nombre + a + Nombre = place + Nombre + against + Nombre.
    * poner objeciones = object.
    * poner objeciones a = object to.
    * poner obstáculos = cramp.
    * poner orden = bring + order, tidying (up), create + order, clear out, clear up.
    * poner orden en el caos = create + order out of chaos, create + order out of chaos.
    * poner papel en la impresora = load + printer.
    * poner parches = patch up, patch.
    * poner patas arriba = upend.
    * poner pegas = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.
    * poner peros = baulk [balk, -USA], cavil (about/at), quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.
    * poner por las nubes = praise + highly, wax + lyrical, wax + rapturous, praise + Nombre + to the skies, sing + Posesivo + praises.
    * poner por los suelos = slate, slag + Nombre + off, mouth off, say + nasty things about, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, trash, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, rubbish.
    * poner + Posesivo + granito de arena = do + Posesivo + share, do + Posesivo + part, do + Posesivo + bit.
    * poner precio a la cabeza de = declare + open season on.
    * poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = put + a price on + Posesivo + head.
    * poner punto final a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end, close + the book on.
    * poner punto y final a = put + a stop to, sound + the death knell for.
    * poner reparos = cavil (about/at), baulk [balk, -USA], quibble (about/over/with), raise + objection, find + fault with.
    * poner sal = salt.
    * ponerse = don, pull on, wax.
    * ponerse a = set about + Gerundio, get (a)round to, settle down to, get down to + Nombre.
    * ponerse a cero = roll over to + zero.
    * ponerse a cubierto = run for + cover.
    * ponerse a dieta = go on + a diet.
    * ponerse a hacer = set out to + do.
    * ponerse a hacer Algo en serio = buckle down to.
    * ponerse al corriente = come up to + speed.
    * ponerse al corriente de = catch up with, catch up on.
    * ponerse al día = catching up, come up to + speed, get + up to speed.
    * ponerse al día de = get up to + speed on.
    * ponerse al día de un atraso = clear + backlog.
    * ponerse al día en = catch up with, catch up on.
    * ponerse Algo = slip + Nombre + on.
    * ponerse al rojo vivo = reach + boiling point, fire up.
    * ponerse al tanto = get + up to speed, wise up.
    * ponerse al tanto de = get up to + speed on.
    * ponerse a malas con = run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * ponerse amarillo de envidia = turn + green with envy.
    * ponerse a temblar con sólo pensar en = shudder at + the thought of.
    * ponerse a trabajar en serio = get on with + Posesivo + work, buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.
    * ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.
    * ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.
    * ponerse blanco = turn + white, whiten.
    * ponerse borroso = blur.
    * ponerse ciego = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * ponerse + Color = go + Color.
    * ponerse colorado = get + red in the face, go + bright red.
    * ponerse colorado como un tomate = go + bright red.
    * ponerse como loco = go + crazy, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse como una fiera = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse como unas castañuelas = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.
    * ponerse como un energúmeno = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + a fuse, wax + indignant, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, tear + Posesivo + hair out, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse contentísimo = be tickled pink, be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits.
    * ponerse de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * ponerse del lado de = side with.
    * ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * ponerse de lleno a = buckle down to.
    * ponerse de mil colores = go + bright red.
    * ponerse de moda = come into + vogue, come into + fashion.
    * ponerse de parte de = side with.
    * ponerse de parte de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * ponerse de pie = rise, stand up, get to + Posesivo + feet, rise to + Posesivo + feet.
    * ponerse de punta = stand out.
    * ponerse, el = donning, the.
    * ponerse el cinturón = buckle up.
    * ponerse en cola = queue up, line up.
    * ponerse en contacto = make + contact.
    * ponerse en contacto con = be in touch (with), interact (with), get in + touch with.
    * ponerse en contra de = turn against.
    * ponerse en cuclillas = squat (down), crouch (down).
    * ponerse en el lugar de = place + Reflexivo + in the position of, put + Reflexivo + in the position of.
    * ponerse en el lugar de Alguien = put + Reflexivo + in + Nombre/Posesivo + shoes, wear + Posesivo + shoes, walk in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * ponerse enfermo = get + sick.
    * ponerse en fila = line up.
    * ponerse en forma = get + fit.
    * ponerse en forma para la lucir el cuerpo en la playa = get + beach-fit.
    * ponerse en lugar de Alguien = stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * ponerse en marcha = set off, get off + the ground, swing into + action.
    * ponerse en medio = get in + the way (of).
    * ponerse en pie de guerra = dig up + the tomahawk, dig up + the hatchet, dig up + the war axe.
    * ponerse en práctica = go into + effect.
    * ponerse en ridículo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * ponerse en tensión = tense up.
    * ponerse firme = stand to + attention.
    * ponerse frenético = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, work up + a lather, tear + Posesivo + hair out, be furious.
    * ponerse fresco con = act + fresh with.
    * ponerse furioso = infuriate, get + (all) worked up (about), get + hot under the collar.
    * ponerse gallito = bluster.
    * ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, blow + Posesivo + top, go + postal, go + crazy, blow + a fuse, lose + Posesivo + temper, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic, blow + Posesivo + top, blow + Posesivo + lid, blow + Posesivo + stack.
    * ponerse histérico = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather, throw + a wobbly, throw + a wobbler.
    * ponerse la ropa rápidamente = slip into + Posesivo + clothes.
    * ponerse las medallas = take + the credit (for).
    * ponerse las orejeras = put on + blinkers.
    * ponerse las pilas = buckle down to, pull up + Posesivo + socks, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, pull + (a/Posesivo) finger out.
    * ponerse las pilas, ponerse de lleno a, ponerse a trabajar en serio = buckle down to.
    * ponerse loco = go + berserk, go + postal, work up + a lather.
    * ponerse manos a la obra = get down to + business, swing into + action.
    * ponerse marrón = turn + brown.
    * ponerse morado = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * ponerse nervioso = get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, be in a tizz(y), get in(to) a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * ponerse por las nubes = go + ballistic.
    * ponerse rígido = stiffen.
    * ponerse rojo = get + red in the face, go + bright red.
    * ponerse rojo como un tomate = go + bright red.
    * ponerse seriamente a = settle to.
    * ponerse tenso = tense up, stress + Nombre + out.
    * ponerse tibio = pig out (on).
    * ponerse una tarea = set + Reflexivo + task.
    * poner sobre aviso = alert to.
    * poner término a = put + paid to.
    * poner toda la carne en el asador = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner todo de + Posesivo + parte = give + Posesivo + best, do + Posesivo + best, give + Posesivo + utmost.
    * poner todo patas arriba = turn + everything upside down.
    * poner todos los huevos en una canasta = put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket, put + all (of) + Posesivo + eggs in one basket.
    * poner trabas = cramp.
    * poner una bomba = plant + bomb.
    * poner una demanda = face + legal action.
    * poner una denuncia = file + police report.
    * poner una marca de comprobación = check-mark.
    * poner una nota en un sitio público = post.
    * poner una reclamación = appeal.
    * poner una señal = put up + a sign, put up + a notice.
    * poner una señal de aviso = post + a warning, post + a warning sign.
    * poner una tienda = pitch + tent.
    * poner un círculo alrededor = circle.
    * poner un ejemplo = take + an example, draw + example.
    * poner un letrero = put up + a sign, post + a notice, put up + a notice.
    * poner un pie = set + foot (inside/in/on).
    * poner un poquito de picante = pep up.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * poner verde = mouth off, get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue, trash, call + Nombre + all the names under the sun, say + nasty things about, slag + Nombre + off, cut + Nombre + up, tear + Nombre + down, slate, rubbish.
    * poner vertical = stand + upright, upend.
    * poner y quitar = get on and off.
    * pongamos el caso de que = for the sake of + argument.
    * pongamos, por ejemplo,... = let us say, take, for example,..., take, for instance,....
    * por poner un ejemplo + Adjetivo = to take a + Adjetivo + example.
    * por poner un ejemplo sobre + Nombre = to take + Nombre.
    * precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.
    * precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.
    * que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * quita o pon = give or take.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sólo con la ropa interior puesta = in + Posesivo + underclothes.
    * sol + ponerse (por) = sun + set (on).
    * volver a ponerse al día = be back on track, be on track.
    * ya lo quitas, ya lo pones = burn-'em-down-build-'em-up.

    * * *
    poner [ E22 ]
    ■ poner (verbo transitivo)
    1 colocar
    2 poner: anuncio, aviso
    B agregar
    C ropa, calzado etc
    D ‹inyección/supositorio›
    E poner la mesa
    1 instalar, montar
    2 poner: cocina, teléfono etc
    3 poner: cerradura etc
    G poner: huevos
    H servir, dar
    1 contribuir
    2 proporcionar
    B poner: atención, cuidado
    1 imponer
    2 oponer
    3 adjudicar
    D poner: nombre
    E enviar
    F escribir
    1 expresar por escrito
    2 impersonal
    H exhibir, dar
    I tardar
    A en un estado, una situación
    B poner: cara, voz, etc
    1 hacer empezar
    2 poner a alguien de algo
    D suponer
    1 conectar, encender
    2 ajustar, graduar
    B poner al teléfono
    ■ poner (verbo intransitivo)
    1 apostar
    2 contribuir dinero
    B poner: gallinas
    C México: vulg
    ■ ponerse (verbo pronominal)
    1 colocarse
    2 llegar
    B ponerse: el sol
    C ponerse: calzado etc
    A en un estado, una situación
    1 empezar
    2 esforzarse, esmerarse
    3 contribuir dinero
    Sentido III ponerse al teléfono
    1 (colocar) to put
    ¿dónde habré puesto las llaves? where can I have put the keys?
    ¿dónde vas a poner este cuadro? where are you going to put o hang this picture?
    pon ese cuadro derecho put that picture straight, straighten that picture
    lo pusieron en el curso avanzado he was put o placed in the advanced class
    ponle la cadena a la puerta put the chain on the door
    pon agua a calentar put some water on to boil
    2 ‹anuncio/aviso› to place, put
    pusieron un anuncio en el periódico they put o placed an advertisement in the newspaper
    B (agregar) to put
    ¿cuándo se le pone el agua? when do you put the water in?, when do you add the water?
    ¿le has puesto sal a la sopa? have you put any salt in the soup?
    ¿le pones azúcar al café? do you take sugar in your coffee?
    C ‹ropa/calzado› (+ me/te/le etc):
    ¿me pones los zapatos? can you put my shoes on (for me)?
    le puse el vestido rojo I dressed her in her red dress
    D ‹inyección/supositorio› to give
    el dentista le puso una inyección the dentist gave him an injection
    poner la mesa to lay o set the table
    1 (instalar, montar) ‹oficina/restaurante› to open
    puso un estudio junto con otra arquitecta she set up in business with another architect
    consiguió permiso para poner una autoescuela he got permission to open a driving school
    les ayudó a poner la casa he helped them set up house o home
    pusieron la casa/oficina a todo lujo they furnished the house/fitted the office out in style
    le puso un apartamento a su amante he set his mistress up in an apartment
    2 ‹cocina/teléfono/calefacción› to install
    van a poner cocinas de gas they are going to install o fit gas cookers
    3 ‹cerradura/armario› to fit
    G «ave» ‹huevos› to lay
    ( Esp) (servir, dar): ¿qué le pongo? what can I get you?
    póngame un café, por favor I'll have a coffee, please
    ¿cuántos le pongo, señora? how many would you like, madam?
    1 (contribuir):
    él pone el capital y yo el trabajo he puts up the capital and I supply the labor
    pusimos 500 pesos cada uno we put in 500 pesos each
    que cada uno ponga lo que pueda each person should give what he or she can afford
    2 (proporcionar) ‹autobús/tren› to lay on
    la empresa puso la comida y la bebida food and drink was laid on by the company
    B ‹atención› to pay; ‹cuidado› to take
    pon más atención en lo que estás haciendo pay more attention to what you're doing
    no ha puesto ningún cuidado en este trabajo she hasn't taken any care at all over this piece of work
    pone mucho entusiasmo en todo lo que hace he's very enthusiastic about everything he does, he puts a lot of enthusiasm into everything he does
    1 (imponer) ‹deberes› to give, set; ‹examen› to set
    nos pusieron 20 preguntas we were given o set 20 questions
    (oponer): no me puso ningún inconveniente he didn't have o raise any objections
    a todo le tiene que poner peros or pegas she finds fault with everything
    3 (adjudicar) ‹nota› to give
    ¿qué (nota) te puso en la redacción? what (mark) did he give you for your essay?
    le pusieron un cero he got nought out of ten
    D (dar) ‹nombre/apodo› to give
    ¡qué nombre más feo le pusieron! what a horrible name to give him!
    le pusieron Eva they called her Eva
    ¿qué título le vas a poner al poema? what title are you going to give the poem?, what are you going to call the poem?
    le pusieron el sobrenombre de `el cojo' they nicknamed him `el cojo'
    E (enviar) ‹telegrama› to send; ‹carta› to mail ( AmE), to post ( BrE)
    F (escribir) to put
    no has puesto ningún acento you haven't put any of the accents in
    no sé qué más ponerle I don't know what else to put o write
    puso mi nombre en la lista she put my name down on the list
    G ( esp Esp)
    el periódico no pone nada sobre el robo the newspaper doesn't say anything about the robbery
    mira a ver lo que pone en esa nota see what that note says
    allí pone que no se puede pasar it says there that you can't go in
    ¿qué pone aquí? what does it say here?, what does this say?
    H ( Esp) (exhibir, dar)
    ‹obra/película› ¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? is there anything interesting on TV?
    ¿qué ponen en el Trocadero? what's on o what's showing at the Trocadero?
    en el teatro ponen una obra de Casares there's a play by Casares on at the theater
    no pusieron ninguna película buena en Navidad there wasn't a single good film on over Christmas, they didn't show a single good film over Christmas
    I ( RPl) (tardar) to take
    el avión pone media hora de Montevideo a Buenos Aires the plane takes half an hour from Montevideo to Buenos Aires
    de allí a Salta pusimos tres horas it took us three hours from there to Salta
    A (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):
    me pones nerviosa you're making me nervous
    ya la has puesto de mal humor now you've put her in a bad mood
    ¿por qué me pusiste en evidencia así? why did you show me up like that?
    lo pusiste en un aprieto you put him in an awkward position
    nos puso al corriente de lo sucedido he brought us up to date with what had happened
    ¡mira cómo has puesto la alfombra! look at the mess you've made on the carpet!
    me estás poniendo las cosas muy difíciles you're making things very difficult for me
    B (adoptar) ‹cara/voz›
    no pongas esa cara there's no need to look like that
    puso cara de enfado he looked annoyed
    puso voz de asustado he sounded scared
    (hacer empezar): el médico me puso a régimen the doctor put me on a diet
    poner a algn A + INF:
    tuvo que poner a las hijas a trabajar he had to send his daughters out to work
    lo puso a estudiar guitarra con Rodríguez she sent him to have guitar lessons with Rodríguez
    lo puso a pelar cebollas she set him to work peeling onions
    2 poner a algn DE algo:
    la pusieron de jefa de sección they made her head of department
    lo pusieron de ángel he was given a part as an angel, he was given the part of an angel
    su padre lo puso de botones en la oficina his father gave him a job as an office boy
    siempre te pone de ejemplo he always holds you up as an example
    (suponer): pon que perdemos ese tren, no podríamos volver say we miss that train o if we (were to) miss that train, then we wouldn't be able to get back
    pon que es cierto ¿qué harías entonces? say o suppose o supposing it is true, then what would you do?
    pongamos (por caso) que están equivocados suppose o let's just say they're wrong
    ponerle ( AmL): ¿cuánto se tarda? — ponle dos horas how long does it take? — about two hours o in the region of two hours o reckon on two hours
    ¿cuánto nos costará? — y … pónganle alrededor de $200 how much will it cost us? — well, … you'd better reckon on about $200
    1 (conectar, encender) ‹televisión/calefacción› to turn o switch o put on; ‹programa/canal› to put on
    pon un disco put on a record
    puso el motor en marcha she switched on o started the engine
    todavía no nos han puesto la luz we haven't had our electricity connected yet
    (ajustar, graduar): pon el despertador a las siete set the alarm (clock) for seven
    ¿puedes poner la música un poco más alta? can you turn the music up a bit?
    puso el reloj en hora she put the clock right, she set the clock to the right time
    poner el motor a punto to tune up the engine
    ( Esp) (al teléfono): en seguida le pongo I'm just putting you through o connecting you
    poner a algn CON algn/algo to put sb THROUGH TO sb/sth
    ¿me puede poner con el director, por favor? could you put me through to o could I speak to the director, please?
    ¿me pone con la extensión 24? could you put me through to o can I have extension 24, please?
    ■ poner
    1 ( Jueg) (apostar) to put in
    2 (contribuir dinero) to contribute
    ¿vas a poner para el regalo de Pilar? are you going to give something o contribute toward(s) Pilar's present?
    B «gallina» to lay
    C ( Méx vulg) (copular) to score (sl)
    1 ( refl)
    (colocarse): pongámonos un rato a la sombra let's sit ( o lie etc) in the shade for a while
    ponerse de pie to stand up, stand
    ponerse de rodillas to kneel, kneel down, get down on one's knees
    ponte ahí, junto al árbol stand over there, by the tree
    ponérsele a algn algo ( AmL fam): se le puso que tenía que escalar la montaña he got it into his head that he had to climb the mountain
    a ese viejo se le pone cada cosa that old man gets the strangest ideas into his head
    ( Esp) (llegar): en diez minutos nos ponemos allí we can be there in ten minutes
    B «sol» to set
    C ( refl) ‹calzado/maquillaje/alhaja› to put on
    ponte el abrigo put your coat on
    no tengo nada que ponerme I don't have a thing to wear
    mi hermano siempre se pone mi ropa my brother is always borrowing my clothes
    ponte un poco de sombra de ojos put on a little eyeshadow
    me puse el collar de perlas I wore o put on my pearl necklace
    A (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):
    me puse furiosa I got very angry
    cuando lo vio se puso muy contenta she was so happy when she saw it
    adelante, pónganse cómodos come in, make yourselves comfortable
    no te pongas así, que no es para tanto don't get so worked up, it's not that bad
    ¡mira cómo te has puesto de barro! just look at you, you're covered in mud!
    no te imaginas cómo se puso, hecha una fiera you wouldn't believe the way she reacted, she went absolutely wild
    la vida se está poniendo carísima everything's getting so expensive
    1 (empezar) ponerse A + INF to start -ING
    se va a poner a llover de un momento a otro it's going to start raining o to start to rain any minute
    a ver si te pones a trabajar you'd better start working
    se puso a llorar sin motivo aparente she started crying o to cry for no apparent reason
    2 ( fam) (esforzarse, esmerarse) to try, make an effort
    si te pones lo acabas hoy mismo if you make an effort o if you try o if you put your mind to it, you'll finish it today
    (CS arg) (contribuir dinero): cuando se casaron el viejo se puso con $5.000 when they got married, her old man shelled out $5,000 ( colloq)
    cuando llega la cuenta hay que ponerse when the check comes, everyone has to cough up ( colloq)
    yo me pongo con cien I'll put in o chip in a hundred ( colloq)
    ( Esp) (al teléfono): ¿Pepe? sí, ahora se pone Pepe? OK, I'll just get him for you
    dile a tu madre que se ponga tell your mother I want to speak to her, ask your mother to come to the phone
    * * *


    poner ( conjugate poner) verbo transitivo

    ponle el collar al perro put the dog's collar on;
    poner una bomba to plant a bomb
    b)anuncio/aviso to place, put

    c) ropa› (+ me/te/le etc):

    2 ( agregar) to put
    3inyección/supositorio to give
    poner la mesa to lay o set the table

    5 (instalar, montar)
    a)oficina/restaurante to open

    b)cocina/teléfono/calefacción to install

    c)cerradura/armario to fit

    6 [ ave] ‹ huevo to lay
    7 (Esp) (servir, dar):
    póngame un café, por favor I'll have a coffee, please;

    ¿cuántos le pongo? how many would you like?
    1 dinero› ( contribuir) to put in;

    2 atención to pay;
    cuidado/interés to take;

    a) ( imponer) ‹ deberes to give, set;

    examen/problema to set;

    c) ( adjudicar) ‹ nota to give

    4 ( dar) ‹nombre/apodo to give;
    ejemplo to give;

    5 ( enviar) ‹ telegrama to send
    6 ( escribir) ‹dedicatoria/líneas to write
    7 (Esp) (exhibir, dar) ‹ película to show;
    ¿ponen algo interesante en la tele? is there anything interesting on TV?;

    ¿qué ponen en el Royal? what's on o what's showing at the Royal?
    a) (conectar, encender) ‹televisión/calefacción to turn on, switch on, put on;

    programa/canal to put on;
    cinta/disco/música to put on;
    puso el motor en marcha she switched on o started the engine

    b) (ajustar, graduar) ‹ despertador to set;

    puso el reloj en hora she put the clock right
    2 (Esp) ( al teléfono): poner a algn con algo/algn to put sb through to sth/sb
    (en estado, situación) (+ compl):

    poner a algn en un aprieto to put sb in an awkward position
    vi [ ave] to lay
    ponerse verbo pronominal
    1 ( refl) ( colocarse):
    pongámonos ahí let's stand (o sit etc) there;

    ponerse de pie to stand (up);
    ponerse de rodillas to kneel (down), get down on one's knees
    2 [ sol] to set
    3 ( refl) ‹calzado/maquillaje/alhaja to put on;

    1 (en estado, situación) (+ compl):

    se puso triste she became sad;
    cuando lo vio se puso muy contenta she was so happy when she saw it;
    se puso como loco he went mad;
    ponerse cómodo to make oneself comfortable
    2 ( empezar) ponerse a + inf to start -ing, to start + inf;


    poner verbo transitivo
    1 (en un lugar, una situación) to put: me puso en un aprieto, he put me in a tight corner
    (seguido de adjetivo) to make: me pone contento, he makes me happy
    2 (hacer funcionar) to turn o switch on
    3 (un fax, telegrama) to send
    poner una conferencia, to make a long-distance call
    4 (una multa, un castigo) to impose
    5 (abrir un negocio) to set up
    6 (vestir) to put on
    7 (exponer) tienes que poner la planta al sol/a la sombra, you have to put the plant in the sun/shade
    8 (aportar) yo puse mil pesetas, I contributed a thousand pesetas
    9 (conjeturar, imaginar) to suppose: pongamos que..., supposing (that)...
    10 (estar escrito) lo pone aquí, it's written here
    no pone nada de eso, it doesn't say anything about that
    11 TV Cine to put on, show
    12 Tel ponme con él, put me through to him
    13 (un nombre) le pondremos Tadeo, we are going to call him Tadeo
    ya le puso título a la novela, he has already given the novel a title
    ♦ Locuciones: poner a alguien a caldo, to pull sb to pieces
    poner a cien, to make sb nervous: me pone a cien cuando habla de ese modo, when he talks that way I get nervous
    poner en duda, to call into question: los inversores pusieron su competencia en duda, the investors questioned his competence
    poner a alguien en evidencia, to show sb up
    poner en evidencia, to show up: la situación pone en evidencia la falta de justicia del sistema, the situation exposes the system's unfairness
    poner a alguien en su sitio, to put sb in his place
    ' poner' also found in these entries:
    - alinear
    - alta
    - alto
    - altura
    - antecedente
    - antena
    - arreglar
    - arrinconar
    - aunar
    - bandeja
    - brete
    - cabeza
    - calzar
    - caldo
    - calle
    - cara
    - cargar
    - carta
    - caso
    - cien
    - codificar
    - comprometer
    - confiar
    - coto
    - crecer
    - cuenco
    - cuestión
    - dejar
    - denuncia
    - depositar
    - descomponer
    - descubierta
    - descubierto
    - desesperar
    - diente
    - dirigir
    - discutir
    - distribuir
    - enchufar
    - enderezar
    - enervar
    - enfermar
    - enfrentar
    - enmascarar
    - entregar
    - entregarse
    - escenificar
    - escobilla
    - esmerarse
    - action
    - apply
    - arm
    - arrange
    - aside
    - best
    - blur
    - bond
    - box
    - bracket
    - bundle
    - bung
    - cap
    - cast
    - cheek
    - claim
    - code
    - collect
    - compromise
    - connect
    - cork
    - crack
    - cross
    - crown
    - curb
    - date
    - dip
    - discomfit
    - dishwasher
    - egg
    - end
    - endanger
    - excite
    - face
    - fault
    - feature
    - fetter
    - fill in
    - fit
    - fluster
    - follow up
    - forewarn
    - free
    - gather
    - get
    - glaze
    - go
    - gown
    - grin
    * * *
    1. [situar, agregar, meter] to put;
    me pusieron en la última fila I was put in the back row;
    ponle un poco más de sal put some more salt in it, add a bit of salt to it;
    pon los juguetes en el armario put the toys (away) in the cupboard;
    ¿dónde habré puesto la calculadora? where can I have put o left the calculator?;
    poner un anuncio en el periódico to put an advert in the paper;
    poner un póster en la pared to put a poster up on the wall;
    poner una inyección a alguien to give sb an injection;
    hubo que ponerle un bozal al perro we had to put a muzzle on the dog, we had to muzzle the dog
    2. [ropa, zapatos, maquillaje]
    poner algo a alguien to put sth on sb;
    ponle este pañal al bebé put this Br nappy o US diaper on the baby
    3. [servir]
    ¿qué le pongo? what can I get you?, what would you like?;
    póngame una cerveza, por favor I'd like o I'll have a beer, please;
    ¿cuánto le pongo? how much would you like?;
    póngame un kilo give me a kilo
    4. [contribuir, aportar] to put in;
    poner dinero en el negocio to put money into the business;
    poner algo de mi/tu/ etc[m5]. parte to do my/your/ etc bit;
    poner mucho empeño en (hacer) algo to put a lot of effort into (doing) sth;
    pon atención en lo que digo pay attention to what I'm saying;
    hay que poner más cuidado con o [m5] en la ortografía you have to take more care over your spelling
    5. [hacer estar de cierta manera]
    poner a alguien en un aprieto/de mal humor to put sb in a difficult position/in a bad mood;
    le has puesto colorado/nervioso you've made him blush/feel nervous;
    ponérselo fácil/difícil a alguien to make things easy/difficult for sb;
    lo puso todo perdido she made a real mess;
    el profesor nos puso a hacer cuentas the teacher gave us some sums to do;
    llegó y nos puso a todos a trabajar she arrived and set us all to work;
    pon la sopa a calentar warm the soup up;
    me pusieron de aprendiz de camarero they had me work as a trainee waiter;
    poner cara de tonto/inocente to put on a stupid/an innocent face
    6. [calificar]
    poner a alguien de algo to call sb sth;
    me pusieron de mentiroso they called me a liar;
    poner bien algo/a alguien to praise sth/sb;
    poner mal algo/a alguien to criticize sth/sb
    7. [oponer]
    poner obstáculos a algo to hinder sth;
    poner pegas a algo to raise objections to sth
    8. [asignar] [precio] to fix, to settle on;
    [multa] to give; [deberes, examen, tarea] to give, to set;
    le pusieron (de nombre) Mario they called him Mario;
    me han puesto (en el turno) de noche I've been assigned to the night shift, they've put me on the night shift;
    le pusieron un cinco en el examen he got five out of ten in the exam
    9. [comunicar] [telegrama, fax, giro postal] to send;
    [conferencia] to make; Esp
    ¿me pones con él? can you put me through to him?;
    no cuelgue, ahora le pongo don't hang up, I'll put you through in a second
    10. [conectar, hacer funcionar] [televisión, radio] to switch o put on;
    [despertador] to set; [instalación, gas] to put in; [música, cinta, disco] to put on;
    pon la lavadora put the washing machine on;
    pon el telediario put the news on;
    puse el despertador a las seis/el reloj en hora I set my alarm clock for six o'clock/my watch to the right time;
    ¿te han puesto ya el teléfono? are you on the phone yet?, have they connected your phone yet?;
    ponlo más alto, que no se oye turn it up, I can't hear it
    11. [en el cine, el teatro, la televisión] to show;
    anoche pusieron un documental muy interesante last night they showed a very interesting documentary;
    ¿qué ponen en la tele/en el Rialto? what's on the TV/on at the Rialto?;
    en el Rialto ponen una de Stallone there's a Stallone movie on at the Rialto
    12. [montar] to set up;
    poner la casa to set up home;
    poner un negocio to start a business;
    ha puesto una tienda she has opened a shop;
    han puesto una cocina nueva they've had a new Br cooker o US stove put in;
    hemos puesto moqueta en el salón we've had a carpet fitted in the living-room;
    poner la mesa to lay the table;
    pusieron la tienda (de campaña) en un prado they pitched their tent o put their tent up in a meadow
    13. [decorar] to do up;
    han puesto su casa con mucho lujo they've done up their house in real style
    14. [suponer] to suppose;
    pongamos que sucedió así (let's) suppose that's what happened;
    pon que necesitemos cinco días suppose we need five days;
    poniendo que todo salga bien assuming everything goes according to plan;
    ¿cuándo estará listo? – ponle que en dos días when will it be ready? – reckon on it taking two days
    15. Esp [decir] to say;
    ¿qué pone ahí? what does it say there?
    16. [escribir] to put;
    ¿qué pusiste en la segunda pregunta? what did you put for the second question?
    17. [huevo] to lay
    18. RP [demorar] to take;
    el tren pone media hora en llegar allá the train takes half an hour to get there
    19. Fam [excitar]
    esa actriz me pone that actress totally does it for me
    [gallina, aves] to lay (eggs)
    v impersonal
    Am Fam [parecer]
    se me pone que… it seems to me that…
    * * *
    <part puesto> v/t
    1 put;
    poner en marcha set in motion;
    pongamos que let’s suppose o assume that
    2 ropa put on
    3 ( añadir) put in
    4 RAD, TV turn on, switch on
    5 la mesa set
    6 ( escribir) put down
    7 en periódico, libro etc say;
    la crítica puso muy bien su última película the critics gave his last film very good reviews
    8 negocio set up
    9 telegrama send
    10 huevos lay
    11 AUTO marcha put the car in, move into
    12 dinero deposit
    poner a alguien furioso make s.o. angry;
    ponerle a alguien con alguien TELEC put s.o. through to s.o.;
    * * *
    poner {60} vt
    1) colocar: to put, to place
    pon el libro en la mesa: put the book on the table
    2) agregar, añadir: to put in, to add
    3) : to put on (clothes)
    4) contribuir: to contribute
    5) escribir: to put in writing
    no le puso su nombre: he didn't put his name on it
    6) imponer: to set, to impose
    7) exponer: to put, to expose
    lo puso en peligro: she put him in danger
    8) : to prepare, to arrange
    poner la mesa: to set the table
    9) : to name
    le pusimos Ana: we called her Ana
    10) establecer: to set up, to establish
    puso un restaurante: he opened up a restaurant
    11) instalar: to install, to put in
    siempre lo pones de mal humor: you always put him in a bad mood
    13) : to turn on, to switch on
    14) suponer: to suppose
    pongamos que no viene: supposing he doesn't come
    15) : to lay (eggs)
    poner a : to start (someone doing something)
    lo puse a trabajar: I put him to work
    poner de : to place as
    la pusieron de directora: they made her director
    poner en : to put in (a state or condition)
    poner en duda: to call into question
    poner vi
    1) : to contribute
    2) : to lay eggs
    * * *
    poner vb
    1. (colocar) to put [pt. & pp. put]
    2. (ropa, etc) to put on
    3. (añadir) to put
    ¿le has puesto sal a las patatas? have you put any salt on the potatoes?
    ¿te pones azúcar? do you take sugar?
    4. (escribir) to write [pt. wrote; pp. written] / to put
    5. (programar) to set [pt. & pp. set]
    6. (encender) to put on / to turn on / to switch on
    7. (establecer) to open
    8. (enviar) to send [pt. & pp. sent]
    9. (comunicar) to put through
    ¿me pones con Asunción, por favor? can you put me through to Asunción, please?
    10. (decir) to say [pt. & pp. said]
    11. (proyectar) to be on
    ¿qué ponen en el Renoir? what's on at the Renoir?
    12. (dar un nombre) to call
    13. (imponer) to give [pt. gave; pp. given]
    14. (servir) to give
    ¿qué te pongo? what can I get you?
    ¿me pone un kilo de tomates? can I have a kilo of tomatoes, please?
    15. (aportar) to supply [pt. & pp. supplied] / to put in
    16. (suponer) to suppose / to say [pt. & pp. said]
    pongamos por caso... suppose... / let's say...
    poner huevos to lay eggs [pt. & pp. laid]

    Spanish-English dictionary > poner

  • 13 estar

    1 to be.
    el dólar está a 10 pesos the dollar is at 10 pesos
    están a dos euros el kilo they're two euros a kilo
    está terminado it's finished
    2 to be.
    ¿dónde está la llave? where is the key?
    ¿está María? — no, no está is Maria there? — no, she's not here
    Ella estuvo aburrida She was bored.
    El edificio está en la calle tres The building is on third street.
    3 to be (expresa cualidad, estado).
    los pasteles están ricos the cakes are delicious
    esta calle está sucia this street is dirty
    estar de mudanza to be (in the process of) moving
    estamos de suerte we're in luck
    estar de vacaciones to be on holiday
    estar de viaje to be on a trip
    estar en uso to be in use
    estar en guardia to be on guard
    estamos sin agua we have no water, we're without water
    5 to be.
    están golpeando la puerta they're banging on the door
    6 to stay, to be.
    estaré un par de horas y me iré I'll stay a couple of hours and then I'll go
    7 to be ready (hallarse listo).
    ¿aún no está ese trabajo? is that piece of work still not ready?
    8 to be for.
    Me estuvo difícil el examen The exam was difficult for me.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están.
    Imperfect Indicative
    estaba, estabas, estaba, estábamos, estabais, estaban.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    estaré, estarás, estará, estaremos, estaréis, estarán.
    estaría, estarías, estaría, estaríamos, estaríais, estarían.
    Present Subjunctive
    esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    está (tú), esté (él/Vd.), estemos (nos.), estad (vos.), estén (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    - estarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones estar bien, estar mal, ver la otra entrada.
    1) [indicando situación] to be

    ¿dónde estabas? — where were you?

    -las tijeras están en el cajón -no, aquí no están — "the scissors are in the drawer" - "no, they're not in here"

    -hola, ¿está Carmen? -no, no está — "hello, is Carmen in?" - "no, I'm afraid she isn't"

    está [fuera] — [de casa] she's out; [de la ciudad/en el extranjero] she's away

    [ya que] estamos — while we are at it

    2) [indicando un estado transitorio]
    a) + adj, adv to be

    estar enfermo {o} malo — to be ill

    ¿estás casado o soltero? — are you married or single?

    ¿cómo estamos? — [gen] how are we doing?; [a otra persona] how are you?

    con este frío, aquí no se puede estar — it's unbearably cold here

    ¡qué bueno está este café! — this coffee's really good!

    ¿está libre el baño? — is the bathroom free?

    ¿qué tal {o} cómo estás? — how are you?

    el récord anterior estaba en 33 segundos — the previous record was {o} stood at 33 seconds

    b) + participio to be
    c) + gerundio to be

    venga, ya nos estamos yendo, que es tarde — come on, it's time to go, it's late

    3) (=existir) to be

    [dejar] estar, déjalo estar — just leave him be

    4) [indicando el aspecto de algo] to look

    ¡qué elegante estás! — you're looking really smart!

    estás más delgado — you've lost weight, you look slimmer

    ese tío está muy bueno* that guy's gorgeous *, that guy's a bit of all right *

    5) (=estar listo) to be ready

    ¡ya está! ya sé lo que podemos hacer — that's it! I know what we can do

    ya estoy — I'm done, that's me *

    ¡ya estamos! — [después de hacer algo] that's it!; [dicho con enfado] that's enough!

    ¿estamos? — [al estar listo] ready?; [para pedir conformidad] are we agreed?, right?, OK? *

    ¡ya estuvo! — Méx that's it!

    6) [indicando fecha, distancia, temperatura]

    cuando estemos en verano — when it's summer, in the summer

    7) [en estructuras con preposición]
    estar a

    estamos a 8 de junio — it is 8 June {or} the 8th of June, today is 8 June {o} the 8th of June

    estábamos a 40°C — it was 40°C

    ¿a cuántos estamos? — what's the date?

    ¿a cuánto estamos de Madrid? — how far are we from Madrid?

    las uvas están a 1,60 euros — the grapes are one euro 60 cents

    ¿a cuánto está el kilo de naranjas? — how much are oranges per kilo?

    estar con

    está con la gripe — he's down with flu, he's got the flu

    estuvo con la enfermedad durante dos años — she had {o} suffered from the disease for two years

    estar con [algn], yo estoy con él — I'm with him

    estar de

    está de jefe temporalmente — he is acting as boss, he is the acting boss

    ¡estoy de nervioso! — I'm so nervous!

    estar en

    el problema está en que... — the problem lies in the fact that...

    yo estoy en que... — (=creer) I believe that...

    estar para

    para eso estamos[gen] that's why we're here, that's what we're here for; [respondiendo a gracias] don't mention it

    estar para [hacer] algo — (=a punto de) to be about to do sth, be on the point of doing sth

    [no] estoy para bromas — I'm not in the mood for joking

    si alguien llama, no estoy para nadie — if anyone calls, I'm not in

    estar por (=en favor de) [+ política] to be in favour {o} (EEUU) favor of; [+ persona] to support hueso 1) estar por ({+ infin})

    la historia de ese hallazgo está por escribir — the story of that discovery is still to be written {o} has yet to be written

    está todavía por hacer — it remains to be done, it is still to be done

    yo estoy por dejarlo — I'm for leaving it, I'm in favour of leaving it

    está por llover LAm it's going to rain

    estar sin ({+ infin})

    las camas estaban sin hacer — the beds were unmade, the beds hadn't been made

    ¿todavía estás sin peinar? — haven't you brushed your hair yet?

    estar sobre algn/algo

    hay que estar sobre el arroz para que no se pegue — you need to keep a close eye on the rice to make sure it doesn't stick to the pan

    estar sobre sí — to be in control of o.s.

    8) [en oraciones ponderativas]

    está [que] rabia — * he's hopping mad *, he's furious

    estoy que me caigo de sueño — I'm terribly sleepy, I can't keep my eyes open

    * * *
    I 1.
    1) ( seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1] to be

    qué gordo está! — isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat!

    la sopa está deliciosa/muy caliente — the soup is delicious/very hot

    está muy simpático conmigohe's being o he's been so nice to me (recently)

    todo está tan caro!things are o have become so expensive!

    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada — she is tired/furious/pregnant

    2) (con bien, mal, mejor, peor)

    están todos bien, gracias — they're all fine, thanks

    está mal que no se lo perdones — it's wrong of you not to forgive him; ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor

    estar sentado/echado/arrodillado — to be sitting/lying/kneeling (down)

    estaban abrazados — they had their arms around each other; ver tb verbo auxiliar 2

    ¿a cómo está la uva? — how much are the grapes?

    están de limpieza/viaje — they're spring-cleaning/on a trip

    estar con alguien — ( estar de acuerdo) to agree with somebody; ( apoyar) to support somebody, be on somebody's side

    estar en algo: no lo hemos solucionado pero estamos en ello or eso — we haven't solved it but we're working on it

    estar vi
    edificio/pueblo ( estar ubicado) to be

    ¿dónde está Chiapas? — where's Chiapas?

    a) persona/objeto ( hallarse en cierto momento) to be

    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? — do you know where Pedro is?

    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? — what time do you have to be there?

    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? — where did we get to in the last class?

    b) ( figurar) to be

    yo no estaba en la lista — I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list

    ¿está Rodrigo? — is Rodrigo in?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    a) (quedarse, permanecer)

    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? — how long are you going to be in London (for)?

    b) ( vivir)

    ahora estamos en Socawe're in o we live in Soca now

    ¿a qué (día) estamos? — what day is it today?

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? — what's the date today?

    estamos a 28 de mayoit's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May

    ¿en qué mes estamos? — what month are we in o is it?

    6) (existir, haber)

    y después está el problema de... — and then there's the problem of...

    luego están los niños, hay que pensar en ellos — then there are the children to think about

    7) (tener como función, cometido)

    estar para algo: para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for; estamos para ayudarlos — we're here to help them

    8) ( radicar)

    estar en algo: en eso está el problema that's where the problem lies; todo está en que él quiera — it all depends on whether he wants to or not

    9) (estar listo, terminado)

    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? — don't let it happen again, understand? o (colloq) got it?


    ya que estamos/estás — while we're/you're at it

    12) (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl)

    te está grande/pequeña — it's too big/too small for you

    estar v aux

    ya está hecho un hombrecito — he's a proper young man now; ver tb estar cópula 4)

    estarse v pron
    1) (enf) ( permanecer) to stay

    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? — can't you stay o keep still?

    2) (enf) ( llegar) to be
    masculino (esp AmL) living room
    * * *
    = be, become, live with.
    Ex. Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.
    Ex. Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex. Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * creer que estar bien = feel + right.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * esperanza + estar = hope + lie.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * estando sentado = from a seated position.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estar abierto a = be open to.
    * estar abocado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar absorto en = be wrapped up in.
    * estar aburridísimo = be bored stiff, be bored to death, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar aburrido como una ostra = be bored stiff.
    * estar a caballo entre = stand + midway between, straddle (between).
    * estar a caballo entre... y... = lie + midway between... and..., tread + a fine line between... and, tread + the thin line between... and, tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * estar acabando con = eat away at.
    * estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a + Cantidad + de distancia = Cantidad + distant from.
    * estar a cargo de = man, be the responsibility of.
    * estar accesible = be up.
    * estar accesible en línea = go + online.
    * estar accesible en red = go + online.
    * estar acertado = be right on track.
    * estar acostumbrado a = be familiar with, be no stranger to, be used to.
    * estar acostumbrado a + Infinitivo = be accustomed to + Gerundio.
    * estar a dos velas = not have a bean.
    * estar a + Expresión Numérica + de distancia = be + Número + away.
    * estar a favor de = be for, be in favour (of), come down in + favour of.
    * estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.
    * estar a favor o en contra = be for or against.
    * estar agobiado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar agradecido = be thankful.
    * estar a la alerta de = be wary of.
    * estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.
    * estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = come up with + the goods.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = rise (up) to + challenge.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), be up to snuff.
    * estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.
    * estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la baja = be down.
    * estar al acecho = lie in + wait.
    * estar a la entera disposición de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + feet.
    * estar al alcance de la mano = be at hand.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar a la orden del día = be the order of the day.
    * estar a la par de = rank with.
    * estar a la vuelta de la esquina = be just around the corner.
    * estar al borde de = teeter + on the edge of.
    * estar al completo = overbook.
    * estar al corriente = monitor + developments.
    * estar al día = monitor + developments, stay on top of + the game, stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar alejado + Expresión Numérica = be + Número + away.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar al loro de = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al máximo = overstretch.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar al tanto = monitor + developments.
    * estar al tanto de = be on the lookout for, keep + track of, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar a mano = be on hand, be around.
    * estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....
    * estar a merced de = be at the mercy of.
    * estar ansioso por = be eager to.
    * estar ante = be faced with.
    * estar apagado = be off.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * estar aquí ya = be upon us.
    * estar a resultas de = keep + track of.
    * estar arraigado en = be rooted in.
    * estar arrestado = be under arrest.
    * estar arriba = sit on + top.
    * estar a salvo = be in safe hands.
    * estar asociado a = be associated with, be bound up with.
    * estar atado a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar atareado = be tied up.
    * estar atento a = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar aterrorizado = be petrified of, be frightened to death, be scared stiff, be terrified.
    * estar a tope = overstretch.
    * estar atrancado = be stuck.
    * estar atrasado en el pago = be in arrears.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * estár aún más alejados = be one step further removed.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * estar ausente = lack.
    * estar ausente de = be absent (from).
    * estar avanzado = be well under way.
    * estar avergonzado = be ashamed.
    * estar averiado = be out of order.
    * estar aviado = be (in) a mess.
    * estar bajo arresto = be under arrest.
    * estar bajo la tutela de = fall under + the auspices of.
    * estar bastante acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar bastante alejado = be a distance apart.
    * estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.
    * estar bien de salud = be in good health.
    * estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.
    * estar borracho = be drunk, see + double.
    * estar callado = keep + quiet.
    * estar cansado de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar capacitado para = be qualified to.
    * estar casi finalizado = near + completion.
    * estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.
    * estar castigado = be in the doghouse.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be on hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar chalado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar chupado = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a snap, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * estar clarísimo = be patently clear.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * estar colado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar como una cabra = be a real nutter.
    * estar completamente borracho = be drunk and incapable.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar comprometido a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar comprometido a + Infinitivo = be committed to + Gerundio.
    * estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada = hang out + on the street.
    * estar condenado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar conectado = be on.
    * estar con el alma en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar con el tema = be on the topic.
    * estar confinado = be confined.
    * estar confuso = blur, be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * estar congelado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar con la espalda contra la pared = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar contentísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar contraindicado = be contraindicated.
    * estar contra las cuertas = be against the ropes.
    * estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.
    * estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.
    * estar convirtiéndose rápidamente = be fast becoming.
    * estar correcto = be correct.
    * estar correlacionado con = be correlated with.
    * estar de acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, see + eye to eye (with/on), jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con/en) = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar de baja = be off work.
    * estar de baja por enfermedad = be off work sick.
    * estar debatiéndose = be under discussion.
    * estar de brazos cruzados = stand + idle, sit + idle.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar de camino a = be on the road to.
    * estar de capa caída = be in the doldrums.
    * estar de cháchara = chinwag.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to, be of a mind to, be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar decidido a continuar = be set to continue.
    * estar decidido a + Infinitivo = be set to + Infinitivo.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * estar de moda = be in.
    * estar densamente poblado de = be dense with.
    * estar dentro de = fall within/into.
    * estar dentro de la competencia = be the province of.
    * estar dentro de las posibilidades de uno = lie within + Posesivo + power.
    * estar de palique = chinwag.
    * estar de parloteo = chinwag.
    * estar de pie = stand.
    * estar de pie por encima de = stand over.
    * estar desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * estar desacreditado = hold in + disrepute.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * estar desasosegado = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar desbordado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar desbordante de = spill over with.
    * estar descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar descontento con = express + dissatisfaction with.
    * estar deseoso de = be anxious to, be more than ready for.
    * estar desesperado = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar desocupado = stand + idle.
    * estar desordenado = be out of order.
    * estar desquiciado = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar destinado a = be intended for/to.
    * estar destrozado = be + wreck, be a shambles.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * estar detenido = be under arrest.
    * estar de vacaciones = be on vacation, be off on vacation.
    * estar de vuelta = be back.
    * estar de vuelta dentro de = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * estar directamente relacionado con = be directly correlated to.
    * estar disgustado por = feel deeply about.
    * estar disperso = lie + scattered.
    * estar disponible = be available, be forthcoming, be at hand.
    * estar dispuestísimo a = be more than willing to.
    * estar dispuesto = be game.
    * estar dispuesto a = be keen to, be prepared to, be willing to, be of a mind to, be willing and able to, be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto y deseoso a = be willing and able to.
    * estar dominado por Alguien = be under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * estar dudoso = be doubtful.
    * estar embarazada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar emocionado = be thrilled.
    * estar empachado = have + indigestion.
    * estar empeorando = be in decline.
    * estar en = be in the course of.
    * estar en alza = be up.
    * estar enamorado de = carry + a torch for + Nombre, have + a crush on.
    * estar en apuros = be in trouble, be in a fix.
    * estar en ascuas = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en auge = go + strong.
    * estar en Babia = be in cloud cuckoo land, live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en barbecho = lie + fallow.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar encaminado a = be on the road to.
    * estar en camino de = be on the way to.
    * estar encantadísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar encantado = be thrilled.
    * estar encantado de Hacer Algo = be more than happy to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en casa = be in.
    * estar en celo = be on heat, be in heat.
    * estar encendido = be on.
    * estar enchufado = be on.
    * estar encinta = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en consonancia con = be consonant with, attune to, align + Reflexivo + with.
    * estar en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), be in touch (with).
    * estar en contra de = be against.
    * estar en debate = be under discussion.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * estar en declive = be in decline.
    * estar en desacuerdo = be at variance, disagree, quarrel with, beg to differ, be at sixes and sevens with each other.
    * estar en desacuerdo con = be at odds with, be at loggerheads with.
    * estar en desacuerdo sobre = be at odds over.
    * estar en desigualdad = be under par.
    * estar en desventaja = be disadvantaged, be at a disadvantage.
    * estar en deuda = be in debt.
    * estar en deuda con = be beholden to.
    * estar endeudado = be in debt.
    * estar en dificultades = be in trouble.
    * estar en duda = be in question.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el séptimo cielo = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar enemistados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en estado = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar enfermo de amor = be lovesick.
    * estar en flor = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en floración = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.
    * estar enfrascado en Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en funcionamiento = be up.
    * estar en función de = be a function of.
    * estar en guardia = be on guard (against), be on + Posesivo + guard.
    * estar en guerra con = be at war with.
    * estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
    * estar en inferioridad de condiciones = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * estar en juego = be at stake.
    * estar en la gloria = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en la inopia = live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar en la misma categoria que = rank with.
    * estar en la onda = attune to + wavelength.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar en las últimas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar en lo cierto = hit + the truth.
    * estar en manos privadas = hold in + private hands.
    * estar en marcha = tick over.
    * estar en mayoría = be in the majority.
    * estar en medio de = caught in the middle.
    * estar en minoría = be in the minority.
    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar enojado = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle.
    * estar en paz = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * estar en peligro = be in jeopardy, be in question, be endangered, be at risk, be at stake.
    * estar en peligro (de) = be in danger (of).
    * estar en posición de = be in a position to.
    * estar en proceso de = be on the way to, be in the process of, be in the course of.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de + Infinitivo = be on to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en retirada = be in retreat.
    * estar en ruinas = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar en sintonía con = attune to.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en suspense = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en tensión = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar en trance de = be in the process of.
    * estar entre = fall between.
    * estar entre la espada y la pared = be on the horns of a dilemma.
    * estar entre los primeros = stay on top.
    * estar entre rejas = be behind bars.
    * estar entusiasmado = be thrilled.
    * estar en un aprieto = be in a fix.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * estar en un berenjenal = be (in) a mess.
    * estar en un mar de dudas = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un sinvivir = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar en venta = be up for sale.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * estar en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar equivoado = miss + the point.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar erróneo = be in error.
    * estar esparcido = lie + scattered.
    * estar estrechamente ligado a = be closely tied to.
    * estar estropeado = be kaput.
    * estar estropeándose = be on the way out.
    * estar exento de pagar impuestos = write off.
    * estar falto de = be short of.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * estar familiarizado con = have + familiarity with.
    * estar firmemente convencido = strongly held opinion.
    * estar frenético = be furious.
    * estar frito de sed = be parched, spit + feathers, be parched with thirst.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fuera de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar funcionando = be in place.
    * estar furioso = fume.
    * estar + Gerundio = be on the way to.
    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * estar harto = have had enough.
    * estar harto de = be all too familiar with, be sick and tired of.
    * estar hasta la coronilla de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = look like + a wreck, be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * estar hecho un flan = shake like + a leaf, tremble like + a leaf.
    * estar hecho un lío = be at sixes and sevens with.
    * estar hecho un perla = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un prenda = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar helado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar implícito en = run through.
    * estar inactivo = lie + fallow, lie + dormant.
    * estar incluido = be embedded.
    * estar indeciso = be hesitant (to).
    * estar indeciso entre... o... = be torn between... and....
    * estar inerte = lie + fallow.
    * estar informado puntualmente sobre = monitor + information on.
    * estar inmune a = be immune against.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * estar interesado en = be interested in, be keen to.
    * estar inundado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar junto a = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar juntos = be together, stand + together.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.
    * estar lejos de (ser) + Infinitivo = be far from + Gerundio.
    * estar levantado = be up.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estar ligado a = be bound up with.
    * estar listo = stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar listo para = be poised to, stand + poised, be all set to.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * estar localizable = be locatable.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * estar majareta = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar manga por hombro = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar marcado por = be pockmarked with.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar molesto = be displeased, get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, put off.
    * estar motivado = be motivated, have + motivation.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * estar muerto de asco = be bored to death, be bored stiff, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar muerto de frío = be frozen stiff.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * estar muerto de miedo = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified.
    * estar muerto de sed = spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy esparcido = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off, be a long way off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy puesto = stay on top of + the game, stay on top.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * estar nervioso = be in a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * estar oculto = lie + hidden.
    * estar ocupado = busyness, be engaged, be tied up.
    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
    * estar orgulloso de = be proud (of/to).
    * estar orientado a/para = be geared to.
    * estar orientado hacia = target.
    * estar orientado hacia + Nombre = be + Nombre + driven.
    * estar patas arriba = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar pendiente de = be on the lookout for, pay + attention to, keep + an eye on, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.
    * estar permitido = be permissible.
    * estar plagado de = be rife with.
    * estar plenamente convencido de Algo = feel (it) in + Posesivo + bones.
    * estar pluriempleado = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * estar pluriempleado, tener un segundo trabajo, tener un segundo empleo = work + a second job.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * estar por demostrar = be unproven.
    * estar por detrás = be behind.
    * estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.
    * estar por las nubes = be through the roof.
    * estar por ver = be an open question.
    * estar poseído por los espíritus = haunt.
    * estar precavido = be on + Posesivo + guard, be on guard (against).
    * estar predestinado a = be predestined to.
    * estar predispuesto = feel + partial.
    * estar predispuesto a = be predisposed to/toward(s).
    * estar preñada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar preocupadísimo = be worried stiff (about), be worried sick.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * estar preparado = be readied, stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar preparado para = be geared up for/to, stand + poised.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a = be willing and able to.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar presente = be manifest, be present, be in evidence.
    * estar presionado = be under the gun.
    * estar propuesto a = be intent on.
    * estar próximo = be at hand.
    * estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * estar realizándose = underway [under way], be in progress, be in hand.
    * estar rebosante de = spill over with.
    * estar rebosante de salud = fit as a fiddle.
    * estar relacionado con = be associated with, regard.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar resentido = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
    * estar resfriado = have + a cold.
    * estar respaldado por Alguien = have + Nombre + behind + Pronombre.
    * estar restringido = be constrained.
    * estar resuelto a = be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.
    * estar salpicado de = be dotted with.
    * estar sano y salvo = be alive and well.
    * estar satisfecho (de) = be satisfied (with).
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sediento = be thirsty, spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar seguro = be sure, make + sure, set + your watch by.
    * estar seguro de = be certain (of), be confident about, feel + confident.
    * estar seguro de que = be confident that.
    * estar sentado sin hacer o decir nada = sit by.
    * estar separado = set + apart.
    * estar separado de = be remote from.
    * estar sesgado = bias, slant.
    * estar siempre + Adjetivo = be ever + Adjetivo.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * estar sin blanca = not have a bean.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estar sin una pela = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un centavo = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un céntimo = not have a bean.
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) ( seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1] to be

    qué gordo está! — isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat!

    la sopa está deliciosa/muy caliente — the soup is delicious/very hot

    está muy simpático conmigohe's being o he's been so nice to me (recently)

    todo está tan caro!things are o have become so expensive!

    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada — she is tired/furious/pregnant

    2) (con bien, mal, mejor, peor)

    están todos bien, gracias — they're all fine, thanks

    está mal que no se lo perdones — it's wrong of you not to forgive him; ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor

    estar sentado/echado/arrodillado — to be sitting/lying/kneeling (down)

    estaban abrazados — they had their arms around each other; ver tb verbo auxiliar 2

    ¿a cómo está la uva? — how much are the grapes?

    están de limpieza/viaje — they're spring-cleaning/on a trip

    estar con alguien — ( estar de acuerdo) to agree with somebody; ( apoyar) to support somebody, be on somebody's side

    estar en algo: no lo hemos solucionado pero estamos en ello or eso — we haven't solved it but we're working on it

    estar vi
    edificio/pueblo ( estar ubicado) to be

    ¿dónde está Chiapas? — where's Chiapas?

    a) persona/objeto ( hallarse en cierto momento) to be

    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? — do you know where Pedro is?

    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? — what time do you have to be there?

    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? — where did we get to in the last class?

    b) ( figurar) to be

    yo no estaba en la lista — I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list

    ¿está Rodrigo? — is Rodrigo in?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    a) (quedarse, permanecer)

    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? — how long are you going to be in London (for)?

    b) ( vivir)

    ahora estamos en Socawe're in o we live in Soca now

    ¿a qué (día) estamos? — what day is it today?

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? — what's the date today?

    estamos a 28 de mayoit's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May

    ¿en qué mes estamos? — what month are we in o is it?

    6) (existir, haber)

    y después está el problema de... — and then there's the problem of...

    luego están los niños, hay que pensar en ellos — then there are the children to think about

    7) (tener como función, cometido)

    estar para algo: para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for; estamos para ayudarlos — we're here to help them

    8) ( radicar)

    estar en algo: en eso está el problema that's where the problem lies; todo está en que él quiera — it all depends on whether he wants to or not

    9) (estar listo, terminado)

    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? — don't let it happen again, understand? o (colloq) got it?


    ya que estamos/estás — while we're/you're at it

    12) (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl)

    te está grande/pequeña — it's too big/too small for you

    estar v aux

    ya está hecho un hombrecito — he's a proper young man now; ver tb estar cópula 4)

    estarse v pron
    1) (enf) ( permanecer) to stay

    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? — can't you stay o keep still?

    2) (enf) ( llegar) to be
    masculino (esp AmL) living room
    * * *
    = be, become, live with.

    Ex: Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.

    Ex: Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex: Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * creer que estar bien = feel + right.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * esperanza + estar = hope + lie.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * estando sentado = from a seated position.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estar abierto a = be open to.
    * estar abocado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar absorto en = be wrapped up in.
    * estar aburridísimo = be bored stiff, be bored to death, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar aburrido como una ostra = be bored stiff.
    * estar a caballo entre = stand + midway between, straddle (between).
    * estar a caballo entre... y... = lie + midway between... and..., tread + a fine line between... and, tread + the thin line between... and, tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * estar acabando con = eat away at.
    * estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a + Cantidad + de distancia = Cantidad + distant from.
    * estar a cargo de = man, be the responsibility of.
    * estar accesible = be up.
    * estar accesible en línea = go + online.
    * estar accesible en red = go + online.
    * estar acertado = be right on track.
    * estar acostumbrado a = be familiar with, be no stranger to, be used to.
    * estar acostumbrado a + Infinitivo = be accustomed to + Gerundio.
    * estar a dos velas = not have a bean.
    * estar a + Expresión Numérica + de distancia = be + Número + away.
    * estar a favor de = be for, be in favour (of), come down in + favour of.
    * estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.
    * estar a favor o en contra = be for or against.
    * estar agobiado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar agradecido = be thankful.
    * estar a la alerta de = be wary of.
    * estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.
    * estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = come up with + the goods.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = rise (up) to + challenge.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), be up to snuff.
    * estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.
    * estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la baja = be down.
    * estar al acecho = lie in + wait.
    * estar a la entera disposición de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + feet.
    * estar al alcance de la mano = be at hand.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar a la orden del día = be the order of the day.
    * estar a la par de = rank with.
    * estar a la vuelta de la esquina = be just around the corner.
    * estar al borde de = teeter + on the edge of.
    * estar al completo = overbook.
    * estar al corriente = monitor + developments.
    * estar al día = monitor + developments, stay on top of + the game, stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar alejado + Expresión Numérica = be + Número + away.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar al loro de = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al máximo = overstretch.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar al tanto = monitor + developments.
    * estar al tanto de = be on the lookout for, keep + track of, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar a mano = be on hand, be around.
    * estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....
    * estar a merced de = be at the mercy of.
    * estar ansioso por = be eager to.
    * estar ante = be faced with.
    * estar apagado = be off.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * estar aquí ya = be upon us.
    * estar a resultas de = keep + track of.
    * estar arraigado en = be rooted in.
    * estar arrestado = be under arrest.
    * estar arriba = sit on + top.
    * estar a salvo = be in safe hands.
    * estar asociado a = be associated with, be bound up with.
    * estar atado a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar atareado = be tied up.
    * estar atento a = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar aterrorizado = be petrified of, be frightened to death, be scared stiff, be terrified.
    * estar a tope = overstretch.
    * estar atrancado = be stuck.
    * estar atrasado en el pago = be in arrears.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * estár aún más alejados = be one step further removed.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * estar ausente = lack.
    * estar ausente de = be absent (from).
    * estar avanzado = be well under way.
    * estar avergonzado = be ashamed.
    * estar averiado = be out of order.
    * estar aviado = be (in) a mess.
    * estar bajo arresto = be under arrest.
    * estar bajo la tutela de = fall under + the auspices of.
    * estar bastante acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar bastante alejado = be a distance apart.
    * estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.
    * estar bien de salud = be in good health.
    * estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.
    * estar borracho = be drunk, see + double.
    * estar callado = keep + quiet.
    * estar cansado de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar capacitado para = be qualified to.
    * estar casi finalizado = near + completion.
    * estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.
    * estar castigado = be in the doghouse.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be on hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar chalado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar chupado = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a snap, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * estar clarísimo = be patently clear.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * estar colado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar como una cabra = be a real nutter.
    * estar completamente borracho = be drunk and incapable.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar comprometido a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar comprometido a + Infinitivo = be committed to + Gerundio.
    * estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada = hang out + on the street.
    * estar condenado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar conectado = be on.
    * estar con el alma en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar con el tema = be on the topic.
    * estar confinado = be confined.
    * estar confuso = blur, be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * estar congelado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar con la espalda contra la pared = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar contentísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar contraindicado = be contraindicated.
    * estar contra las cuertas = be against the ropes.
    * estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.
    * estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.
    * estar convirtiéndose rápidamente = be fast becoming.
    * estar correcto = be correct.
    * estar correlacionado con = be correlated with.
    * estar de acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, see + eye to eye (with/on), jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con/en) = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar de baja = be off work.
    * estar de baja por enfermedad = be off work sick.
    * estar debatiéndose = be under discussion.
    * estar de brazos cruzados = stand + idle, sit + idle.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar de camino a = be on the road to.
    * estar de capa caída = be in the doldrums.
    * estar de cháchara = chinwag.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to, be of a mind to, be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar decidido a continuar = be set to continue.
    * estar decidido a + Infinitivo = be set to + Infinitivo.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * estar de moda = be in.
    * estar densamente poblado de = be dense with.
    * estar dentro de = fall within/into.
    * estar dentro de la competencia = be the province of.
    * estar dentro de las posibilidades de uno = lie within + Posesivo + power.
    * estar de palique = chinwag.
    * estar de parloteo = chinwag.
    * estar de pie = stand.
    * estar de pie por encima de = stand over.
    * estar desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * estar desacreditado = hold in + disrepute.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * estar desasosegado = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar desbordado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar desbordante de = spill over with.
    * estar descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar descontento con = express + dissatisfaction with.
    * estar deseoso de = be anxious to, be more than ready for.
    * estar desesperado = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar desocupado = stand + idle.
    * estar desordenado = be out of order.
    * estar desquiciado = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar destinado a = be intended for/to.
    * estar destrozado = be + wreck, be a shambles.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * estar detenido = be under arrest.
    * estar de vacaciones = be on vacation, be off on vacation.
    * estar de vuelta = be back.
    * estar de vuelta dentro de = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * estar directamente relacionado con = be directly correlated to.
    * estar disgustado por = feel deeply about.
    * estar disperso = lie + scattered.
    * estar disponible = be available, be forthcoming, be at hand.
    * estar dispuestísimo a = be more than willing to.
    * estar dispuesto = be game.
    * estar dispuesto a = be keen to, be prepared to, be willing to, be of a mind to, be willing and able to, be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto y deseoso a = be willing and able to.
    * estar dominado por Alguien = be under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * estar dudoso = be doubtful.
    * estar embarazada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar emocionado = be thrilled.
    * estar empachado = have + indigestion.
    * estar empeorando = be in decline.
    * estar en = be in the course of.
    * estar en alza = be up.
    * estar enamorado de = carry + a torch for + Nombre, have + a crush on.
    * estar en apuros = be in trouble, be in a fix.
    * estar en ascuas = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en auge = go + strong.
    * estar en Babia = be in cloud cuckoo land, live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en barbecho = lie + fallow.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar encaminado a = be on the road to.
    * estar en camino de = be on the way to.
    * estar encantadísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar encantado = be thrilled.
    * estar encantado de Hacer Algo = be more than happy to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en casa = be in.
    * estar en celo = be on heat, be in heat.
    * estar encendido = be on.
    * estar enchufado = be on.
    * estar encinta = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en consonancia con = be consonant with, attune to, align + Reflexivo + with.
    * estar en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), be in touch (with).
    * estar en contra de = be against.
    * estar en debate = be under discussion.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * estar en declive = be in decline.
    * estar en desacuerdo = be at variance, disagree, quarrel with, beg to differ, be at sixes and sevens with each other.
    * estar en desacuerdo con = be at odds with, be at loggerheads with.
    * estar en desacuerdo sobre = be at odds over.
    * estar en desigualdad = be under par.
    * estar en desventaja = be disadvantaged, be at a disadvantage.
    * estar en deuda = be in debt.
    * estar en deuda con = be beholden to.
    * estar endeudado = be in debt.
    * estar en dificultades = be in trouble.
    * estar en duda = be in question.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el séptimo cielo = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar enemistados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en estado = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar enfermo de amor = be lovesick.
    * estar en flor = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en floración = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.
    * estar enfrascado en Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en funcionamiento = be up.
    * estar en función de = be a function of.
    * estar en guardia = be on guard (against), be on + Posesivo + guard.
    * estar en guerra con = be at war with.
    * estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
    * estar en inferioridad de condiciones = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * estar en juego = be at stake.
    * estar en la gloria = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en la inopia = live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar en la misma categoria que = rank with.
    * estar en la onda = attune to + wavelength.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar en las últimas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar en lo cierto = hit + the truth.
    * estar en manos privadas = hold in + private hands.
    * estar en marcha = tick over.
    * estar en mayoría = be in the majority.
    * estar en medio de = caught in the middle.
    * estar en minoría = be in the minority.
    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar enojado = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle.
    * estar en paz = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * estar en peligro = be in jeopardy, be in question, be endangered, be at risk, be at stake.
    * estar en peligro (de) = be in danger (of).
    * estar en posición de = be in a position to.
    * estar en proceso de = be on the way to, be in the process of, be in the course of.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de + Infinitivo = be on to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en retirada = be in retreat.
    * estar en ruinas = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar en sintonía con = attune to.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en suspense = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en tensión = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar en trance de = be in the process of.
    * estar entre = fall between.
    * estar entre la espada y la pared = be on the horns of a dilemma.
    * estar entre los primeros = stay on top.
    * estar entre rejas = be behind bars.
    * estar entusiasmado = be thrilled.
    * estar en un aprieto = be in a fix.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * estar en un berenjenal = be (in) a mess.
    * estar en un mar de dudas = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un sinvivir = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar en venta = be up for sale.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * estar en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar equivoado = miss + the point.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar erróneo = be in error.
    * estar esparcido = lie + scattered.
    * estar estrechamente ligado a = be closely tied to.
    * estar estropeado = be kaput.
    * estar estropeándose = be on the way out.
    * estar exento de pagar impuestos = write off.
    * estar falto de = be short of.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * estar familiarizado con = have + familiarity with.
    * estar firmemente convencido = strongly held opinion.
    * estar frenético = be furious.
    * estar frito de sed = be parched, spit + feathers, be parched with thirst.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fuera de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar funcionando = be in place.
    * estar furioso = fume.
    * estar + Gerundio = be on the way to.
    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * estar harto = have had enough.
    * estar harto de = be all too familiar with, be sick and tired of.
    * estar hasta la coronilla de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = look like + a wreck, be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * estar hecho un flan = shake like + a leaf, tremble like + a leaf.
    * estar hecho un lío = be at sixes and sevens with.
    * estar hecho un perla = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un prenda = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar helado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar implícito en = run through.
    * estar inactivo = lie + fallow, lie + dormant.
    * estar incluido = be embedded.
    * estar indeciso = be hesitant (to).
    * estar indeciso entre... o... = be torn between... and....
    * estar inerte = lie + fallow.
    * estar informado puntualmente sobre = monitor + information on.
    * estar inmune a = be immune against.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * estar interesado en = be interested in, be keen to.
    * estar inundado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar junto a = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar juntos = be together, stand + together.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.
    * estar lejos de (ser) + Infinitivo = be far from + Gerundio.
    * estar levantado = be up.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estar ligado a = be bound up with.
    * estar listo = stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar listo para = be poised to, stand + poised, be all set to.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * estar localizable = be locatable.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * estar majareta = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar manga por hombro = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar marcado por = be pockmarked with.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar molesto = be displeased, get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, put off.
    * estar motivado = be motivated, have + motivation.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * estar muerto de asco = be bored to death, be bored stiff, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar muerto de frío = be frozen stiff.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * estar muerto de miedo = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified.
    * estar muerto de sed = spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy esparcido = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off, be a long way off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy puesto = stay on top of + the game, stay on top.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * estar nervioso = be in a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * estar oculto = lie + hidden.
    * estar ocupado = busyness, be engaged, be tied up.
    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
    * estar orgulloso de = be proud (of/to).
    * estar orientado a/para = be geared to.
    * estar orientado hacia = target.
    * estar orientado hacia + Nombre = be + Nombre + driven.
    * estar patas arriba = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar pendiente de = be on the lookout for, pay + attention to, keep + an eye on, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.
    * estar permitido = be permissible.
    * estar plagado de = be rife with.
    * estar plenamente convencido de Algo = feel (it) in + Posesivo + bones.
    * estar pluriempleado = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * estar pluriempleado, tener un segundo trabajo, tener un segundo empleo = work + a second job.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * estar por demostrar = be unproven.
    * estar por detrás = be behind.
    * estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.
    * estar por las nubes = be through the roof.
    * estar por ver = be an open question.
    * estar poseído por los espíritus = haunt.
    * estar precavido = be on + Posesivo + guard, be on guard (against).
    * estar predestinado a = be predestined to.
    * estar predispuesto = feel + partial.
    * estar predispuesto a = be predisposed to/toward(s).
    * estar preñada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar preocupadísimo = be worried stiff (about), be worried sick.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * estar preparado = be readied, stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar preparado para = be geared up for/to, stand + poised.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a = be willing and able to.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar presente = be manifest, be present, be in evidence.
    * estar presionado = be under the gun.
    * estar propuesto a = be intent on.
    * estar próximo = be at hand.
    * estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * estar realizándose = underway [under way], be in progress, be in hand.
    * estar rebosante de = spill over with.
    * estar rebosante de salud = fit as a fiddle.
    * estar relacionado con = be associated with, regard.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar resentido = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
    * estar resfriado = have + a cold.
    * estar respaldado por Alguien = have + Nombre + behind + Pronombre.
    * estar restringido = be constrained.
    * estar resuelto a = be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.
    * estar salpicado de = be dotted with.
    * estar sano y salvo = be alive and well.
    * estar satisfecho (de) = be satisfied (with).
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sediento = be thirsty, spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar seguro = be sure, make + sure, set + your watch by.
    * estar seguro de = be certain (of), be confident about, feel + confident.
    * estar seguro de que = be confident that.
    * estar sentado sin hacer o decir nada = sit by.
    * estar separado = set + apart.
    * estar separado de = be remote from.
    * estar sesgado = bias, slant.
    * estar siempre + Adjetivo = be ever + Adjetivo.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * estar sin blanca = not have a bean.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estar sin una pela = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un centavo = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un céntimo = not have a bean

    * * *
    estar1 [ A27 ]
    ■ estar (cópula)
    A seguido de adjetivos
    B estar bien, mal, mejor, peor
    C hablando de estado civil
    D seguido de participios
    E con preposición + predicado
    F con que + predicado
    ■ estar (verbo intransitivo)
    A quedar ubicado
    1 hallarse en cierto momento
    2 figurar
    1 hallarse en determinado lugar
    2 acudir
    1 quedarse, permanecer
    2 vivir
    Sentido II en el tiempo
    A existir, haber
    B tener como función etc
    C radicar
    D estar listo, terminado
    E quedar entendido
    F quedar grande, pequeño etc
    G Derecho
    ■ estar (verbo auxiliar)
    A con gerundio
    B con participio
    ■ estarse (verbo pronominal)
    A permanecer
    B acudir
    A (seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser1 (↑ ser (1)) . Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser1 (↑ ser (1)) ] to be
    ¡qué gordo está! isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat! o put on a lot of weight!
    ¡qué alto está Ignacio! isn't Ignacio tall now!, hasn't Ignacio got(ten) tall o grown!
    ¡pobre abuelo! está viejo poor grandpa! he's really aged
    el rape está delicioso ¿qué le has puesto? the monkfish is delicious, how did you cook it?
    está muy simpático con nosotros ¿qué querrá? he's being o he's been so nice to us (recently), what do you think he's after?
    no estuvo grosero contigo — sí, lo estuvo he wasn't rude to you — yes, he was
    estás muy callado ¿qué te pasa? you're very quiet, what's the matter?
    ¡pero tú estás casi calvo! but you're almost bald, but you've gone almost bald o you've lost almost all your hair!
    ¿no me oyes? ¿estás sorda? can't you hear me? are you deaf?
    ¿está muerto/vivo? is he dead/alive?
    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada she is tired/furious/pregnant
    ¿cómo están por tu casa? — están todos bien, gracias how's everybody at home? — they're all fine, thanks
    ¡qué bien estás en esta foto! you look great in this photo!
    está mal que no se lo perdones it's wrong of you not to forgive him
    está casada con un primo mío she's married to a cousin of mine
    sus padres están divorciados her parents are divorced
    (seguido de participios): estaba sentado/echado en la cama he was sitting/lying on the bed
    está colgado de una rama it's hanging from a branch
    estaban abrazados they had their arms around each other
    estaba arrodillada she was kneeling (down)
    ver tb estar1 v aux B.
    estoy a régimen I'm on a diet
    ¿a cómo está la uva? how much are the grapes?
    estamos como al principio we're back to where we started
    está con el sarampión she has (the) measles
    estoy con muchas ganas de empezar I'm really looking forward to starting
    siempre está con lo mismo/con que es un incomprendido he's always going on about the same thing/about how nobody understands him
    estaba de luto/de uniforme he was in mourning/uniform
    hoy está de mejor humor she's in a better mood today
    están de limpieza/viaje they're spring-cleaning/on a trip
    estoy de cocinera hasta que vuelva mi madre I'm doing the cooking until my mother comes back
    estuvo de secretaria en una empresa internacional she worked as a secretary in an international company
    estás en un error you're mistaken
    no estoy para fiestas/bromas I'm not in the mood for parties/joking
    estamos sin electricidad we don't have any electricity at the moment, the electricity is off at the moment
    éste está sin pintar this one hasn't been painted yet
    estar con algn (estar de acuerdo) to agree with sb; (apoyar) to support sb, be on sb's side
    yo estoy contigo, creo que ella está equivocada I agree with you o ( colloq) I'm with you, I think she's mistaken
    nuestro partido está con el pueblo our party supports o is on the side of the people
    el pueblo está con nosotros the people are with us
    estar en algo: todavía no hemos solucionado el problema, pero estamos en ello or eso we still haven't solved the problem, but we're working on it
    estar por algn ( Esp fam); to be sweet o keen on sb ( colloq)
    está que no hay quien lo aguante he's (being) unbearable
    el agua está que pela the water's scalding hot
    A «edificio/pueblo» (quedar, estar ubicado) ; to be
    la agencia está en el centro the agency is in the center
    ¿dónde está Camagüey? where's Camagüey?
    el pueblo está a 20 kilómetros de aquí the town's 20 kilometers from here
    1 «persona/objeto» (hallarse en cierto momento) to be
    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? what time do you have to be there?
    estando allí conoció a Micaela he met Micaela while he was there
    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? where did we get to o had we got(ten) to in the last class?
    2 (figurar) to be
    esa palabra no está en el diccionario that word isn't in the dictionary
    yo no estaba en la lista I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list
    (hallarse en determinado lugar): fui a verla pero no estaba I went to see her but she wasn't there
    ¿está Rodrigo? is Rodrigo in?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everyone here?
    (Col, RPl) (acudir): el médico había estado a verla the doctor had been to see her
    (quedarse, permanecer): sólo estaré unos días I'll only be staying a few days, I'll only be here/there a few days
    ¿cuánto tiempo estuviste en Londres? how long were you in London?
    (vivir): ya no vivimos allí, ahora estamos en Soca we don't live there anymore, we're in o we live in Soca now
    de momento estoy con mi hermana at the moment I'm staying with my sister
    (en el tiempo): ¿a qué (día) estamos? what day is it today?
    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today o today's date?, what date is it today?
    estamos a 28 de mayo it's May 28th ( AmE) o ( BrE) the 28th of May
    estamos a mediados de mes we're halfway through the month
    estamos en primavera it's spring, spring has come
    ¿en qué mes estamos? what month are we in o is it?
    ellos están en primavera ahora it's spring for them now, it's their spring now
    (existir, haber): y después está el problema de la financiación and then there's the problem of finance
    B (tener como función, cometido) estar PARA algo:
    para eso estamos that's what we're here for
    para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for
    ya que estamos/estás while we're/you're at it o ( BrE) about it
    (radicar): ahí está el quid del asunto that's the crux of the matter
    estar EN algo:
    la dificultad está en hacerlo sin mirar the difficult thing is to do it o the difficulty lies in doing it without looking
    todo está en que él quiera ayudarnos it all depends on whether he wants to help us or not
    (estar listo, terminado): la carne todavía no está the meat's not ready yet
    lo atas con un nudo aquí y ya está you tie a knot in it here and that's it o there you are
    enseguida estoy I'll be with you in a minute o in a second, I'll be right with you
    ¡ya está! ¡ya sé lo que podemos hacer! I've got it! I know what we can do!
    ¡ahí está! that's it!
    (quedar entendido): quiero que estés de vuelta a las diez ¿estamos? or (Ur) ¿está? I want you to be back by ten, all right?
    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? don't let it happen again, understand? o is that understood? o ( colloq) got it?
    ( Esp) (quedar) (+ me/te/le etc), (+ compl): esa falda te está grande/pequeña that skirt's too big/too small for you
    la 46 te está mejor the 46 fits you better
    G ( frml) ( Derecho) estar A algo:
    se estará a lo estipulado en la cláusula 20 the stipulations of clause 20 will apply
    (con gerundio): está lloviendo it's raining
    no hagas ruido, están durmiendo don't make any noise, they're asleep
    se está afeitando/duchando or está afeitándose/duchándose he's shaving/taking a shower
    estuve un rato hablando con él I was talking o I talked to him for a while
    ¿qué estará pensando? I wonder what she's thinking
    ya estoy viendo que va a ser imposible I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible
    ya te estás quitando de ahí, que ése es mi lugar ( fam); OK, out of there/off there, that's my place ( colloq)
    (con participio): ¿esta ropa está planchada? have these clothes been ironed?, are these clothes ironed?
    la foto estaba tomada desde muy lejos the photo had been taken from a long way away o from a great distance
    ese asiento está ocupado that seat is taken
    ya está hecho un hombrecito he's a proper young man now
    está hecha una vaga she's got(ten) o become lazy
    A ( enf) (permanecer) to stay
    se estuvo horas ahí sentado sin moverse he remained sitting there for hours without moving, he sat there for hours without moving
    ¿no te puedes estar quieto un momento? can't you stay o keep still for a minute?
    estése tranquilo don't worry
    B ( enf) ( RPl) (acudir) to be
    estáte allí media hora antes be there o arrive half an hour before
    living room
    * * *


    estar 1 ( conjugate estar) cópula

    Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1 to be;

    estás más gordo you've put on weight;
    estoy cansada I'm tired;
    está muy simpático conmigo he's being o he's been so nice to me (recently);
    ¡todo está tan caro! things are o have become so expensive!
    b) ( con

    bien, mal, mejor, peor): están todos bien, gracias they're all fine, thanks;

    ¡qué bien estás en esta foto! you look great in this photo!;
    está mal que no se lo perdones it's wrong of you not to forgive him;
    ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    3 ( seguido de participios)

    estaban abrazados they had their arms around each other;
    ver tb v aux 2
    4 ( seguido de preposición) to be;
    (para más ejemplos ver tb la preposición o el nombre correspondiente);

    ¿a cómo está la uva? how much are the grapes?;
    está con el sarampión she has (the) measles;
    estoy de cocinera I'm doing the cooking;
    estamos sin electricidad the electricity is off at the moment;
    está sin pintar it hasn't been painted yet
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( en un lugar) to be;
    ¿dónde está Chiapas? where's Chiapas?;

    está a 20 kilómetros de aquí it's 20 kilometers from here;
    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? do you know where Pedro is?;
    ¿está Rodrigo? is Rodrigo in?;
    solo estaré unos días I'll only be staying a few days;
    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? how long are you going to be in London (for)?
    2 ( en el tiempo):
    ¿a qué (día) estamos? what day is it today?;

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today?;
    estamos a 28 de mayo it's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May;
    estamos en primavera it's spring
    a) (tener como función, cometido):

    estamos para ayudarlos we're here to help them

    4 (estar listo, terminado):

    lo atas con un nudo y ya está you tie a knot in it and that's it o there you are;
    enseguida estoy I'll be right with you
    5 (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl):

    la 46 te está mejor the 46 fits you better
    estar v aux
    1 ( con gerundio):

    estoy viendo que va a ser imposible I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible
    2 ( con participio):

    ya está hecho un hombrecito he's a proper young man now;
    ver tb estar cópula 3
    estarse verbo pronominal ( enf) ( permanecer) to stay;
    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? can't you stay o keep still?;

    estese tranquilo don't worry
    estar 2 sustantivo masculino (esp AmL) living room
    estar verbo intransitivo
    1 (existir, hallarse) to be: está al norte, it is to the north
    ¿estarás en casa?, will you be at home?
    no está en ningún lado, it isn't anywhere
    estamos aquí para servirle, we are at your service
    su pedido aún no está, your order isn't ready yet
    2 (permanecer) to stay: estos días estoy en casa de mis padres, these days I'm staying at my parents' place
    estoy en la oficina de ocho a dos, I'm at the office from eight to two
    quiero que estés aquí un minuto, ahora vuelvo, stay here, I'll be right back
    3 (tener una situación actual determinada: con adjetivo o participio) estaba blanco como la cera, he had turned as white as a sheet
    está dormido, he's asleep
    está teñida de rubio, her hair's dyed blonde
    (con gerundio) está estudiando, he is studying
    estaba preparando la comida, I was cooking
    (con adverbio) estoy tan lejos, I'm so far away
    está muy mal, (enfermo) he is very ill
    4 (quedar, sentar) el jersey me está pequeño, the sweater is too small for me
    5 (para indicar precio, grados, fecha) (+ a: fecha) to be: ¿a qué día estamos?, what's the date?
    estamos a 1 de Julio, it is the first of July
    (: precio) to be at: ¿a cómo/cuánto están las manzanas?, how much are the apples?
    están a setenta pesetas el kilo, they're seventy pesetas a kilo
    (: grados) en Madrid estamos a cuarenta grados, it's forty degrees in Madrid
    ♦ Locuciones: ¿estamos?, agreed?
    estar a disposición de, to be at the disposal of
    estar a la que salta, to be ready to take advantage of an opportunity
    estar a las duras y a las maduras, to take the bad with the good
    estar al caer, to be just round the corner
    estar en baja, to be waning
    estar en todo, to be on top of everything
    estaría bueno, whatever next
    ESTAR CON: (de acuerdo con) estoy con María, I agree with Mary
    ESTAR DE: estoy de broma, I'm joking
    está de camarero, he's working as a waiter
    estaba de Dios que las cosas sucedieran así, it was God's will that things turned out this way, está de vacaciones, he's on holiday
    me voy a marchar porque está claro que aquí estoy de más, I'm going to go because it's obvious that I'm in the way
    ESTAR ENCIMA: su madre siempre está encima de él, his mother is always on top of him
    ESTAR PARA: no estamos para bromas, we are in no mood for jokes
    esa ropa está para planchar, these clothes are ready to be ironed
    cuando estaba para salir, me llamaron, when I was just about to leave, they called me
    ESTAR POR: la casa está por construir, the house has still to be built
    estuve por decirle lo que pensaba, I was tempted to tell him what I thought
    estoy por la igualdad de derechos, I'm for equal rights
    ESTAR QUE: está que no puede con su alma, he is exhausted
    familiar está que trina, he's hopping mad
    ESTAR TRAS: está tras el ascenso, he is after promotion
    estoy tras una blusa blanca, I'm looking for a white blouse
    El uso del verbo to stay como traducción de estar en un lugar es incorrecto, a menos que quieras expresar lo contrario de irse o marcharse (no me voy a la playa, estaré en casa todo el verano, I'm not going to the beach, I'm staying at home all summer) o te refieras a alojarse: Estoy en el Palace. I'm staying at the Palace.

    ' estar' also found in these entries:
    - acatarrada
    - acatarrado
    - acecho
    - acomplejada
    - acomplejado
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - activa
    - activo
    - afónica
    - afónico
    - agradecer
    - agua
    - aire
    - ajo
    - ala
    - alero
    - alerta
    - amiga
    - amigo
    - andar
    - antena
    - apañada
    - apañado
    - apogeo
    - ascua
    - atar
    - aviar
    - azotea
    - Babia
    - baja
    - bandera
    - banquillo
    - barco
    - blanca
    - bordear
    - borracha
    - borracho
    - bote
    - braga
    - brecha
    - brete
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabal
    - cabeza
    - cabo
    - accustom
    - action
    - agree
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - air
    - alert
    - alive
    - alone
    - aloof
    - amenable
    - amiss
    - antsy
    - anxious
    - approve
    - associate
    - attend
    - away
    - back
    - ball
    - barbecue
    - be
    - bean
    - beck
    - beg
    - behind
    - believe in
    - beside
    - best
    - board
    - boil
    - book
    - boom
    - bored
    - brain
    - breath
    - bristle with
    - broke
    - brown
    - bulge
    - burn
    - by
    - cake
    - call
    - change
    - charge
    - cheese off
    - clash
    - close
    * * *
    1. [hallarse] to be;
    ¿dónde está la llave? where is the key?;
    ¿está María? – no, no está is Maria there? – no, she's not here
    2. [con fechas]
    ¿a qué estamos hoy? what's the date today?;
    hoy estamos a martes/a 15 de julio today is Tuesday/15 July;
    estábamos en octubre it was October;
    estamos en invierno it's winter
    3. [quedarse] to stay, to be;
    estaré un par de horas y me iré I'll stay a couple of hours and then I'll go;
    ¿cuánto tiempo piensas estar? how long do you plan on staying?;
    estuvimos una semana en su casa we stayed with her for a week, we spent a week at her place
    4. (antes de “a”) [expresa valores, grados]
    estamos a 20 grados it's 20 degrees here;
    el dólar está a 10 pesos the dollar is at 10 pesos;
    están a dos euros el kilo they're two euros a kilo
    5. [hallarse listo] to be ready;
    ¿aún no está ese trabajo? is that piece of work still not ready?;
    ¿ya estás? pues, vámonos are you ready? let's go then
    6. [servir]
    estar para to be (there) for;
    para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for;
    para eso estoy that's what I'm here for;
    la vida está para vivirla life is for living;
    no tires eso al suelo, que las papeleras están para algo don't throw that on the floor, the wastepaper bins are there for a reason
    7. (antes de gerundio) [expresa duración] to be;
    están golpeando la puerta they're banging on the door
    8. (antes de “sin” + infinitivo) [expresa negación]
    estoy sin dormir desde ayer I haven't slept since yesterday;
    está sin acabar it's not finished;
    estuve sin voz dos días I had no voice o I lost my voice for two days
    9. [faltar]
    eso está aún por escribir that has yet to be written;
    eso está por ver that remains to be seen;
    todavía está por hacer it hasn't been done yet
    10. [consistir]
    estar en to be, to lie in;
    el problema está en la fecha the problem is the date;
    el truco está en no mirar nunca al suelo the trick o secret is not to look at the ground
    11. [hallarse a punto de]
    estar al llegar o [m5] caer [persona] to be about to arrive;
    [acontecimiento] to be about to happen;
    estar por hacer algo to be on the verge of doing sth;
    estuve por pegarle I was on the verge of hitting him;
    estoy por no ir I'm not so sure I want to go;
    estuve por llamarte I was about to phone you, I was just going to phone you
    12. [expresa disposición]
    estar para algo to be in the mood for sth;
    no estoy para bromas I'm not in the mood for jokes;
    el enfermo no está para ver a nadie the patient is in no condition to see anyone
    13. [ser favorable]
    estar por to be in favour of;
    estoy por la libertad de expresión I'm in favour of o for freedom of speech
    14. [hallarse embarazada]
    está de cinco meses she's five months pregnant
    15. RP [ir]
    estuve a verlo en el hospital I went to see him in hospital;
    estuvieron a visitarlo they went to visit him
    v copulativo
    1. (antes de adj) [expresa cualidad, estado] to be;
    los pasteles están ricos the cakes are delicious;
    esta calle está sucia this street is dirty;
    ¡qué alta estás! you've really grown!;
    estoy cansado/enfadado I'm tired/angry;
    ¿qué tal estás? how are you?;
    está muy irritable últimamente she's been very irritable lately;
    está divorciado he's divorced;
    estoy enfermo/mareado I am ill/I feel sick;
    cuando estaba chiquito when I was little
    2. (antes de “con” o “sin” + sustantivo) [expresa estado] to be;
    estamos sin agua we have no water, we're without water;
    estoy sin blanca I'm broke, Br I'm skint
    3. [expresa situación, acción]
    estar de vacaciones to be on holiday;
    estar de viaje to be on a trip;
    estar de mudanza to be (in the process of) moving;
    estamos de suerte we're in luck;
    estar de mal humor to be in a (bad) mood;
    ¿has cambiado la rueda? – estoy en ello have you changed the tyre? – I'm working on it o I'm doing it right now;
    ¡ya está bien! that's enough (of that)!
    4. [expresa permanencia]
    estar en uso to be in use;
    estar en guardia to be on guard
    5. [expresa apoyo, predilección]
    estoy contigo I'm on your side
    6. [expresa ocupación]
    estar como o [m5]de to be;
    está como o [m5] de cajera she's a checkout girl;
    yo he estado de portero toda la primera parte I've been in goal all of the first half
    7. Esp [ropa]
    este traje te está bien this suit looks good on you;
    esa falda te está corta that skirt's too short for you;
    ¿cómo me está? how does this look?
    8. (antes de “que” + verbo) [expresa actitud]
    está que muerde porque ha suspendido he's furious because he failed
    v aux
    1. (antes de gerundio) to be;
    estuvo nevando it was snowing;
    se está peinando she's brushing her hair;
    estuvieron discutiendo durante toda la reunión they spent the whole meeting arguing, they were arguing throughout the whole meeting;
    mañana a estas horas estaré bañándome en la playa this time tomorrow I'll be swimming at the beach
    2. (antes de participio)
    está terminado it's finished;
    está organizado por el ayuntamiento it's organized by the town council
    * * *
    ¿cómo está Vd.? how are you?;
    estoy mejor I’m (feeling) better;
    estoy bien/mal I’m fine/I’m not feeling too great;
    estar de tres meses be three months pregnant;
    estar sin dinero have no money;
    ¡ya estoy! I’m ready!
    ¿está Javier? is Javier in?;
    mi padre no está my father isn’t here;
    ¡ahí está! there it is!;
    ahora estoy con Vd. I’ll be with you in just a moment;
    ¿dónde estábamos? where were we?
    estar haciendo algo be doing sth;
    estoy leyendo I’m reading
    4 ( sentar)
    te está grande it's too big for you;
    el vestido te está bien the dress suits you
    estar de ocupación work as, be;
    está de camarero he’s working as a waiter
    6 ( padecer de)
    estar del corazón/estómago have heart/stomach problems
    estamos a 3 de enero it’s January 3rd;
    el kilo está a un peso they’re one peso a kilo
    estar con alguien agree with s.o.; ( apoyar) support s.o.;
    estar a bien/mal con alguien be on good/bad terms with s.o.;
    estar en algo be working on sth;
    estar para hacer algo be about to do sth;
    no estar para algo not be in a mood for sth;
    estar por algo be in favor of sth;
    está por hacer it hasn’t been done yet;
    ¡ya está! that’s it!
    * * *
    estar {34} v aux
    : to be
    estoy aprendiendo inglés: I'm learning English
    está terminado: it's finished
    estar vi
    está muy alto: he's so tall, he's gotten very tall
    ¿ya estás mejor?: are you feeling better now?
    estoy casado: I'm married
    están en la mesa: they're on the table
    estamos en la página 2: we're on page 2
    3) : to be at home
    ¿está María?: is Maria in?
    4) : to remain
    estaré aquí 5 días: I'll be here for 5 days
    5) : to be ready, to be done
    estará para las diez: it will be ready by ten o'clock
    6) : to agree
    ¿estamos?: are we in agreement?
    estoy contigo: I'm with you
    ¿cómo estás? : how are you?
    ¡está bien! : all right!, that's fine!
    estar a : to cost
    estar a : to be
    ¿a qué dia estamos?: what's today's date?
    estar con : to have
    está con fiebre: she has a fever
    estar de : to be
    estoy de vacaciones: I'm on vacation
    está de director hoy: he's acting as director today
    estar bien (mal) : to be well (sick)
    estar para : to be in the mood for
    estar por : to be in favor of
    estar por : to be about to
    está por cerrar: it's on the verge of closing
    estar de más : to be unnecessary
    estar que : to be (in a state or condition)
    está que echa chispas: he's hopping mad
    * * *
    estar vb
    1. (en general) to be
    ¿estás cansada? are you tired?
    3. (en casa, en el trabajo) to be in / to be there / to be here
    ¿está Pepe? is Pepe in? / is Pepe there?
    ¿está tu madre en casa? is your mother in?
    4. (listo, preparado) to be ready
    5. (aspecto) to look
    ¡qué guapo estás! you look very smart!
    estar a... to be...
    ¿a cuánto están los tomates? how much are the tomatoes?
    estar de... to be...

    Spanish-English dictionary > estar

  • 14 de acuerdo con

    in accordance with
    * * *
    * * *
    = according to, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, in + Posesivo + view, judging from
    Ex. The headings will be arranged according to the filing sequence of the notation (for example, alphabetically for letters or numerically for numbers).
    Ex. As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.
    Ex. If these two questions are considered the choice of titles will be consistent with the choice of author headings.
    Ex. It is argued that the research community is missing an opportunity to design systems that are in better harmony with the actual preferences of many users.
    Ex. The scheme remains discipline oriented, but each class is developed in accordance with strict application of analytico-synthetic principles.
    Ex. AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
    Ex. This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
    Ex. Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.
    Ex. The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
    Ex. There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.
    Ex. The name to be chosen for the author must be, by rule 40, 'the name by which he is commonly identified, whether it is his real name, or an assumed name, nickname, title of nobility, or other appellation'.
    Ex. This approach involves the establishment and communication of organizational goals, the setting of individual objectives pursuant to the organizational goals, and the periodic and then final review of performance as it relates to the objectives.
    Ex. In concurrence with the advent of what Anthony Oettinger called 'compunications', the fusion of computing and communication, we need to develop a new vision of a future for national libraries.
    Ex. Libraries will make judgements based on criteria such as better information resources, quicker answers, and more cost-effective services = Las bibliotecas tomarán decisiones de acuerdo con criterios tales como mejores recursos informativos, rapidez de respuesta y servicios más rentables.
    Ex. The findings of this study were in agreement with most similar studies of the journal literature of the humanities with one important exception.
    Ex. As far as he knew (and he had been with the library 37 years) subsequent boards had not changed the rule.
    Ex. New modes may emerge in the future in consonance with new research trends and changing social needs.
    Ex. In accord with much existing literature, results indicate that a large part of the gender pay gap is unexplained, even when a wide range of variables are included.
    Ex. The number of titles is expected to double within a relatively short period, judging by the enthusiasm expressed by the publishers.
    Ex. To judge by some of the comments presented here, weeding may function as a homogenizing agent in many public libraries, creating a situation where the product lines (books) offered show little variation from library to library.
    Ex. The public library is not exempt from this rule, and in conformity with it this report has been prepared to offer a detailed answer to the challenge of the public.
    Ex. In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
    Ex. Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.
    * * *
    = according to, as far as + Nombre + be + concerned, consistent with, in harmony with, in accordance with, in concert with, in keeping with, in line with, in step with, in tune with, by, pursuant to, in concurrence with, based on, in agreement with, as far as + Sujeto + Verbo, in consonance with, in accord with, judging by, to judge by, in conformity with, in + Posesivo + view, judging from

    Ex: The headings will be arranged according to the filing sequence of the notation (for example, alphabetically for letters or numerically for numbers).

    Ex: As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.
    Ex: If these two questions are considered the choice of titles will be consistent with the choice of author headings.
    Ex: It is argued that the research community is missing an opportunity to design systems that are in better harmony with the actual preferences of many users.
    Ex: The scheme remains discipline oriented, but each class is developed in accordance with strict application of analytico-synthetic principles.
    Ex: AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
    Ex: This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
    Ex: Villahermosa, capital of Tabasco, as the first of Mexico's 31 states, has achieved full library coverage in line with the Programa Nacional de Bibliotecas Publicas.
    Ex: The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.
    Ex: There was a hard core of dedicated, British-trained librarians who practised their profession in tune with the social, economic and political situation of their time.
    Ex: The name to be chosen for the author must be, by rule 40, 'the name by which he is commonly identified, whether it is his real name, or an assumed name, nickname, title of nobility, or other appellation'.
    Ex: This approach involves the establishment and communication of organizational goals, the setting of individual objectives pursuant to the organizational goals, and the periodic and then final review of performance as it relates to the objectives.
    Ex: In concurrence with the advent of what Anthony Oettinger called 'compunications', the fusion of computing and communication, we need to develop a new vision of a future for national libraries.
    Ex: Libraries will make judgements based on criteria such as better information resources, quicker answers, and more cost-effective services = Las bibliotecas tomarán decisiones de acuerdo con criterios tales como mejores recursos informativos, rapidez de respuesta y servicios más rentables.
    Ex: The findings of this study were in agreement with most similar studies of the journal literature of the humanities with one important exception.
    Ex: As far as he knew (and he had been with the library 37 years) subsequent boards had not changed the rule.
    Ex: New modes may emerge in the future in consonance with new research trends and changing social needs.
    Ex: In accord with much existing literature, results indicate that a large part of the gender pay gap is unexplained, even when a wide range of variables are included.
    Ex: The number of titles is expected to double within a relatively short period, judging by the enthusiasm expressed by the publishers.
    Ex: To judge by some of the comments presented here, weeding may function as a homogenizing agent in many public libraries, creating a situation where the product lines (books) offered show little variation from library to library.
    Ex: The public library is not exempt from this rule, and in conformity with it this report has been prepared to offer a detailed answer to the challenge of the public.
    Ex: In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
    Ex: Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.

    Spanish-English dictionary > de acuerdo con

  • 15 hecho

    1 made, done.
    2 made, created.
    1 done.
    2 agreed.
    1 fact, point of fact, event, happening.
    2 act, feat, deed, action.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: hacer.
    * * *
    1 (realidad) fact
    2 (suceso) event, incident
    1→ link=hacer hacer
    1 (carne) done
    2 (persona) mature
    3 (frase, expresión) set
    4 (ropa) ready-made
    1 (realidad) fact
    2 (suceso) event, incident
    interjección ¡hecho!
    1 done!, agreed!
    a lo hecho pecho it's no use crying over spilt milk
    ¡bien hecho! well done!
    de hecho in fact
    el hecho es que... the fact is that...
    eso está hecho figurado that won't take long, that'll only take a minute
    estar hecho,-a un,-a... to be...
    está hecho un vago he's a real waster, he's a real layabout
    hecho,-a a mano handmade
    hecho,-a a máquina machine-made
    hecho,-a en casa home-made
    hechos son amores actions speak louder than words
    lo hecho hecho está what's done is done
    muy hecho,-a (carne) well-cooked 2 (pasada) overdone
    poco,-a hecho,-a (carne) rare 2 (insuficientemente) underdone
    hecho consumado fait accompli
    hecho de armas feat of arms
    Hechos de los Apóstoles RELIGIÓN Acts of the Apostles
    * * *
    1. noun m.
    1) fact
    2) deed
    2. (f. - hecha)
    1) done, made
    * * *
    PP de hacer
    2. ADJ
    1) (=realizado) done

    si le dijiste que no fuera, mal hecho — if you told him not to go, then you were wrong o you shouldn't have

    ¡hecho! — (=de acuerdo) agreed!, it's a deal!

    2) (=manufacturado) made

    ¿de qué está hecho? — what's it made of?

    3) (=acabado) done, finished; (=listo) ready

    ¿está hecha la comida? — is dinner ready?

    4) (Culin)
    a) (=maduro) [queso, vino] mature; [fruta] ripe
    b) (=cocinado)

    muy hecho(=bien) well-cooked; (=demasiado) overdone

    no muy hecho, poco hecho — underdone, undercooked

    un filete poco o no muy hecho — a rare steak

    5) (=convertido en)

    ella, hecha una furia, se lanzó — she hurled herself furiously

    6) [persona]

    hecho y derecho —

    7) (=acostumbrado)
    3. SM
    1) (=acto)

    hechos, y o que no palabras — actions speak louder than words

    2) (=realidad) fact; (=suceso) event

    el hecho es que... — the fact is that...

    un hecho histórico(=acontecimiento) an historic event; (=dato) a historical fact

    hecho imponible — (Econ) taxable source of income


    de hecho — in fact, as a matter of fact

    de hecho, yo no sé nada de eso — in fact o as a matter of fact, I don't know anything about that

    4) (Jur)
    * * *
    - cha participio pasado [ ver tb hacer]
    1) ( manufacturado) made

    bien/mal hecho — well/badly made

    lo hecho, hecho está — what's done is done

    tú estás hecho un vagoyou've become o turned into a lazy devil

    hecho a algoused o accustomed to something

    hecho! — it's a deal!, done!

    - cha adjetivo
    1) < ropa> ready-to-wear, off-the-rack (AmE), off-the-peg (esp BrE)
    2) ( terminado) < trabajo> done

    hecho y derecho< hombre> (fully) grown; < abogado> fully-fledged

    3) (esp Esp) < carne> done

    un filete muy/poco hecho — a well-done/rare steak

    a) (acto, acción)

    ésas son palabras y yo quiero hechos — those are just words, I want action o I want something done

    b) (suceso, acontecimiento) event
    2) (realidad, verdad) fact

    el hecho es que... — the fact (of the matter) is that...

    * * *
    - cha participio pasado [ ver tb hacer]
    1) ( manufacturado) made

    bien/mal hecho — well/badly made

    lo hecho, hecho está — what's done is done

    tú estás hecho un vagoyou've become o turned into a lazy devil

    hecho a algoused o accustomed to something

    hecho! — it's a deal!, done!

    - cha adjetivo
    1) < ropa> ready-to-wear, off-the-rack (AmE), off-the-peg (esp BrE)
    2) ( terminado) < trabajo> done

    hecho y derecho< hombre> (fully) grown; < abogado> fully-fledged

    3) (esp Esp) < carne> done

    un filete muy/poco hecho — a well-done/rare steak

    a) (acto, acción)

    ésas son palabras y yo quiero hechos — those are just words, I want action o I want something done

    b) (suceso, acontecimiento) event
    2) (realidad, verdad) fact

    el hecho es que... — the fact (of the matter) is that...

    * * *
    1 = event, fact, deed.

    Ex: The concept of corporate body includes named occasional groups and events, such as meetings, conferences, congresses, expeditions, exhibitions, festivals, and fairs.

    Ex: Apart from the fact that different librarians may consult different reference sources, there are other factors which may lead different cataloguers to different decisions.
    Ex: Books were kept for historical records of deeds done by the inhabitants: their worthy acts as well as their sins.
    * apuntar el hecho de que = point to + the fact that.
    * cegarse ante el hecho de que = blind + Pronombre + to the fact that.
    * de derecho pero no de hecho = in name only.
    * de hecho = actually, as a matter of fact, as it happened, de facto, in actual fact, in effect, in fact, indeed, in point of fact, in actuality, as it happens, as it is, effectively, for all intents and purposes, to all intents and purposes, for that matter.
    * del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = easier said than done.
    * del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.
    * demostración del hecho de que = evidence of the fact that.
    * desde el punto de vista de los hechos = factually.
    * dicho sin hecho no tiene provecho = actions speak louder than words.
    * el hecho es que = fact is, the fact is (that).
    * el hecho es que... = the fact of the matter is that....
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * enfrentarse al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran trecho = many a slip between the cup and the lip.
    * enunciado de los hechos = statement of fact.
    * estado de hecho = rule of men.
    * explicar + Posesivo + versión de los hechos = explain + Posesivo + side of the story.
    * exposición de los hechos = statement of fact.
    * hacer frente al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * hacer frente a los hechos = face + facts.
    * hecho casual = coincidence, chance happening.
    * hecho consumado = fait accompli.
    * hecho demostrado = established fact.
    * hecho ineludible = hard fact.
    * hecho real = brute fact.
    * hechos dispersos = random facts.
    * hechos, los = plain fact, the.
    * hechos reales = true story.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * olvidarse del hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * pareja de hecho = common-law husband, common-law wife, common-law marriage.
    * partiendo del hecho de que = based on the understanding that.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * por el hecho de que = because of the fact that.
    * por el mero hecho de saber = for knowledge's sake.
    * presunción de hecho = prima facie.
    * prueba del hecho de que = evidence of the fact that.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente aceptado = it + be + widely agreed.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido = it + be + widely recognised.
    * ser un hecho bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser un hecho bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser un hecho poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * verificación de los hechos = fact checking.


    Ex: What was pinned up ranged from sheets of paper with nothing more written on them than a title and author to elaborate and beautifully executed illustrations.

    * a lo hecho, pecho = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk, you've made your bed, now you must lie in it!.
    * bien hecho = well-rendered, well done.
    * cartón hecho de paja = strawboard.
    * comprar Algo hecho en serie = buy + off-the-shelf.
    * comprar Algo ya hecho de antemano = buy + off-the-shelf.
    * cosa hecha = plain sailing, walkover.
    * dado por hecho = foregone.
    * dando por hecho que = based on the understanding that, on the understanding that.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dicho y hecho = no sooner said than done.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * frase hecha = bound phrase, cliche, formulaic words, formulaic phrase.
    * hecho a base de parches = patchwork.
    * hecho a mano = hand-made, hand-drawn, handcrafted.
    * hecho a máquina = machine-made.
    * hecho a medida = customised [customized, -USA], purpose-designed, tailored, tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], bespoke, made to measure, fitted, made-to-order.
    * hecho añicos = shattered.
    * hecho a propósito = tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored].
    * hecho cisco = wrecked.
    * hecho como de pasada = throwaway.
    * hecho de antemano = off-the-peg, ready-made.
    * hecho de encaje = lacy.
    * hecho de grava = metalled [metaled, -USA].
    * hecho de trozos = piecewise.
    * hecho de un modo gratuito = pro bono.
    * hecho en América = American-built.
    * hecho en casa = homespun, homemade.
    * hecho en el extranjero = foreign-made.
    * hecho en el Reino Unido = British-made.
    * hecho en lugar de otra persona = delegated.
    * hecho exclusivamente para = born and bred.
    * hecho exclusivamente para la web = Web-centric.
    * hecho expresamente para = intended for.
    * hecho para una situación específica = niche-specific.
    * hecho para una única ocasión = one shot.
    * hecho polvo = wrecked, dog tired.
    * hecho por el autor = author-designated, author-prepared.
    * hecho por el hombre = man-made.
    * hecho por encargo = tailor-made [tailormade], bespoke, custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored], made-to-order, made to measure.
    * hecho por la OCLC = OCLC-produced.
    * hecho por la propia biblioteca = in-house [inhouse].
    * hecho por multicopista = mimeographed.
    * hecho por uno mismo = home-grown [home grown/homegrown], home-produced, self-made.
    * hecho puré = mashed.
    * hecho recientemente = fresh-made.
    * hechos el uno para el otro = made for each other.
    * hecho una salsa = saucy [saucier -comp., sauciest -sup.].
    * hecho una sopa = drenched to the skin, wringing wet, soaked to the skin, soaking wet, wet through to the skin.
    * hecho un desastre = in shambles, like the wreck of the Hesperus, upside down.
    * hecho un toro = as strong as an ox.
    * hecho y derecho = full-bodied, full-scale, full-service, fully-fledged.
    * ir hecho un desastre = look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus.
    * lo hecho hecho está = no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
    * mal hecho para = ill suited to/for.
    * medio hecho = halfway done, half done.
    * menos hecho = rarer.
    * páguese por el uso hecho = pay-as-you-go.
    * papel hecho a mano = hand-made paper.
    * papel hecho a máquina = machine-made paper.
    * papel verjurado hecho a máquina = machine-made laid paper.
    * ponerse hecho una fiera = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho una furia = go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un basilisco = go + ballistic, go + berserk, go + postal, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * ponerse hecho un energúmeno = go + ballistic.
    * recién hecho = hot off the griddle.
    * resumen hecho para una disciplina concreta = discipline-oriented abstract.
    * sistema informático hecho por encargo = tailored system.
    * solución hecha = cut-and-dried solution.
    * tener Algo hecho a la medida de uno = have + Nombre + cut out.
    * tenerlo todo hecho = have + an easy ride.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.

    * * *
    hecho a mano handmade
    hecho a máquina machine-made, machine-produced
    un traje hecho a (la) medida a made-to-measure suit
    está muy bien/mal hecho it's very well/badly made
    (refiriéndose a una acción): ¡bien hecho! así aprenderá well done! o good for you! that'll teach him
    tomé la decisión yo solo — pues mal hecho, tenías que haberlo consultado I took the decision myself — well you shouldn't have (done), you should have discussed it with him
    lo hecho, hecho está it's no use crying over spilled milk
    (convertido en): estaba hecho una fiera or furia he was livid o furious
    está hecha una foca she's got(ten) really fat
    se apareció hecho un mamarracho he turned up looking a real mess
    me dejaron con los nervios hechos trizas when they finished my nerves were in tatters o in shreds o ( colloq) shot to pieces
    tú estás hecho un vago you've become o turned into a lazy devil
    D (acostumbrado) hecho A algo used o accustomed TO sth
    un hombre muy hecho a la vida en el campo a man well used to o quite accustomed to life in the country
    (expresando acuerdo): ¡hecho! it's a deal!, done!
    A ‹ropa› ready-to-wear, off-the-peg
    con ese físico se puede comprar los trajes hechos with his build he can buy ready-to-wear suits o he can buy his suits off the peg
    B (terminado) ‹trabajo› done
    hecho y derecho: un hombre hecho y derecho a grown o a fully grown man
    un abogado hecho y derecho a fully-fledged lawyer
    ya es un jugador hecho y derecho he is already an inveterate o a confirmed gambler
    C ( esp Esp) ‹carne› done
    un filete muy/poco hecho a well-done/rare steak
    D ( Chi fam) (borracho) plastered ( colloq)
    (Col, Ven fam) (económicamente bien): estar hecho to have it made ( colloq)
    (acto, acción): ésas son palabras y yo quiero hechos those are just words, I want action
    demuéstramelo con hechos prove it to me by doing something about it
    no es el hecho en sí de que me lo haya robado lo que me duele sino … it's not the actual theft that upsets me but …, it's not the fact that she stole it from me that upsets me but …
    2 (suceso, acontecimiento) event
    hechos como la caída del gobierno de Castillo events such as the fall of the Castillo government
    los documentos hallados en el lugar de los hechos the documents found at the scene of the crime
    limítese el testigo a relatar los hechos the witness will please limit o confine his testimony to the facts
    fait accompli
    ( frml); battle
    ( frml); violent crime ( involving bloodshed)
    los hecho de los Apóstoles The Acts of the Apostles
    B (realidad, verdad) fact
    es un hecho conocido por todos it's a well-known fact
    para esa fecha los viajes espaciales ya eran un hecho by that time space travel was already a reality
    el hecho es que … the fact (of the matter) is that …
    es un gran conocedor del país, debido al hecho de que … he knows the country very well owing to the fact that o because …
    el hecho de que habla tres idiomas le da una gran ventaja the fact that he speaks three languages gives him a great advantage
    el hecho DE QUE + SUBJ:
    el hecho de que mucha gente lo compre no quiere decir que sea un buen periódico the fact that a lot of people buy it doesn't make it a good newspaper, just because a lot of people buy it doesn't mean that it's a good newspaper
    de hecho: de hecho, ya es significativo que haya hecho esa propuesta the fact that he has made such a proposal is in itself significant
    no fue una sorpresa, de hecho, me avisaron el mes pasado it didn't come as a surprise; in fact they warned me only last month
    él es el director pero de hecho la que manda es ella he's the director, but she's the one who actually runs the place, he's the director, but in reality o in actual fact she's the one who runs the place
    * * *


    Del verbo hacer: ( conjugate hacer)

    hecho es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    hacer ( conjugate hacer) verbo transitivo
    a) ( crear) ‹mueble/vestido to make;

    casa/carretera to build;
    nido to build, make;
    túnelto make, dig;
    dibujo/plano to do, draw;
    lista to make, draw up;
    resumen to do, make;
    película to make;
    nudo/lazo to tie;
    pan/pastel to make, bake;
    vino/café/tortilla to make;
    cerveza to make, brew;

    hacen buena pareja they make a lovely couple
    b) (producir, causar) ‹ ruido to make;

    estos zapatos me hacen daño these shoes hurt my feet
    a) (efectuar, llevar a cabo) ‹ sacrificio to make;

    milagro to work, perform;
    deberes/ejercicios/limpieza to do;
    mandado to run;
    transacción/investigación to carry out;
    experimento to do, perform;
    entrevista to conduct;
    gira/viaje to do;
    regalo to give;
    favor to do;
    trato to make;

    aún queda mucho por hecho there is still a lot (left) to do;
    dar que hecho to make a lot of work
    b)cheque/factura to make out, write out

    3 (formular, expresar) ‹declaración/promesa/oferta to make;
    proyecto/plan to make, draw up;
    crítica/comentario to make, voice;
    pregunta to ask;


    hecho caca (fam) to do a poop (AmE) o (BrE) a pooh (colloq);

    hecho pis or pipí (fam) to have a pee (colloq);
    hecho sus necesidades (euf) to go to the bathroom o toilet (euph)

    las vacas hacen `mu' cows go `moo'

    5 ( adquirir) ‹dinero/fortuna to make;
    amigo to make
    6 (preparar, arreglar) ‹ cama to make;
    maleta to pack;
    hice el pescado al horno I did o cooked the fish in the oven;

    tengo que hecho la comida I must make lunch;
    ver tb comida b
    7 ( recorrer) ‹trayecto/distancia to do, cover
    8 (en cálculos, enumeraciones):
    son 180 … y 320 hacen 500 that's 180 … and 320 is o makes 500


    ¿hacemos algo esta noche? shall we do something tonight?;
    hecho ejercicio to do (some) exercise;
    ¿hace algún deporte? do you play o do any sports?;
    See Also→ amor 1b
    b) (como profesión, ocupación) to do;

    ¿qué hace tu padre? what does your father do?

    2 (realizar cierta acción, actuar de cierta manera) to do;
    ¡eso no se hace! you shouldn't do that!;

    ¡qué le vamos a hecho! what can you o (frml) one do?;
    toca bien el pianoantes lo hacía mejor she plays the piano wellshe used to play better;
    hechola buena (fam): ¡ahora sí que la hice! now I've really done it!;
    See Also→ tonto sustantivo masculino, femenino
    1 (transformar en, volver) to make;

    hizo pedazos la carta she tore the letter into tiny pieces;
    ese vestido te hace más delgada that dress makes you look thinner;
    hecho algo de algo to turn sth into sth;
    quiero hecho de ti un gran actor I want to make a great actor of you
    a) (obligar a, ser causa de que)

    me hizo abrirla he made me open it;
    me hizo llorar it made me cry;
    hágalo pasar tell him to come in;
    me hizo esperar tres horas she kept me waiting for three hours;
    hecho que algo/algn haga algo to make sth/sb do sth

    hacer hacer algo to have o get sth done/made;

    hice acortar las cortinas I had o got the curtains shortened
    verbo intransitivo
    1 (obrar, actuar):
    déjame hecho a mí just let me handle this o take care of this;

    ¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? what do you have to do to get the scholarship?;
    hiciste bien en decírmelo you did o were right to tell me;
    haces mal en mentir it's wrong of you to lie
    2 (fingir, simular):

    haz como si no lo conocieras act as if o pretend you don't know him
    3 ( servir):
    esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning;

    la escuela hizo de hospital the school served as o was used as a hospital
    4 ( interpretar personaje) hecho de algo/algn to play (the part of) sth/sb
    (+ compl) ( sentar):

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    la trucha me hizo mal (AmL) the trout didn't agree with me
    hecho v impers
    1 ( refiriéndose al tiempo atmosférico):
    hace frío/sol it's cold/sunny;

    hace tres grados it's three degrees;
    (nos) hizo un tiempo espantoso the weather was terrible
    2 ( expresando tiempo transcurrido):

    hace mucho que lo conozco I've known him for a long time;
    hacía años que no lo veía I hadn't seen him for o in years;
    ¿cuánto hace que se fue? how long ago did she leave?;
    hace poco/un año a short time/a year ago;
    hasta hace poco until recently
    hacerse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) (+ me/te/le etc):

    se le hizo una ampolla she got a blister;
    hacérsele algo a algn (Méx): por fin se le hizo ganar el premio she finally got to win the award
    a) ( refl) ( hacer para sí) ‹café/falda to make oneself;

    se hizo la cirugía estética she had plastic surgery
    3 ( causarse):
    ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? what did you do to your arm?;

    ¿te hiciste daño? did you hurt yourself?
    4 ( refiriéndose a necesidades fisiológicas):
    todavía se hace pis/caca (fam) she still wets/messes herself

    5 ( refl) ( adquirir) to make;

    a) (volverse, convertirse en) to become;

    se están haciendo viejos they are getting o growing old
    b) ( resultar):

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    se me hace difícil creerlo I find it very hard to believe
    c) ( impers):

    se está haciendo tarde it's getting late
    d) ( cocinarse) [pescado/guiso] to cook

    e) (AmL) ( pasarle a):

    ¿qué se habrá hecho María? what can have happened to María?

    2 ( acostumbrarse) hechose a algo to get used to sth
    3 ( fingirse):

    ¿es bobo o se (lo) hace? (fam) is he stupid or just a good actor? (colloq);
    hechose pasar por algn (por periodista, doctor) to pass oneself off as sb
    4 ( moverse) (+ compl) to move;

    hacerse de (AmL) (de fortuna, dinero) to get;

    ( de amigos) to make
    hecho 1
    ◊ - cha pp [ ver tb hacer]

    1 ( manufacturado) made;

    un traje hecho a (la) medida a made-to-measure suit;
    bien/mal hecho well/badly made
    2 ( refiriéndose a acción):
    ¡bien hecho! well done!;

    no le avisépues mal hecho I didn't let him knowwell you should have (done);
    lo hecho, hecho está what's done is done
    3 ( convertido en):

    tú estás hecho un vago you've become o turned into a lazy devil
    ■ adjetivo

    b) ( terminado) ‹ trabajo done

    c) (esp Esp) ‹ carne done;

    un filete muy/poco hecho a well-done/rare steak

    hecho 2 sustantivo masculino
    a) (acto, acción):

    yo quiero hechos I want action, I want something done;

    demuéstramelo con hechos prove it to me by doing something about it
    b) (suceso, acontecimiento) event;

    2 (realidad, verdad) fact;

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (crear, fabricar, construir) to make
    hacer un jersey, to make a sweater
    hacer un puente, to build a bridge
    2 (una acción) to do: eso no se hace, it isn't done
    haz lo que quieras, do what you want
    ¿qué estás haciendo?, (en este momento) what are you doing?
    (para vivir) what do you do (for a living)?
    hace atletismo, he does athletics
    hacer una carrera/ medicina, to do a degree/ medicine
    3 (amigos, dinero) to make
    4 (obligar, forzar) to make: hazle entrar en razón, make him see reason
    5 (causar, provocar) to make: ese hombre me hace reír, that man makes me laugh
    estos zapatos me hacen daño, these shoes are hurting me
    no hagas llorar a tu hermana, don't make your sister cry
    6 (arreglar) to make
    hacer la cama, to make the bed
    hacer la casa, to do the housework
    7 Mat (sumar, dar como resultado) to make: y con éste hacen cincuenta, and that makes fifty
    8 (producir una impresión) to make... look: ese vestido la hace mayor, that dress makes her look older
    9 (en sustitución de otro verbo) to do: cuido mi jardín, me gusta hacerlo, I look after my garden, I like doing it
    10 (representar) to play: Juan hizo un papel en Fuenteovejuna, Juan played a part in Fuenteovejuna
    11 (actuar como) to play: no hagas el tonto, don't play the fool
    12 (suponer) te hacía en casa, I thought you were at home
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (en el teatro, etc) to play: hizo de Electra, she played Electra
    2 ( hacer por + infinitivo) to try to: hice por ayudar, I tried to help
    3 (simular) to pretend: hice como si no lo conociera, I acted as if I didn't know him
    4 fam (venir bien, convenir) to be suitable: si te hace, nos vamos a verle mañana, if it's all right for you, we'll visit him tomorrow
    III verbo impersonal
    1 (tiempo transcurrido) ago: hace mucho (tiempo), a long time ago
    hace tres semanas que no veo la televisión, I haven't watched TV for three weeks
    hace tres años que comenzaron las obras, the building works started three years ago
    2 (condición atmosférica) hacía mucho frío, it was very cold
    ¿To make o to do?
    El significado básico del verbo to make es construir, fabricar algo juntando los componentes (aquí hacen unos pasteles maravillosos, they make marvellous cakes here), obligar (hazle callar, make him shut up) o convertir: Te hará más fuerte. It'll make you stronger. También se emplea en expresiones compuestas por palabras tales como dinero ( money), ruido ( a noise), cama ( the bed), esfuerzo ( an effort), promesa ( a promise), c omentario ( a comment), amor ( love), guerra ( war).
    El significado del verbo to do es cumplir o ejecutar una tarea o actividad, especialmente tratándose de los deportes y las tareas domésticas: Hago mis deberes por la noche. I do my homework in the evening. ¿Quién hace la plancha en tu casa? Who does the ironing in your house? También se emplea con palabras tales como deber ( duty), deportes ( sports), examen ( an exam), favor ( a favour), sumas ( sums).
    I adjetivo
    1 (realizado) made, done: está muy bien hecho, it's really well done
    2 (acostumbrado) used: está hecho a trabajar en este clima, he's used to working in this climate
    3 (cocinado, cocido) done
    un filete muy/poco hecho, a well-cooked/rare steak
    4 (persona) mature
    5 (frase) set
    (ropa) ready-made
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (suceso real) fact
    el hecho es que..., the fact is that...
    de hecho, in fact ➣ Ver nota en actually 2 (obra, acción) act, deed
    3 (acontecimiento, caso) event, incident
    III interj ¡hecho!, it's a deal! o all right!
    ' hecho' also found in these entries:
    - actual
    - asesinar
    - braga
    - bribón
    - bribona
    - buena
    - bueno
    - casera
    - casero
    - chapucera
    - chapucero
    - chapuza
    - chaval
    - chavala
    - como
    - conmoverse
    - considerable
    - consumada
    - consumado
    - Cristo
    - de
    - despeluchar
    - desvarío
    - dicha
    - dicho
    - documentalista
    - elemento
    - encubrir
    - entrar
    - exquisita
    - exquisito
    - fideo
    - fiera
    - flan
    - furia
    - haber
    - habilidosa
    - habilidoso
    - hallar
    - hecha
    - higo
    - hojalata
    - humanamente
    - incidencia
    - interdisciplinaria
    - interdisciplinario
    - jirón
    - jugarreta
    - lástima
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - adjust
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - angry
    - appease
    - asbestos
    - bandwagon
    - bargain
    - basis
    - beat
    - by
    - challenge
    - cock-up
    - collar
    - come
    - confirm
    - cry
    - custom
    - cut out
    - damage
    - deal
    - decree
    - delay
    - deliberately
    - done
    - dream
    - effect
    - effectively
    - enforce
    - established
    - fact
    - failure
    - fait accompli
    - find out
    - fitted
    - freshly
    - fully-fledged
    - good
    - grown
    - gumbo
    - hand
    - handmade
    - however
    - hurried
    - in
    * * *
    hecho, -a
    ver hacer
    1. [llevado a cabo]
    hecho a mano handmade;
    hecho a máquina machine-made;
    una película bien hecha a well-made film;
    ¡eso está hecho! it's a deal!, you're on!;
    ¡bien hecho! well done!;
    ¡mal hecho, me tenías que haber avisado! you were wrong not to tell me!;
    ¿me podrás conseguir entradas? – ¡eso está hecho! will you be able to get me tickets? – it's as good as done!;
    lo hecho, hecho está what is done is done;
    a lo hecho, pecho: no me gusta, pero a lo hecho, pecho I don't like it, but what's done is done;
    tú lo hiciste, así que a lo hecho, pecho you did it, so you'll have to take what's coming
    2. [acabado] mature;
    una mujer hecha y derecha a fully grown woman;
    estás hecho un artista you've become quite an artist
    3. [carne, pasta] done;
    quiero el filete muy hecho/poco hecho I'd like my steak well done/rare
    4. [acostumbrado]
    estar hecho a algo/a hacer algo to be used to sth/to doing sth;
    está hecha a la dureza del clima she's used to the harsh climate;
    no estoy hecho a levantarme tan temprano I'm not used to getting up so early
    5. Andes, RP Fam
    estar hecho [en condiciones] to have it all;
    con la compra de estos zapatos creo que estoy hecho after buying these shoes I think I've got everything I need;
    me faltan dos materias de la carrera y estoy hecha I need to do two more subjects in my degree and that's me done
    1. [suceso] event;
    los hechos tuvieron lugar de madrugada the events took place in the early morning;
    el cuerpo de la víctima fue retirado del lugar de los hechos the victim's body was removed from the scene of the crime
    hecho consumado fait accompli
    2. [realidad, dato] fact;
    el hecho de que seas el jefe no te da derecho a comportarte así just because you're the boss doesn't mean you have the right to behave like that;
    es un hecho indiscutido que… it is an indisputable fact that…;
    el hecho es que… the fact is that…;
    hecho ineludible fact of life
    3. [obra] action, deed;
    sus hechos hablan por él his actions speak for him;
    queremos hechos, y no promesas we want action, not promises
    los Hechos de los Apóstoles the Acts of the Apostles; Mil hecho de armas feat of arms
    de hecho [en realidad] in fact, actually;
    claro que lo conozco, de hecho, fuimos juntos al colegio of course I know him, indeed o in fact we actually went to school together
    5. [en la práctica] de facto;
    es el presidente de hecho he's the de facto president
    it's a deal!, you're on!;
    te lo vendo por un millón – ¡hecho! I'll sell it to you for a million – done! o it's a deal!
    * * *
    I parthacer; ( confeccionado)
    hecho a mano hand-made;
    un traje hecho an off-the-peg suit;
    muy hecho carne well-done;
    ¡bien hecho! well done!;
    ¡hecho!, ¡eso está hecho ! done!, it’s a deal!;
    a lo hecho, pecho what’s done is done
    II adj finished;
    un hombre hecho y derecho a fully grown man
    III m
    1 ( realidad) fact;
    de hecho in fact;
    el hecho es que the fact is that
    2 ( suceso) event
    3 ( obra) action, deed;
    un hecho consumado a fait accompli
    * * *
    hecho, - cha adj
    1) : made, done
    2) : ready-to-wear
    3) : complete, finished
    hecho y derecho: full-fledged
    hecho nm
    1) : fact
    2) : event
    hechos históricos: historic events
    3) : act, action
    de hecho : in fact, in reality
    * * *
    hecho1 adj
    ¿de qué está hecho? what's it made of?
    2. (cocinado) done
    ¡bien hecho! well done!
    ¡hecho! done!
    hecho2 n
    1. (en general) fact
    2. (acto) action
    demuéstraselo con hechos y no con palabras prove it with actions, not words

    Spanish-English dictionary > hecho

  • 16 problema

    1 problem.
    el problema del terrorismo the terrorist problem, the problem of terrorism
    los niños no causan más que problemas children cause nothing but trouble o problems
    el problema es que no nos queda tiempo the problem o thing is that we don't have any time left
    2 glitch, bug.
    * * *
    1 problem
    dar problemas to cause problems
    tener problemas con to have trouble with
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1. SM
    1) (=dificultad) problem

    ¿tienes problemas de dinero? — do you have any money worries o financial problems?

    2) (Mat) problem
    3) Méx (=accidente) accident, mishap
    ADJ INV (=problemático) problem antes de s
    * * *
    masculino problem

    resolver/solucionar un problema — to solve a problem

    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas — if they find out, you'll be in trouble

    no te hagas problema — (AmL) don't worry about it

    * * *
    = dilemma, issue, problem, rough spot, snag, bug, hitch, mischief, trouble spot, tyranny, catch, tribulation, show-stopper [showstopper], hassle, rub, kink, kicker.
    Ex. Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.
    Ex. These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex. When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex. But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex. Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.
    Ex. A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
    Ex. Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
    Ex. The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex. The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
    Ex. Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
    Ex. Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex. The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
    Ex. In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex. But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
    Ex. However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
    Ex. The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
    * abordar un problema = address + problem.
    * acción de averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooting [trouble shooting].
    * aclarar un problema = clear up + problem.
    * acometer un problema = attack + problem.
    * acosado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * acotar un problema = delineate + problem.
    * acuciado por problemas = embattled.
    * acumular problemas = build up + problems.
    * afrontar los problemas cotidianos = grapple with + life's problems.
    * afrontar un problema = face + issue, confront + problem.
    * agobiado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * agravar un problema = compound + problem.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * anticipar un problema = anticipate + problem.
    * aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas = problem based learning.
    * aquejado de problemas = troubled, ailing.
    * arreglar un problema = fix + problem.
    * asediado por problemas = embattled.
    * atajar un problema = grapple with + problem.
    * ausencia de problemas = smoothness.
    * averiguar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * capacidad de resolver problemas = problem-solving ability.
    * causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.
    * combatir un problema = combat + problem.
    * complicar un problema = compound + problem.
    * con problemas = in hot water.
    * con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled.
    * con problemas de lectura = print disabled.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con problemas visuales = vision impaired.
    * considerar un problema = consider + problem.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * corregir un problema = correct + problem.
    * crear problemas = make + waves, build up + problems, make + trouble.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * debatir un problema = discuss + problem.
    * decisión precipitada ante un problema = crisis decision.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * definición del problema = problem statement.
    * definir un problema = delineate + problem.
    * delimitar un problema = isolate + problem.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * detectar un problema = spot + problem, spot + trouble.
    * diagnosticar el problema = diagnose + problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + issue, face + issue, face + problem, come up against + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse un problema = confront + problem, experience + problem.
    * enunciado del problema = problem statement.
    * esbozar un problema = outline + problem.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar el problema = sidestep + the problem.
    * esquivar un problema = duck + issue.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * evitar problemas = stay out of + trouble.
    * evitar un problema = avoid + problem.
    * exarcerbar un problema = inflame + problem.
    * exteriorizar un problema = externalise + problem.
    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.
    * franquear un problema = negotiate + problem.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * identificar un problema = outline + problem, identify + problem, isolate + problem.
    * ilustrar un problema = illustrate + problem.
    * investigar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * lleno de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-ridden.
    * llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.
    * mencionar un problema = bring + problem up.
    * meterse en problemas = get into + trouble.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.
    * ocasionar problemas = cause + problems.
    * orientado hacia la resolución de problemas = problem-orientated, problem-oriented.
    * paliar problemas = minimise + problems.
    * paliar un problema = solve + problem.
    * percatarse de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plagado de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-wracked [problem-racked].
    * plagar de problemas = bedevil.
    * plantear un problema = pose + dilemma, pose + problem, raise + question, raise + concern, raise + issue, raise + problem, articulate + problem.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * problema + acosar = problem + dog.
    * problema acuciante = pressing problem.
    * problema + acuciar = problem + beset.
    * problema + afectar = problem + afflict, problem + plague.
    * problema + afligir = problem + afflict.
    * problema + agravar = problem + exacerbate.
    * problema alimenticio = eating problem.
    * problema asociado = attending problem.
    * problema auditivo = hearing problem.
    * problema + avecinarse = problem + lie ahead.
    * problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.
    * problema con el alcohol = drinking problem.
    * problema con los niños de la llave = latchkey problem.
    * problema cotidiano = daily problem.
    * problema de comportamiento = behaviour problem, behavioural problem.
    * problema de espacio = space problem.
    * problema de imagen = image problem.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * problema de salud = health problem.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * problema de seguridad = security problem.
    * problema diario = daily problem.
    * problema difícil = thorny problem, poser.
    * problema difícil de resolver = tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack, brain tickler.
    * problema doméstico = domestic problem.
    * problema económico = economic problem, financial problem.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * problema en la escuela = school problem.
    * problema escolar = school problem.
    * problema espinoso = knotty problem, thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + estar = problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problema familiar = family problem.
    * problema informático = computing problem.
    * problema inicial = startup problem.
    * problema insoluble = insoluble problem.
    * problema monetario = monetary problem.
    * problema motriz = motor disability.
    * problema peliagudo = thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + persistir = problem + persist.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * problema + plantearse = problem + come with.
    * problema práctico = practical problem.
    * problema racial = racial conflict, ethnic conflict.
    * problema + radicar = trouble + lie.
    * problema real = real problem.
    * problema + residir = problem + reside, problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problemas = trouble, crisis [crises, -pl.], problem areas, trials and tribulations, trouble at mill.
    * problemas auditivos = impaired hearing, hearing impairment, hearing disability.
    * problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.
    * problemas con el alcohol = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la bebida = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].
    * problemas del crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas de lectura = reading difficulties.
    * problemas dentales = dental disease.
    * problemas de oído = poor hearing.
    * problema seguro = accident waiting to happen.
    * problemas familiares = family crisis.
    * problemas + girar en torno a = problems + turn on, problems + revolve around.
    * problemas inherentes al crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas iniciales = teething problems, teething troubles, growing pains.
    * problema siquiátrico = psychiatric problem.
    * problema social = societal problem, social problem.
    * problemas sociales = social crisis.
    * problema + surgir = problem + arise, problem + surface, problem + come with.
    * problemas visuales = visual impairment.
    * problema técnico = glitch, technical difficulty, technical problem.
    * problema técnico desconocido = gremlin.
    * quitar importancia a un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * resolución de problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * resolver los problemas = iron out + the bugs.
    * resolver un problema = resolve + issue, resolve + problem, solve + problem, work out + problem, unlock + problem, settle + problem, sort out + problem, clear up + problem, work + problem + through, address + limitation, straighten out + problem, iron out + problem, work out + kink.
    * sacar a colación un problema = bring + problem up.
    * salvar un problema = circumvent + problem, negotiate + problem.
    * ser un problema = be at issue.
    * sin meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * solución a problemas = problem solution.
    * solucionar los problemas = put + things right.
    * solucionar problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * solucionar un problema = solve + problem, settle + problem, iron out + problem.
    * subproblema = sub-problem [subproblem].
    * subsanar un problema = remedy + problem.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * surgir un problema de credibilidad = credibility gap + arise.
    * suscitar un problema = provoke + problem, raise + problem, raise + concern.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener un problema = experience + problem.
    * tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.
    * tocar un problema = touch on/upon + problem.
    * toparse con un problema = encounter + problem, come across + problem.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * trivializar un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * tropezar con problemas = run into + problems.
    * * *
    masculino problem

    resolver/solucionar un problema — to solve a problem

    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas — if they find out, you'll be in trouble

    no te hagas problema — (AmL) don't worry about it

    * * *
    = dilemma, issue, problem, rough spot, snag, bug, hitch, mischief, trouble spot, tyranny, catch, tribulation, show-stopper [showstopper], hassle, rub, kink, kicker.

    Ex: Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.

    Ex: These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex: When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex: Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.
    Ex: A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
    Ex: Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
    Ex: The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex: The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
    Ex: Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
    Ex: Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex: The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
    Ex: In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex: But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
    Ex: However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
    Ex: The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
    * abordar un problema = address + problem.
    * acción de averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooting [trouble shooting].
    * aclarar un problema = clear up + problem.
    * acometer un problema = attack + problem.
    * acosado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * acotar un problema = delineate + problem.
    * acuciado por problemas = embattled.
    * acumular problemas = build up + problems.
    * afrontar los problemas cotidianos = grapple with + life's problems.
    * afrontar un problema = face + issue, confront + problem.
    * agobiado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * agravar un problema = compound + problem.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * anticipar un problema = anticipate + problem.
    * aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas = problem based learning.
    * aquejado de problemas = troubled, ailing.
    * arreglar un problema = fix + problem.
    * asediado por problemas = embattled.
    * atajar un problema = grapple with + problem.
    * ausencia de problemas = smoothness.
    * averiguar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * capacidad de resolver problemas = problem-solving ability.
    * causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.
    * combatir un problema = combat + problem.
    * complicar un problema = compound + problem.
    * con problemas = in hot water.
    * con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled.
    * con problemas de lectura = print disabled.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con problemas visuales = vision impaired.
    * considerar un problema = consider + problem.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * corregir un problema = correct + problem.
    * crear problemas = make + waves, build up + problems, make + trouble.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * debatir un problema = discuss + problem.
    * decisión precipitada ante un problema = crisis decision.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * definición del problema = problem statement.
    * definir un problema = delineate + problem.
    * delimitar un problema = isolate + problem.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * detectar un problema = spot + problem, spot + trouble.
    * diagnosticar el problema = diagnose + problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + issue, face + issue, face + problem, come up against + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse un problema = confront + problem, experience + problem.
    * enunciado del problema = problem statement.
    * esbozar un problema = outline + problem.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar el problema = sidestep + the problem.
    * esquivar un problema = duck + issue.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * evitar problemas = stay out of + trouble.
    * evitar un problema = avoid + problem.
    * exarcerbar un problema = inflame + problem.
    * exteriorizar un problema = externalise + problem.
    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.
    * franquear un problema = negotiate + problem.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * identificar un problema = outline + problem, identify + problem, isolate + problem.
    * ilustrar un problema = illustrate + problem.
    * investigar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * lleno de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-ridden.
    * llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.
    * mencionar un problema = bring + problem up.
    * meterse en problemas = get into + trouble.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.
    * ocasionar problemas = cause + problems.
    * orientado hacia la resolución de problemas = problem-orientated, problem-oriented.
    * paliar problemas = minimise + problems.
    * paliar un problema = solve + problem.
    * percatarse de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plagado de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-wracked [problem-racked].
    * plagar de problemas = bedevil.
    * plantear un problema = pose + dilemma, pose + problem, raise + question, raise + concern, raise + issue, raise + problem, articulate + problem.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * problema + acosar = problem + dog.
    * problema acuciante = pressing problem.
    * problema + acuciar = problem + beset.
    * problema + afectar = problem + afflict, problem + plague.
    * problema + afligir = problem + afflict.
    * problema + agravar = problem + exacerbate.
    * problema alimenticio = eating problem.
    * problema asociado = attending problem.
    * problema auditivo = hearing problem.
    * problema + avecinarse = problem + lie ahead.
    * problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.
    * problema con el alcohol = drinking problem.
    * problema con los niños de la llave = latchkey problem.
    * problema cotidiano = daily problem.
    * problema de comportamiento = behaviour problem, behavioural problem.
    * problema de espacio = space problem.
    * problema de imagen = image problem.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * problema de salud = health problem.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * problema de seguridad = security problem.
    * problema diario = daily problem.
    * problema difícil = thorny problem, poser.
    * problema difícil de resolver = tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack, brain tickler.
    * problema doméstico = domestic problem.
    * problema económico = economic problem, financial problem.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * problema en la escuela = school problem.
    * problema escolar = school problem.
    * problema espinoso = knotty problem, thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + estar = problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problema familiar = family problem.
    * problema informático = computing problem.
    * problema inicial = startup problem.
    * problema insoluble = insoluble problem.
    * problema monetario = monetary problem.
    * problema motriz = motor disability.
    * problema peliagudo = thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema pequeño = a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.
    * problema + persistir = problem + persist.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * problema + plantearse = problem + come with.
    * problema práctico = practical problem.
    * problema racial = racial conflict, ethnic conflict.
    * problema + radicar = trouble + lie.
    * problema real = real problem.
    * problema + residir = problem + reside, problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problemas = trouble, crisis [crises, -pl.], problem areas, trials and tribulations, trouble at mill.
    * problemas auditivos = impaired hearing, hearing impairment, hearing disability.
    * problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.
    * problemas con el alcohol = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la bebida = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].
    * problemas del crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas de lectura = reading difficulties.
    * problemas dentales = dental disease.
    * problemas de oído = poor hearing.
    * problema seguro = accident waiting to happen.
    * problemas familiares = family crisis.
    * problemas + girar en torno a = problems + turn on, problems + revolve around.
    * problemas inherentes al crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas iniciales = teething problems, teething troubles, growing pains.
    * problema siquiátrico = psychiatric problem.
    * problema social = societal problem, social problem.
    * problemas sociales = social crisis.
    * problema + surgir = problem + arise, problem + surface, problem + come with.
    * problemas visuales = visual impairment.
    * problema técnico = glitch, technical difficulty, technical problem.
    * problema técnico desconocido = gremlin.
    * quitar importancia a un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * resolución de problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * resolver los problemas = iron out + the bugs.
    * resolver un problema = resolve + issue, resolve + problem, solve + problem, work out + problem, unlock + problem, settle + problem, sort out + problem, clear up + problem, work + problem + through, address + limitation, straighten out + problem, iron out + problem, work out + kink.
    * sacar a colación un problema = bring + problem up.
    * salvar un problema = circumvent + problem, negotiate + problem.
    * ser un problema = be at issue.
    * sin meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * solución a problemas = problem solution.
    * solucionar los problemas = put + things right.
    * solucionar problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * solucionar un problema = solve + problem, settle + problem, iron out + problem.
    * subproblema = sub-problem [subproblem].
    * subsanar un problema = remedy + problem.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * surgir un problema de credibilidad = credibility gap + arise.
    * suscitar un problema = provoke + problem, raise + problem, raise + concern.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener un problema = experience + problem.
    * tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.
    * tocar un problema = touch on/upon + problem.
    * toparse con un problema = encounter + problem, come across + problem.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * trivializar un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * tropezar con problemas = run into + problems.

    * * *
    1 ( Mat) problem
    resolver un problema to solve a problem
    2 (dificultad, preocupación) problem
    nos está creando muchos problemas it is causing us a lot of problems o a lot of trouble
    problemas económicos financial difficulties o problems
    me gustaría ir, el problema es que no tengo dinero I'd like to go, the snag o trouble o problem o thing is I don't have any money
    los coches viejos siempre dan muchos problemas old cars always give a lot of trouble, old cars always play up a lot ( colloq)
    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas if they find out, you'll be in trouble
    no te hagas problema ( AmL); don't worry about it
    * * *


    problema sustantivo masculino
    resolver/solucionar un problema to solve a problem;

    los coches viejos dan muchos problemas old cars give a lot of trouble;
    no te hagas problema (AmL) don't worry about it
    problema sustantivo masculino problem: les está dando muchos problemas, it is giving them a lot of trouble
    problemas económicos, financial difficulties

    ' problema' also found in these entries:
    - acotar
    - circunscribirse
    - comprensión
    - conciencia
    - concienciarse
    - conjuntamente
    - contingente
    - deforestación
    - desarrollo
    - desforestación
    - desmenuzar
    - diferente
    - drogodependencia
    - eficacia
    - encarar
    - endemoniada
    - endemoniado
    - enfocar
    - enfocada
    - enfocado
    - enfoque
    - enrevesada
    - enrevesado
    - enunciado
    - inconveniente
    - intrincada
    - intrincado
    - magnitud
    - mano
    - orden
    - plantear
    - presentarse
    - profundizar
    - profundidad
    - radicar
    - raíz
    - remediar
    - remontar
    - replantear
    - resolución
    - resolver
    - robar
    - rompecabezas
    - salida
    - sencilla
    - sencillez
    - sencillo
    - sensibilizar
    - sinsabor
    - appreciate
    - appreciation
    - approach
    - approachable
    - arithmetic
    - attack
    - avenue
    - awkward
    - bit
    - bypass
    - can
    - care
    - central
    - come up
    - compound
    - deal with
    - define
    - devil
    - difficulty
    - emerge
    - emotional
    - form
    - formidable
    - graft
    - grapple
    - growing
    - hard
    - hassle
    - ignore
    - issue
    - knotty
    - knowledge
    - land
    - lie
    - magnitude
    - major
    - matter
    - meditate
    - meet with
    - nut
    - object
    - outstanding
    - overcome
    - pin down
    - pose
    - present
    - problem
    - question
    - relation
    * * *
    1. [dificultad] problem;
    el problema del terrorismo the terrorist problem, the problem of terrorism;
    los niños no causan más que problemas children cause nothing but trouble o problems;
    no quiero más problemas I don't want any more trouble;
    el problema es que no nos queda tiempo the problem o thing is that we don't have any time left;
    no te hagas problema don't worry about it
    2. [matemático] problem;
    resolver un problema to solve a problem
    * * *
    m problem;
    sin problema without difficulty, without any problems
    * * *
    : problem
    * * *
    problema n problem

    Spanish-English dictionary > problema

  • 17 material

    1 physical.
    2 real, actual (real).
    3 material, bodily.
    1 material (sustancia).
    material de desecho waste material
    2 equipment (instrumentos).
    material bélico war material
    materiales de construcción building materials
    material escolar school materials
    material de guerra war material
    material de oficina office stationery
    3 cloth, material.
    * * *
    1 (en general) material; (físico) physical
    2 (real) real
    1 (sustancia) material
    2 (conjunto de cosas) material, materials plural, equipment
    3 (datos, información) material
    material escolar teaching material(s)
    material de guerra war material
    material de oficina office stationery
    materiales de construcción building materials
    materiales de desecho waste material sing
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. adj.
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [ayuda, valor etc] material
    2) (=físico) physical

    daños materiales — physical damage, damage to property

    3) (=real)

    la imposibilidad material de... — the physical impossibility of...

    2. SM
    1) (=materia) material
    2) (=equipo) equipment

    material bélico, material de guerra — war material, military equipment

    material móvil, material rodante — rolling stock

    3) (Tip) copy
    4) * (=cuero) leather

    de material LAm made of bricks, brick-built

    * * *
    a) <necesidades/ayuda/valor> material

    daños materiales — damage to property, material damage

    b) <autor/causante> actual
    1) (elemento, sustancia) material
    a) ( útiles) materials (pl)
    b) (datos, documentos, etc) material
    * * *
    a) <necesidades/ayuda/valor> material

    daños materiales — damage to property, material damage

    b) <autor/causante> actual
    1) (elemento, sustancia) material
    a) ( útiles) materials (pl)
    b) (datos, documentos, etc) material
    * * *
    1 = equipment, material, matter, stuff, fare, infrastructure, fodder, material.

    Ex: A post-coordinate index depends upon specialised equipment and storage devices.

    Ex: It is my understanding that the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition, (AACR2) will prescribe the same entry rules for all materials.
    Ex: A plate is a leaf containing illustrative matter, with or without explanatory text, that does not form part of either the preliminary or the main sequences of pages or leaves.
    Ex: Rehyping old stuff as if it were new is not only annoyingly deceptive but doesn't sell any books to suspicious customers.
    Ex: Children seek education deliberately when they use the library to do their homework while many of the other borrowers are looking for recreational fare.
    Ex: Priority sectors are in energy, industry and infrastructure.
    Ex: The diverse range of perspectives represented provides fodder for lively debates.
    Ex: The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    * archivero especializado en material audiovisual = audiovisual archivist.
    * basado en material impreso = print-based.
    * bibliotecario especializado en material audiovisual = audiovisual librarian.
    * biblioteconomía especializada en el material audiovisual = audiovisual librarianship.
    * buscar material = pursue + material.
    * catalogación de material no librario = non-book cataloguing.
    * censurar material = challenge + materials.
    * censuras a los materiales = challenges to materials.
    * centrado en el material impreso = print-centred [print-centered, -USA].
    * centro de material didáctico escolar = school resource centre.
    * ciencias de los materiales = materials sciences.
    * ciencia y tecnología de los materiales = materials science and technology.
    * colocación del material de vuelta en los estantes = shelving.
    * Conferencia Panafricana sobre Preservacion y Conservación de Material Bibli = Pan-African Conference on the Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archival Materials.
    * desarrollo de material educativo = instructional development.
    * editor de material electrónico = electronic publisher [e-publisher].
    * editor de material multimedia = multimedia publisher.
    * envío de material = freight forwarding.
    * fondos de material audiovisual = AV holdings.
    * frecuencia de préstamo del material = turnover rate.
    * imprenta de material efímero = jobbing house, jobbing office, jobbing printer.
    * inmovilizado material = tangible assets.
    * ISBD(A) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional - material anti = ISBD(A) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Antiquarian).
    * material anejo = accompanying material.
    * material audiovisual = a-v material, audiovisual item, audiovisual material, AV material, audiovisual aids, audiovisual media.
    * material bibliotecario = library stock, library materials.
    * material cartográfico = cartographic material.
    * material complementario = accompanying material.
    * material con copyright = copyright material, copyrighted material.
    * material crítico = critical matter.
    * material de archivo = archival material, archive material.
    * material de arte = art material.
    * material de ayuda = help pack.
    * material de construcción = building material.
    * material de empaste = filling material.
    * material de encuadernación = covering material.
    * material de enseñanza programada = programmed material.
    * material de estudio = study material, course material, curriculum material, curriculum resource, study package.
    * material de fondo = backing.
    * material del centro de recursos = resource centre material.
    * material del curso = course material, curriculum material, curriculum resource.
    * material de lectura = reading material, reading matter.
    * material de lectura para adultos = adult reading matter.
    * material del rodillo = roller stock.
    * material de ocio = entertainment material.
    * material de oficina = office equipment, office supplies.
    * material de papelería = printing supplies.
    * material de referencia = reference material.
    * material de relleno = filler.
    * material de reserva = reserve stock.
    * material de tamaño mayor de lo normal = outsize material.
    * material didáctico = teaching material, learning materials, course material, curriculum material, study package, instructional material.
    * material didáctico de apoyo = study aide.
    * material didáctico entregado en clase = class handout.
    * material digital = digital media.
    * material docente = study material.
    * material documental de interés para los vecinos del barrio = community literature.
    * material donado de segunda mano = hand-me-down material.
    * material editado por el propio autor = self-published material.
    * material educativo = study material, teaching material, learning materials, study package, instructional material.
    * material efímero = ephemera, ephemeral, fugitive material, ephemeral material.
    * material electrónico = electronic material [e-material], online material.
    * materiales menores = minor materials.
    * material fotográfico = photographic material.
    * material genético = genetic material.
    * material gráfico = graphic material.
    * material histórico = historical material.
    * material impreso = print, print media, print material, offline material, printed material.
    * material inflamable = flammable material.
    * material informativo = information material.
    * material multimedia = media material, media title.
    * material no bibliográfico = non-book material.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * material no librario = non-book material.
    * material oculto = buried material.
    * material para adultos = adult materials.
    * material polémico = challenged materials.
    * material procedente del dragado = dredged material.
    * material protegido por el derecho de autor = copyright material, copyrighted material.
    * material publicitario = publicity material, advertising material.
    * material que no es revista científica = non-journal material.
    * material radioactivo = radioactive material.
    * material reflectante = reflective material.
    * material renovable = renewable material.
    * material reprográfico = reprographic equipment.
    * material táctil = tactile material.
    * material técnico = technical equipment.
    * material tecnológico = technological equipment.
    * material termoplástico = thermoplastic.
    * material tipográfico = typographical equipment.
    * material y equipos de oficina = office supply and equipment.
    * orientado hacia el material impreso = print-centred [print-centered, -USA].
    * paquete de material didáctico = training package.
    * petición de material = material-finding enquiry.
    * plan de adquisición de material a vista = approval plan.
    * preservar material = preserve + material.
    * presupuesto para adquisición de material = capital budget.
    * presupuesto para la compra de material = materials budget.
    * proveedor de material de oficina = office supplier.
    * proveedor de materiales = materials vendor.
    * recoger material = gather + material.
    * reunir material = gather + material.
    * sala de material audiovisual = audiovisual room.
    * selección de material = materials selection.
    * suministrar material de equipo = supply + equipment.
    * suministro de material multimedia = media supply.
    * trabajo de impresión de material efímero = ephemeral jobbing.
    * trabajos de impresión de material efímero = jobbing work.
    * transporte de material = freight forwarding.
    * venta de material impreso = print sale.

    2 = artifactual, material.

    Ex: Unless the filmed material is deemed of high artistic or artifactual value, it is subsequently pulped.

    Ex: His paintings suggest the possibility that material things can be transformed to accommodate a transcendent and spiritual vision.
    * beneficio material = material benefit.
    * causar daño material = cause + material injury.
    * daño material = material damage.
    * daño no material = immaterial damage.
    * mundo material = material world.
    * objeto material = material object.

    * * *
    1 ‹necesidades/ayuda› material; ‹valor› material
    los daños materiales eran graves the damage to property o the material damage was serious
    está muy apegado a los bienes materiales he is very materialistic, he cares a lot about material possessions
    (uso enfático): no tengo tiempo material para cosértelo I really don't have time to sew it for you
    ante la imposibilidad material de asistir al acto since it was quite impossible for her to attend the ceremony
    3 ‹autor/causante› actual
    1 (elemento, sustancia) material
    es un material muy flexible it is a very flexible material
    ( RPl) ( Const): de material brick ( before n)
    ( ant); plastic
    1 (útiles) materials (pl)
    2 (datos, documentos, etc) material
    está reuniendo material para el artículo she is collecting material for the article
    ( period); military equipment
    material de demoliciones or derribo
    reclaimed o secondhand building materials (pl)
    (probetas, retortas, etc) laboratory apparatus; (sustancias químicas) laboratory materials (pl)
    office stationery
    teaching materials (pl)
    school materials (pl), school things (pl) ( colloq)
    (papel, películas) photographic materials (pl); (lentes, filtros) photographic equipment
    material móvil or rodante
    rolling stock
    * * *


    material adjetivo
    a)necesidades/ayuda/valor material;

    daños materiales damage to property, material damage

    b)autor/causante actual

    ■ sustantivo masculino
    1 ( en general) material;

    2 ( útiles) materials (pl);

    material didáctico/escolar teaching/school materials (pl)
    I adj (no espiritual) material, physical
    bienes materiales, material goods
    II sustantivo masculino material
    material informático, computer materials pl
    ' material' also found in these entries:
    - bélica
    - bélico
    - concha
    - corcho
    - de
    - empeñar
    - ser
    - flexible
    - heredar
    - hule
    - laminar
    - legar
    - legado
    - materia
    - ofimática
    - ordinaria
    - ordinario
    - oscurecer
    - oscurecerse
    - paño
    - penetrar
    - pintura
    - rígida
    - rigidez
    - rígido
    - ruda
    - rudo
    - sintética
    - sintético
    - sólida
    - solidez
    - sólido
    - tartán
    - tela
    - térmica
    - térmico
    - tolerancia
    - tratamiento
    - alambrada
    - algodón
    - apego
    - caída
    - carey
    - cartón
    - contraer
    - corte
    - cuadro
    - elasticidad
    - elástico
    - artwork
    - bronze
    - creature
    - effluent
    - equipment
    - flammable
    - flint
    - furnish
    - material
    - matter
    - perish
    - physical
    - raw material
    - resilience
    - resilient
    - rolling stock
    - stuff
    - supply
    - teaching materials
    - unrefined
    - comfort
    - deteriorate
    - earthenware
    - fencing
    - flaw
    - flimsy
    - glass
    - heavy
    - hokum
    - hole
    - impervious
    - inflexible
    - itchy
    - ivory
    - literature
    - making
    - man
    - oddment
    - of
    - over
    - padding
    - paper
    - plaid
    - pliable
    - pulp
    - raw
    - robust
    - rubbery
    - shape
    * * *
    1. [físico] physical;
    [consecuencias] material;
    los daños materiales fueron cuantiosos the physical damage o damage to property was considerable;
    el objeto robado no tenía ningún valor material the stolen object had no material o financial value
    2. [real] real, actual;
    el autor material del asesinato the person actually responsible for carrying out the murder;
    no hay tiempo material para discutir el problema there's simply no time to discuss the problem
    1. [sustancia] material
    material de desecho waste material;
    material genético genetic material;
    material refractario heat-resistant o fireproof material
    2. [datos, información] material;
    no hay suficiente material como para escribir una novela there isn't enough material to write a novel
    3. [instrumentos] equipment
    material audiovisual audiovisual equipment and material;
    material bélico military equipment;
    materiales de construcción building materials;
    material deportivo sports equipment;
    material didáctico teaching materials;
    material escolar school materials;
    material fotográfico photographic equipment;
    material fungible [desechable] disposable materials;
    Informát [cartuchos, disquetes] consumables;
    material de guerra war material;
    material de laboratorio laboratory materials;
    material de oficina office supplies
    4. Esp Fam [droga] gear, merchandise
    5. RP
    de material [de obra] built of brick, brick-built;
    una casa de material a house built of brick, a brick-built house
    * * *
    m/adj material
    * * *
    1) : material, physical, real
    daños materiales : property damage
    1) : material
    material de construcción: building material
    2) equipo: equipment, gear
    * * *
    1. (sustancia) material
    2. (equipo) equipment

    Spanish-English dictionary > material

  • 18 encontrar

    1 to find.
    lo encontré durmiendo I found him sleeping
    Ella encuentra monedas en la calle She finds coins in the street.
    Ella encontró su destino She found her destiny.
    2 to encounter (dificultades).
    3 to find.
    no lo encuentro tan divertido como dice la gente I don't find it o think it is as funny as people say
    no sé qué le encuentran a ese pintor I don't know what they see in that painter
    4 to meet, to encounter, to come upon, to find.
    Ella encontró a su media naranja She met her better half.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ CONTAR], like link=contar contar
    1 (gen) to find
    2 (una persona sin buscar) to come across, meet, bump into
    3 (dificultades) to run into, come up against
    4 (creer) to think, find
    5 (notar) to find
    6 (chocar) to collide
    1 (estar) to be
    2 (persona) to meet; (por casualidad) to bump into, run into, meet
    3 (dificultades) to run into
    4 (chocar) to collide
    5 figurado (sentirse) to feel, be
    encontrarse con ganas de hacer algo / encontrarse con fuerzas para hacer algo to feel like doing something
    * * *
    2) meet
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=hallar buscando) to find

    no encuentro mi nombre en la listaI can't find o see my name on the list

    2) [por casualidad] [+ objeto, dinero] to find, come across; [+ persona] to meet, run into

    le encontraron un tumor — they found him to have a tumour, he was found to have a tumour

    encontrar a algn haciendo algo — to find sb doing sth

    3) [+ oposición] to meet with, encounter; [+ problema] to find, encounter, come across

    encontrar dificultades — to encounter difficulties, run into trouble

    4) (=percibir) to see
    5) (=considerar) to find

    ¿encuentras el libro fácil de leer? — do you find the book easy to read?

    ¿cómo encontraste a tus padres después del viaje? — how did you find your parents after the trip?

    ¿qué tal me encuentras? — how do I look?

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( buscando) <casa/trabajo/persona> to find
    b) ( casualmente) <cartera/billete> to find, come across
    2) ( descubrir) <falta/error> to find, spot; <cáncer/quiste> to find, discover
    3) <obstáculo/dificultad> to meet (with), encounter

    allí encontró la muerte — (period) he met his death there

    4) (+ compl)

    ¿cómo encontraste el país? — how did the country seem to you?

    1) encontrarse v pron

    encontrarse con alguien — to meet somebody, bump into somebody (colloq)

    b) (refl) (Psic) tb
    3) (recípr)
    a) ( reunirse) to meet; ( por casualidad) to meet, bump into each other (colloq)
    b) carreteras/líneas to meet
    4) (enf) ( inesperadamente) < persona> to meet, bump into (colloq); <billete/cartera> to find, come across
    5) (frml) ( estar) to be
    * * *
    = dig up, encounter, find, locate, spot, trace, track, turn up, find + Posesivo + way to, disinter, ferret out, root out, lay + hands on, come by, track down, bump into.
    Ex. The list of changed headings is almost literally endless if you have the patience to dig them all up.
    Ex. This simple observation also goes some of the way towards explaining the variety of tools, methods and systems which are encountered in the organisation knowledge.
    Ex. Wherever abstracts are found they are included to save the user's time in information gathering and selection.
    Ex. This order suffices for a list whose purpose is to identify and locate documents, whose bibliographic details are already known.
    Ex. When all necessary amendments have been spotted, edit the draft abstract and make any improvements to the style that are possible.
    Ex. The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.
    Ex. The index fields are used for tracking annual indexes.
    Ex. Although I have not done a complete analytical search of library literature for discussions of the structures of catalogs, preliminary searches have turned up little except for historical discussions.
    Ex. He found his way quickly and easily to the materials he needed.
    Ex. Tests such as this one will often disinter the real citation intended but it is a time consuming task.
    Ex. As a rule analysts are left on their own to ferret out useful and appropriate areas to be investigated.
    Ex. The article has the title ' Rooting out journals on the Net'.
    Ex. It is, therefore, expedient to look into history to lay hands on the root of the problem.
    Ex. This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.
    Ex. In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.
    Ex. Slake is such a dreamer that he bumps into lampposts.
    * buscar y encontrar = match.
    * difícil de encontrar = hard-to-find.
    * dificultad + encontrarse = difficulty + lie.
    * el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.
    * encontrar aceptación = find + favour, find + acceptance, find + a home.
    * encontrar + Adjetivo + de + Infinitivo = find it + Adjetivo + to + Infinitivo.
    * encontrar afinidades = find + common ground.
    * encontrar Algo demasiado difícil = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * encontrar Algo difícil = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.
    * encontrar alojamiento = find + a home.
    * encontrar aplicación práctica = find + application.
    * encontrar casa = find + a home.
    * encontrar confortable = find + comfortable.
    * encontrar cosas comunes = find + common ground.
    * encontrar defectos = fault.
    * encontrar defectos en = find + fault with, see + faults in.
    * encontrar difícil de explicar = be hard put to explain.
    * encontrar difícil + Infinitivo = find it hard to + Infinitivo.
    * encontrar dificultades = encounter + difficulties, encounter + limitations.
    * encontrar eco en = find + echo in.
    * encontrar el camino = wayfinding, wind + Posesivo + way.
    * encontrar el camino de vuelta = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * encontrar el equilibrio = strike + the right note.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar el punto medio = strike + the right note.
    * encontrar el tiempo = make + an opportunity.
    * encontrar en abundancia = find + in abundance.
    * encontrar evidencias = find + evidence.
    * encontrar expresión = find + expression.
    * encontrar información = dredge up + information.
    * encontrar justificación = build + a case for.
    * encontrar la forma de = devise + ways.
    * encontrar la horma de + Posesivo + zapato = meet + Posesivo + match.
    * encontrar la realización de Uno = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * encontrar la salida a = find + a/the way out of.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle el truco a Algo = have + a handle on, get + a handle on.
    * encontrarle el truquillo a Algo = have + a handle on, get + a handle on.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrar limitaciones = encounter + limitations.
    * encontrar muy difícil = be hard-pushed to.
    * encontrar oposición = meet with + opposition, find + opposition.
    * encontrar placer = find + delight, find + enjoyment.
    * encontrar por casualidad = come across, chance on/upon, stumble on.
    * encontrar pruebas = find + evidence.
    * encontrarse = occur, be positioned, reside, stand on, come upon, be poised, meet up, find + Reflexivo.
    * encontrarse a gusto = be at ease.
    * encontrarse ante un reto = in the face of + challenge.
    * encontrarse cara a cara = come + face to face.
    * encontrarse con = meet, run into, cross + Posesivo + path.
    * encontrarse con dificultades = run up against + difficulties.
    * encontrarse confortable = be at ease.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con sorpresas = encounter + surprises.
    * encontrarse con una barrera = face + barrier.
    * encontrarse con una limitación = face + limitation.
    * encontrarse con una situación = come across + situation, meet + situation.
    * encontrarse con una sorpresa desagradable = rude awakening + be in store, be in for a rude awakening.
    * encontrarse con una traba = face + limitation, face + barrier.
    * encontrarse con un obstáculo = face + obstacle.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * encontrarse en = lie (in), be based at.
    * encontrarse en casa = be in.
    * encontrarse en dificultades = find + Reflexivo + in difficulties.
    * encontrarse en el trasfondo de = lie at + the root of.
    * encontrarse en una mejor situación económica = be economically better off.
    * encontrarse en un dilema = be caught in a conundrum.
    * encontrarse en un impás = face + impasse.
    * encontrarse en ventaja = find + Reflexivo + at an advantage.
    * encontrarse fuera de lugar = be out of + Posesivo + element, be out of place.
    * encontrar simpatizadores = find + friends.
    * encontrar suerte = be in for a good thing, come in for + a good thing, be into a good thing.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * encontrar su sitio = find + a home.
    * encontrar tiempo = find + time.
    * encontrar trabajo = find + a job.
    * encontrar trabajo en una biblioteca = join + library.
    * encontrar una salida a = find + a/the way out of.
    * encontrar una solución = find + solution, develop + solution.
    * encontrar un chollo = come in for + a good thing, be in for a good thing, be into a good thing.
    * encontrar un equilibrio = find + a balance.
    * encontrar un hueco = find + a home.
    * encontrar un término medio entre... y = tread + a middle path between... and.
    * intentar encontrar un término medio entre... y... = tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * orígenes + encontrarse = origins + lie.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * respuesta + encontrar = answer + lie.
    * ser difícil de encontrar = be hard to find.
    * solución + encontrarse en = solution + lie in.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( buscando) <casa/trabajo/persona> to find
    b) ( casualmente) <cartera/billete> to find, come across
    2) ( descubrir) <falta/error> to find, spot; <cáncer/quiste> to find, discover
    3) <obstáculo/dificultad> to meet (with), encounter

    allí encontró la muerte — (period) he met his death there

    4) (+ compl)

    ¿cómo encontraste el país? — how did the country seem to you?

    1) encontrarse v pron

    encontrarse con alguien — to meet somebody, bump into somebody (colloq)

    b) (refl) (Psic) tb
    3) (recípr)
    a) ( reunirse) to meet; ( por casualidad) to meet, bump into each other (colloq)
    b) carreteras/líneas to meet
    4) (enf) ( inesperadamente) < persona> to meet, bump into (colloq); <billete/cartera> to find, come across
    5) (frml) ( estar) to be
    * * *
    = dig up, encounter, find, locate, spot, trace, track, turn up, find + Posesivo + way to, disinter, ferret out, root out, lay + hands on, come by, track down, bump into.

    Ex: The list of changed headings is almost literally endless if you have the patience to dig them all up.

    Ex: This simple observation also goes some of the way towards explaining the variety of tools, methods and systems which are encountered in the organisation knowledge.
    Ex: Wherever abstracts are found they are included to save the user's time in information gathering and selection.
    Ex: This order suffices for a list whose purpose is to identify and locate documents, whose bibliographic details are already known.
    Ex: When all necessary amendments have been spotted, edit the draft abstract and make any improvements to the style that are possible.
    Ex: The author approach remains an important means of tracing a specific document.
    Ex: The index fields are used for tracking annual indexes.
    Ex: Although I have not done a complete analytical search of library literature for discussions of the structures of catalogs, preliminary searches have turned up little except for historical discussions.
    Ex: He found his way quickly and easily to the materials he needed.
    Ex: Tests such as this one will often disinter the real citation intended but it is a time consuming task.
    Ex: As a rule analysts are left on their own to ferret out useful and appropriate areas to be investigated.
    Ex: The article has the title ' Rooting out journals on the Net'.
    Ex: It is, therefore, expedient to look into history to lay hands on the root of the problem.
    Ex: This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.
    Ex: In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.
    Ex: Slake is such a dreamer that he bumps into lampposts.
    * buscar y encontrar = match.
    * difícil de encontrar = hard-to-find.
    * dificultad + encontrarse = difficulty + lie.
    * el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.
    * encontrar aceptación = find + favour, find + acceptance, find + a home.
    * encontrar + Adjetivo + de + Infinitivo = find it + Adjetivo + to + Infinitivo.
    * encontrar afinidades = find + common ground.
    * encontrar Algo demasiado difícil = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * encontrar Algo difícil = have + a hard time, have + a tough time.
    * encontrar alojamiento = find + a home.
    * encontrar aplicación práctica = find + application.
    * encontrar casa = find + a home.
    * encontrar confortable = find + comfortable.
    * encontrar cosas comunes = find + common ground.
    * encontrar defectos = fault.
    * encontrar defectos en = find + fault with, see + faults in.
    * encontrar difícil de explicar = be hard put to explain.
    * encontrar difícil + Infinitivo = find it hard to + Infinitivo.
    * encontrar dificultades = encounter + difficulties, encounter + limitations.
    * encontrar eco en = find + echo in.
    * encontrar el camino = wayfinding, wind + Posesivo + way.
    * encontrar el camino de vuelta = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * encontrar el equilibrio = strike + the right note.
    * encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.
    * encontrar el punto medio = strike + the right note.
    * encontrar el tiempo = make + an opportunity.
    * encontrar en abundancia = find + in abundance.
    * encontrar evidencias = find + evidence.
    * encontrar expresión = find + expression.
    * encontrar información = dredge up + information.
    * encontrar justificación = build + a case for.
    * encontrar la forma de = devise + ways.
    * encontrar la horma de + Posesivo + zapato = meet + Posesivo + match.
    * encontrar la realización de Uno = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * encontrar la salida a = find + a/the way out of.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrarle el truco a Algo = have + a handle on, get + a handle on.
    * encontrarle el truquillo a Algo = have + a handle on, get + a handle on.
    * encontrarle faltas a todo = nitpick.
    * encontrar limitaciones = encounter + limitations.
    * encontrar muy difícil = be hard-pushed to.
    * encontrar oposición = meet with + opposition, find + opposition.
    * encontrar placer = find + delight, find + enjoyment.
    * encontrar por casualidad = come across, chance on/upon, stumble on.
    * encontrar pruebas = find + evidence.
    * encontrarse = occur, be positioned, reside, stand on, come upon, be poised, meet up, find + Reflexivo.
    * encontrarse a gusto = be at ease.
    * encontrarse ante un reto = in the face of + challenge.
    * encontrarse cara a cara = come + face to face.
    * encontrarse con = meet, run into, cross + Posesivo + path.
    * encontrarse con dificultades = run up against + difficulties.
    * encontrarse confortable = be at ease.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con sorpresas = encounter + surprises.
    * encontrarse con una barrera = face + barrier.
    * encontrarse con una limitación = face + limitation.
    * encontrarse con una situación = come across + situation, meet + situation.
    * encontrarse con una sorpresa desagradable = rude awakening + be in store, be in for a rude awakening.
    * encontrarse con una traba = face + limitation, face + barrier.
    * encontrarse con un obstáculo = face + obstacle.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * encontrarse en = lie (in), be based at.
    * encontrarse en casa = be in.
    * encontrarse en dificultades = find + Reflexivo + in difficulties.
    * encontrarse en el trasfondo de = lie at + the root of.
    * encontrarse en una mejor situación económica = be economically better off.
    * encontrarse en un dilema = be caught in a conundrum.
    * encontrarse en un impás = face + impasse.
    * encontrarse en ventaja = find + Reflexivo + at an advantage.
    * encontrarse fuera de lugar = be out of + Posesivo + element, be out of place.
    * encontrar simpatizadores = find + friends.
    * encontrar suerte = be in for a good thing, come in for + a good thing, be into a good thing.
    * encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.
    * encontrar su sitio = find + a home.
    * encontrar tiempo = find + time.
    * encontrar trabajo = find + a job.
    * encontrar trabajo en una biblioteca = join + library.
    * encontrar una salida a = find + a/the way out of.
    * encontrar una solución = find + solution, develop + solution.
    * encontrar un chollo = come in for + a good thing, be in for a good thing, be into a good thing.
    * encontrar un equilibrio = find + a balance.
    * encontrar un hueco = find + a home.
    * encontrar un término medio entre... y = tread + a middle path between... and.
    * intentar encontrar un término medio entre... y... = tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * orígenes + encontrarse = origins + lie.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * respuesta + encontrar = answer + lie.
    * ser difícil de encontrar = be hard to find.
    * solución + encontrarse en = solution + lie in.

    * * *
    1 (buscando) ‹casa/trabajo/persona› to find
    por fin encontró el vestido que quería she finally found the dress she wanted
    no encuentro mi nombre en la lista I can't see o find my name on the list
    ¿dónde puedo encontrar al director? where can I find the manager?
    no encontré entradas para el teatro I couldn't get tickets for the theater
    yo a esto no le encuentro lógica I can't see the logic in this
    lo encontré llorando I found him crying
    2 (casualmente) ‹cartera/billete› to find, come across, come upon o on
    lo encontré (de casualidad) I found it o came across it o came on o upon it (by chance)
    B (descubrir) ‹falta/error› to find, spot; ‹cáncer/quiste› to find, discover
    le encontraron un tumor they found o discovered that he had a tumor
    C ‹obstáculo/dificultad› to meet with, meet, encounter
    no encontró ninguna oposición a su plan his plan didn't meet with o come up against o encounter any opposition
    el accidente donde encontró la muerte ( period); the accident in which he met his death
    Sentido II (+ compl):
    te encuentro muy cambiado you've changed a lot, you look very different
    ¡qué bien te encuentro! you look so well!
    encuentro ridículo todo este protocolo I find all this formality ridiculous, all this formality seems ridiculous to me
    ¿cómo encontraste el país después de tantos años? what did you make of the country o how did the country seem to you after all these years?
    encontré muy acertadas sus intervenciones I found his comments very relevant, I thought his comments were very relevant
    la encuentro muy desmejorada she seems a lot worse
    lo encuentro muy aburrido I find him very boring, I think he is very boring
    encontré la puerta cerrada I found the door shut
    1 (por casualidad) encontrarse CON algn to meet sb, bump o run INTO sb ( colloq)
    2 ( refl) ( Psic) tb
    encontrarse a sí mismo to find oneself
    B ( recípr)
    1 (reunirse) to meet; (por casualidad) to meet, bump o run into each other ( colloq)
    hemos quedado en encontrarnos en la estación we've arranged to meet at the station
    2 «carreteras/líneas» to meet
    C ( enf) (inesperadamente) ‹persona› to meet, bump o run into ( colloq); ‹billete/cartera› to find, come across, come on
    cuando volvió se encontró la casa patas arriba when he returned he found the house in a mess
    encontrarse CON algo:
    cuando volví me encontré con que todos se habían ido I got back to find that they had all gone, when I got back I found they had all gone
    A (en un estado, una situación) to be
    hoy me encuentro mucho mejor I am feeling a lot better today
    el enfermo se encuentra fuera de peligro the patient is out of danger
    la oficina se encontraba vacía the office was empty
    no se encuentra con fuerzas para continuar he doesn't have the strength to go on
    el jefe se encuentra en una reunión the boss is in a meeting
    la catedral se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad the cathedral is situated in the city center
    entre las obras expuestas se encuentra su famosa Última Cena among the works on display is his famous Last Supper
    en este momento el doctor no se encuentra the doctor is not here o is not in at the moment
    * * *


    encontrar ( conjugate encontrar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( buscando) ‹casa/trabajo/persona to find;

    no le encuentro lógica I can't see the logic in it
    b) ( casualmente) ‹cartera/billete to find, come across

    c) ( descubrir) ‹falta/error to find, spot;

    cáncer/quiste to find, discover
    d)obstáculo/dificultad to meet (with), encounter

    2 (+ compl):

    lo encuentro ridículo I find it ridiculous;
    ¿cómo encontraste el país? how did the country seem to you?
    encontrarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( por casualidad) encontrarse con algn to meet sb, bump into sb (colloq)
    2 ( recípr)

    ( por casualidad) to meet, bump into each other (colloq)
    b) [carreteras/líneas] to meet

    3 ( enf) ( inesperadamente) ‹billete/cartera to find, come across;

    4 (frml) ( estar) to be;

    el hotel se encuentra cerca de la estación the hotel is (located) near the station
    encontrar verbo transitivo
    1 (algo/alguien buscado) to find: no encuentro el momento adecuado para decírselo, I can't find the right time to tell him
    2 (tropezar) to meet: encontré a Luisa en el cine, I met Luisa at the cinema
    encontrarás serias dificultades, you'll come up against serious difficulties
    3 (considerar, parecer) lo encuentro de mal gusto, I find it in bad taste
    ' encontrar' also found in these entries:
    - aparecer
    - aterrizar
    - atinar
    - colocarse
    - desconocer
    - discografía
    - fórmula
    - hallar
    - horma
    - mariposear
    - parte
    - buscar
    - dar
    - encuentra
    - esquivo
    - solución
    - ver
    - difficulty
    - dig around
    - discover
    - find
    - fit in
    - flesh
    - forgetful
    - get
    - grade
    - housekeeper
    - intensify
    - intimate
    - locate
    - lodging
    - loophole
    - pent-up
    - replacement
    - scrabble
    - speed up
    - store up
    - strike
    - traceable
    - trail
    - try
    - be
    - come
    - encounter
    - explain
    - fumble
    - high
    - meet
    - run
    - seek
    - solve
    - spot
    - stumble
    - time
    - word
    - work
    * * *
    1. [buscando, por casualidad] to find;
    he encontrado el paraguas I've found my umbrella;
    encontré el libro que buscaba I found the book I was looking for;
    le han encontrado un cáncer they've diagnosed her as having cancer;
    encontré la mesa puesta I found the table already set;
    lo encontré durmiendo I found him sleeping;
    no encuentro palabras para expresar mi gratitud I can't find the words to express my gratitude;
    CSur Fam
    encontrar la vuelta a algo to get to grips with sth
    2. [dificultades] to encounter;
    no encontraron ninguna oposición al proyecto they encountered no opposition to the project
    3. [juzgar, considerar] to find;
    encontré muy positivos tus comentarios I found your comments very positive;
    encuentro infantil tu actitud I find your attitude childish;
    encuentro la ciudad/a tu hermana muy cambiada the city/your sister has changed a lot, I find the city/your sister much changed;
    no lo encuentro tan divertido como dice la gente I don't find it o think it is as funny as people say;
    no sé qué le encuentran a ese pintor I don't know what they see in that painter
    * * *
    v/t find
    * * *
    encontrar {19} vt
    1) hallar: to find
    2) : to encounter, to meet
    * * *
    encontrar vb to find [pt. & pp. found]
    ¿has encontrado las llaves? have you found your keys?

    Spanish-English dictionary > encontrar

  • 19 triple

    f. & m.
    three-way adapter ( electricity and electronics).
    * * *
    1 triple
    2 (tres veces) three times
    1 triple
    triple salto triple jump
    * * *
    noun m. adj.
    * * *
    ADJ triple; [de tres capas] with three layers
    2. SM

    el triple: es el triple de lo que era — it is three times what it was o as big as it was

    2) (Dep) (=salto) triple jump; [en baloncesto] three-point basket
    ADV *
    * * *
    adjetivo triple
    1) (Mat)
    2) (Elec) three-way adapter o adaptor
    3) ( en béisbol) three-base hit
    femenino triple vaccine
    * * *
    = triple, treble, threeway, triplet, three pronged.
    Ex. Commercial techniques of marketing, management, and evaluation, may help librarians to face a triple challenge.
    Ex. Rather than formulate compound headings double or treble entry under each of the subjects in the compound or under a class heading is preferred.
    Ex. I & R manuals stress the importance of conference telephone facilities that enable threeway hook-ups to take place between client, I & R service and outside agency.
    Ex. The indicator triplet: transience, renewal, and dynamism is used to describe the 'physical shape' of a national scientific community = Los tres indicadores de transitoriedad, renovación y dinamismo se utilizan para describir la "forma física" de la comunidad científica de una nación.
    Ex. Over the next 5 years, a three pronged strategy will be followed.
    * acristalamiento triple = triple glazing.
    * triple acristalamiento = triple glazing.
    * triple salto = triple jump.
    * * *
    adjetivo triple
    1) (Mat)
    2) (Elec) three-way adapter o adaptor
    3) ( en béisbol) three-base hit
    femenino triple vaccine
    * * *
    = triple, treble, threeway, triplet, three pronged.

    Ex: Commercial techniques of marketing, management, and evaluation, may help librarians to face a triple challenge.

    Ex: Rather than formulate compound headings double or treble entry under each of the subjects in the compound or under a class heading is preferred.
    Ex: I & R manuals stress the importance of conference telephone facilities that enable threeway hook-ups to take place between client, I & R service and outside agency.
    Ex: The indicator triplet: transience, renewal, and dynamism is used to describe the 'physical shape' of a national scientific community = Los tres indicadores de transitoriedad, renovación y dinamismo se utilizan para describir la "forma física" de la comunidad científica de una nación.
    Ex: Over the next 5 years, a three pronged strategy will be followed.
    * acristalamiento triple = triple glazing.
    * triple acristalamiento = triple glazing.
    * triple salto = triple jump.

    * * *
    deja triple espacio leave triple spacing
    masculine triple jump
    A ( Mat):
    el precio aumentó al triple the price tripled o trebled
    vas a tardar el triple it will take you three times as long
    el triple de tres es nueve three threes are nine, three times three equals nine
    el jardín es el triple de grande que el nuestro the garden is three times the size of ours o three times as big as ours
    corrió el triple de rápido she ran three times as fast
    pon el triple de harina que de azúcar use three parts flour to one part sugar
    B ( Elec) three-way adapter o adaptor
    C ( RPl) ( Coc) double-decker sandwich
    D (en béisbol) three-base hit
    pegó un triple he hit a triple
    triple vaccine
    * * *

    triple adjetivo
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    1 (Mat):
    el precio aumentó al triple the price tripled o trebled;

    tardó el triple it took him three times as long;
    el triple de tres es nueve three times three equals nine
    2 (Elec) three-way adapter o adaptor
    I adjetivo triple
    II sustantivo masculino triple: me costó el triple que a él, I paid three times as much as he
    ' triple' also found in these entries:
    - tripla
    - triplicar
    - triplo
    - treble
    - triple
    * * *
    Hist la triple A = right-wing paramilitary group in Argentina;
    la triple corona [en rugby] the Triple Crown;
    triple salto triple jump
    1. [tres veces]
    el triple three times as much;
    el triple de gente/libros three times as many people/books;
    el triple de grande/bueno three times as big/good;
    tardé el triple en terminarlo it took me three times as long to finish it
    2. Elec three-way adapter
    3. [en baloncesto] three-pointer
    4. [en béisbol] triple
    * * *
    I adj triple
    II m
    el triple que el año pasado three times as much as last year
    2 en baloncesto three-pointer
    * * *
    triple adj & nm
    : triple
    * * *
    triple adj n triple

    Spanish-English dictionary > triple

  • 20 AT

    I) prep.
    A. with dative.
    I. Of motion;
    1) towards, against;
    Otkell laut at Skamkatli, bowed down to S.;
    hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge against A.;
    Brynjólfr gengr alit at honum, quite up to him;
    þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters with him;
    3) to, at;
    koma at landi, to come to land;
    ganga at dómi, to go into court;
    4) along (= eptir);
    ganga at stræti, to walk along the street;
    dreki er niðr fór at ánni (went down the river) fyrir strauminum;
    refr dró hörpu at ísi, on the ice;
    5) denoting hostility;
    renna (sœkja) at e-m, to rush at, assault;
    gerði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog;
    6) around;
    vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a veil round one’s head;
    bera grjót at e-m, to heap stones upon the body;
    7) denoting business, engagement;
    ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after horses, watching sheep;
    fara at landskuldum, to go collecting rents.
    II. Of position, &c.;
    1) denoting presence at, near, by, upon;
    at kirkju, at church;
    at dómi, in court;
    at lögbergi, at the hill of laws;
    2) denoting participation in;
    vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, wedding;
    3) ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at;
    kvalararnir, er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him;
    var þar at kona nökkur at binda (was there busy dressing) sár manna;
    4) with proper names of places (farms);
    konungr at Danmörku ok Noregi, king of;
    biskup at Hólum, bishop of Holar;
    at Helgafelli, at Bergþórshváli;
    5) used ellipt. with a genitive, at (a person’s) house;
    at hans (at his house) gisti fjölmenni mikit;
    at Marðar, at Mara’s home;
    at hins beilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church;
    at Ránar, at Ran’s (abode).
    III. Of time;
    1) at, in;
    at upphafi, at first, in the beginning;
    at skilnaði, at parting, when they parted;
    at páskum, at Easter;
    at kveldi, at eventide;
    at fjöru, at the ebb;
    at flœðum, at the floodtide;
    2) adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr’;
    at ári komanda, next year;
    at vári, er kemr, next spring;
    generally with ‘komanda’ understood;
    at sumri, hausti, vetri, vári, next summer, &c.;
    3) used with an absolute dative and present or past part.;
    at sér lifanda, duing his lifetime;
    at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all;
    at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the hearing of the chief;
    at upprennandi sólu, at sunrise;
    at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks are past;
    at honum önduðum, after his death;
    4) denoting uninterrupted succession, after;
    hverr at öðrum, annarr at öðrum, one after another;
    skildu menn at þessu, thereupon, after this;
    at því (thereafter) kómu aðrar meyjar.
    IV. fig. and in various uses;
    1) to, into, with the notion of destruction or change;
    brenna (borgina) at ösku, to burn to ashes;
    verða at ormi, to become a snake;
    2) for, as;
    gefa e-t at gjöf, as a present;
    eiga e-n at vin, to have one as friend;
    3) by;
    taka sverð at hjöltum, by the hilt;
    draga út björninn at hlustunum, by the ears;
    kjósa at afli, álitum, by strength, appearrance;
    auðigr at fé, wealthy in goods;
    vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face;
    5) as a law term, on the grounds of, by reason of;
    ryðja ( to challenge) dóm at mægðum, kvið at frændsemi;
    6) as a paraphrase of a genitive;
    faðir, móðir at barni (= barns, of a child);
    aðili at sök = aðili sakar;
    7) with adjectives denoting colour, size, age, of;
    hvítr, svartr, rauðr at lit, while, black, red of colour;
    mikill, lítill at stœrð, vexti, tall, small of stature;
    tvítugr at aldri, twenty years of age;
    kýr at fyrsta, öðrum kálfi, a cow that has calved once, twice;
    8) determining the source from which anything comes, of, from;
    Ari nam ok marga frœði at Þuríði (from her);
    þiggja, kaupa, geta, leigja e-t at e-m, to receive, buy, obtain, borrow a thing from one;
    hafa veg (virðing) styrk at e-m, to derive honour, power, from one;
    9) according, to, after (heygðr at fornum sið);
    at ráði allra vitrustu manna, by the advice of;
    at landslögum, by the law of the land;
    at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave;
    10) in adverbial phrases;
    gróa (vera grœddr) at heilu, to be quite healed;
    bíta af allt gras at snøggu, quite bare;
    at fullu, fully;
    at vísu, surely;
    at frjálsu, freely;
    at eilífu, for ever and ever;
    at röngu, at réttu, wrongly, rightly;
    at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same;
    at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent.
    B. with acc., after, upon (= eptir);
    sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, to take the inheritance after his father;
    at þat (= eptir þat), after that, thereafter;
    connected with a past part. or a., at Gamla fallinn, after the fall of Gamli;
    at Hrungni dauðan, upon the death of Hrungnir.
    1) as the simple mark of the infinitive, to;
    at ganga, at ríða, at hlaupa, to walk, to ride, to run;
    2) in an objective sense;
    hann bauð þeim at fara, sitja, he bade (ordered) them to go, sit;
    gefa e-m at eta, at drekka, to give one to eat, to drink;
    3) denoting design or purpose, in order to (hann gekk í borg at kaupa silfr).
    1) demonstrative particle before a comparative, the, all the, so much the;
    hón grét at meir, she wept the more;
    þykkir oss at líkara, all the more likely;
    þú ert maðr at verri (so much the worse), er þú hefir þetta mælt;
    2) rel. pron., who, which, that (= er);
    þeir allir, at þau tíðindi heyrðu, all those who heard;
    sem þeim er títt, at ( as is the custom of those who) kaupferðir reka.
    conj., that;
    1) introducing a subjective or objective clause;
    þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, it happened once that H.;
    vilda ek, at þú réðist austr í fjörðu, I should like you to go;
    2) relative to svá, denoting proportion, degree;
    svá mikill lagamaðr, at, so great a lawyer, that;
    3) with subj., denoting end or purpose, in order that (skáru þeir fyrir þá (viz. hestana) melinn, at þeir dœi eigi af sulti);
    4) since, because, as (= því at);
    5) connected with þó, því, svá;
    þó at (with subj.), though, although;
    því at, because, for;
    svá at, so that;
    6) temp., þá at (= þá er), when;
    þegar at (= þegar er), as soon as;
    þar til at (= þar til er), until, till;
    áðr at (= á. en), before;
    7) used superfluously after an int. pron. or adv.;
    Ólafr spurði, hvern styrk at hann mundi fá honum, what help he was likely to give him;
    in a relative sense; með fullkomnum ávexti, hverr at (which) þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða.
    negative verbal suffix, = ata; var-at, was not.
    odda at, Yggs at, battle.
    * * *
    and að, prep., often used ellipt. dropping the case and even merely as an adverb, [Lat. ad; Ulf. at = πρός and παρά, A. S. ät; Engl. at; Hel. ad = apud; O. H. G. az; lost in mod. Germ., and rare in Swed. and Dan.; in more freq. use in Engl. than any other kindred language, Icel. only excepted]:—the mod. pronunciation and spelling is (); this form is very old, and is found in Icel. vellum MSS. of the 12th century, e. g. aþ, 623. 60; yet in earlier times it was sounded with a tenuis, as we may infer from rhymes, e. g. jöfurr hyggi at | hve ek yrkja fat, Egill: Sighvat also makes it rhyme with a t. The verse by Thorodd—þar vastu at er fjáðr klæðið þvat (Skálda 162)—is hardly intelligible unless we accept the spelling with an aspirate (), and say that þvað is = þvá = þváði, lavabat; it may be that by the time of Thorodd and Ari the pure old pronunciation was lost, or is ‘þvat’ simply the A. S. þvât, secuit? The Icelanders still, however, keep the tenuis in compounds before a vowel, or before h, v, or the liquids l, r, thus—atyrða, atorka, athöfn, athugi, athvarf, athlægi; atvinna, atvik; atlaga, atlíðanði ( slope), atriði, atreið, atróðr: but aðdjúpr, aðfinsla (critic), aðferð, aðkoma, aðsókn, aðsúgr (crowding), aðgæzla. In some words the pronunciation is irregular, e. g. atkvæði not aðkv-; atburðr, but aðbúnaðr; aðhjúkran not athjúkran; atgörvi not aðgörfi. At, to, towards; into; against; along, by; in regard to; after.
    Mostly with dat.; rarely with acc.; and sometimes ellipt.—by dropping the words ‘home,’ ‘house,’ or the like—with gen.
    A. LOC.
    I. WITH MOTION; gener. the motion to the borders, limits of an object, and thus opp. to frá:
    1. towards, against, with or without the notion of arrival, esp. connected with verbs denoting motion (verba movendi et eundi), e. g. fara, ganga, koma, lúta, snúa, rétta at…; Otkell laut at Skamkatli, O. louted (i. e. bowed down) towards S., Nj. 77, Fms. xi. 102; sendimaðrinn sneri ( turned) hjöltum sverðsins at konungi, towards the king, i. 15; hann sneri egginni at Ásgrími, turned the edge towards A., Nj. 220; rétta e-t at e-m, to reach, hand over, Ld. 132; ganga at, to step towards, Ísl. ii. 259.
    2. denoting proximity, close up to, up to; Brynjólfr gengr … allt at honum, B. goes quite up to him, Nj. 58; Gunnarr kom þangat at þeim örunum, G. reached them even there with his arrows, 115; þeir kómust aldri at honum, they could never get near him, to close quarters, id.; reið maðr at þeim (up to them), 274; þeir höfðu rakit sporin allt at ( right up to) gammanum, Fms. i. 9; komu þeir at sjó fram, came down to the sea, Bárð. 180.
    3. without reference to the space traversed, to or at; koma at landi, to land, Ld. 38, Fms. viii. 358; ríða at dyrum, Boll. 344; hlaupa at e-m, to run up to, run at, Fms. vii. 218, viii. 358; af sjáfarganginum er hann gekk at landinu, of the surf dashing against the shore, xi. 6; vísa ólmum hundi at manni, to set a fierce hound at a man, Grág. ii. 118; leggja e-n at velli, to lay low, Eg. 426, Nj. 117; hníga at jörðu, at grasi, at moldu, to bite the dust, to die, Njarð. 378; ganga at dómi, a law term, to go into court, of a plaintiff, defendant, or bystander, Nj. 87 (freq.)
    4. denoting a motion along, into, upon; ganga at stræti, to walk along the street, Korm. 228, Fms. vii. 39; at ísi, on the ice, Skálda 198, Fms. vii. 19, 246, viii. 168, Eb. 112 new Ed. (á is perh. wrong); máttu menn ganga bar yfir at skipum einum, of ships alone used as a bridge, Fas. i. 378; at höfðum, at nám, to trample on the slain on the battle-field, Lex. Poët.; at ám, along the rivers; at merkiósum, at the river’s mouth, Grág. ii. 355; at endilöngu baki, all along its back, Sks. 100.
    5. denoting hostility, to rush at, assault; renna at, hlaupa at, ganga, fara, ríða, sækja, at e-m, (v. those words), whence the nouns atrenna, athlaup, atgangr, atför, atreið, atsókn, etc.
    β. metaph., kom at þeim svefnhöfgi, deep sleep fell on them, Nj. 104. Esp. of weather, in the impers. phrase, hríð, veðr, vind, storm görir at e-m, to be overtaken by a snow storm, gale, or the like; görði þá at þeim þoku mikla, they were overtaken by a thick fog, Bárð. 171.
    6. denoting around, of clothing or the like; bregða skikkju at höfði sér, to wrap his cloak over his head, Ld. 62; vefja motri at höfði sér, to wrap a snood round her head, 188; sauma at, to stick, cling close, as though sewn on; sauma at höndum sér, of tight gloves, Bs. i. 453; kyrtill svá þröngr sem saumaðr væri at honum, as though it were stitched to him, Nj. 214; vafit at vándum dreglum, tight laced with sorry tags, id.; hosa strengd fast at beini, of tight hose, Eg. 602; hann sveipar at sér iðrunum ok skyrtunni, he gathers up the entrails close to him and the skirt too, Gísl. 71; laz at síðu, a lace on the side, to keep the clothes tight, Eg. 602.
    β. of burying; bera grjót at einum, to heap stones upon the body, Eg. 719; var gör at þeim dys or grjóti, Ld. 152; gora kistu at líki, to make a coffin for a body, Eb. 264, Landn. 56, Ld. 142.
    γ. of summoning troops or followers; stefna at sér mönnum, to summon men to him, Nj. 104; stefna at sér liði, Eg. 270; kippa mönnum at sér, to gather men in haste, Ld. 64.
    7. denoting a business, engagement; ríða at hrossum, at sauðum, to go looking after after horses, watching sheep, Glúm. 362, Nj. 75; fara at fé, to go to seek for sheep, Ld. 240; fara at heyi, to go a-haymaking, Dropl. 10; at veiðum, a-hunting; at fuglum, a-fowling; at dýrum, a-sbooting; at fiski, a-fishing; at veiðiskap, Landn. 154, Orkn. 416 (in a verse), Nj. 25; fara at landskuldum, to go a-collecling rents, Eg. 516; at Finnkaupum, a-marketing with Finns, 41; at féföngum, a-plundering, Fms. vii. 78; ganga at beina, to wait on guests, Nj. 50; starfa at matseld, to serve at table, Eb. 266; hitta e-n at nauðsynjum, on matters of business; at máli, to speak with one, etc., Fms. xi. 101; rekast at e-m, to pursue one, ix. 404; ganga at liði sér, to go suing for help, Grág. ii. 384.
    β. of festivals; snúa, fá at blóti, veizlu, brullaupi, to prepare for a sacrificial banquet, wedding, or the like, hence at-fangadagr, Eb. 6, Ld. 70; koma at hendi, to happen, befall; ganga at sínu, to come by one’s own, to take it, Ld. 208; Egill drakk hvert full er at honum kom, drained every horn that came to him, Eg. 210; komast at keyptu, to purchase dearly, Húv. 46.
    8. denoting imaginary motion, esp. of places, cp. Lat. spectare, vergere ad…, to look or lie towards; horfði botninn at höfðanum, the bight of the bay looked toward the headland, Fms. i. 340, Landn. 35; also, skeiðgata liggr at læknum, leads to the brook, Ísl. ii. 339; á þann arminn er vissi at sjánum, on that wing which looked toward the sea, Fms. viii. 115; sár þau er horft höfðu at Knúti konungi, xi. 309.
    β. even connected with verbs denoting motion; Gilsáreyrr gengr austan at Fljótinu, G. extends, projects to F. from the east, Hrafh. 25; hjá sundi því, er at gengr þingstöðinni, Fms. xi. 85.
    II. WITHOUT MOTION; denoting presence at, near, by, at the side of, in, upon; connected with verbs like sitja, standa, vera…; at kirkju, at church, Fms. vii. 251, K. f). K. 16, Ld. 328, Ísl. ii. 270, Sks. 36; vera at skála, at húsi, to be in, at home, Landn. 154; at landi, Fms. i. 82; at skipi, on shipboard, Grág. i. 209, 215; at oldri, at a banquet, inter pocula; at áti, at dinner, at a feast, inter edendum, ii. 169, 170; at samförum ok samvistum, at public meetings, id.; at dómi, in a court; standa (to take one’s stand) norðan, sunnan, austan, vestan at dómi, freq. in the proceedings at trials in lawsuits, Nj.; at þingi, present at the parliament, Grág. i. 142; at lögbergi, o n the hill of laws, 17, Nj.; at baki e-m, at the back of.
    2. denoting presence, partaking in; sitja at mat, to sit at meat, Fms. i. 241; vera at veizlu, brullaupi, to be at a banquet, nuptials, Nj. 51, Ld. 70: a law term, vera at vígi, to be an accessory in manslaying, Nj. 89, 100; vera at e-u simply means to be about, be busy in, Fms. iv. 237; standa at máli, to stand by one in a case, Grág. ii. 165, Nj. 214; vera at fóstri, to be fostered, Fms. i. 2; sitja at hégóma, to listen to nonsense, Ld. 322; vera at smíð, to be at one’s work, Þórð. 62: now absol., vera at, to go on with, be busy at.
    3. the law term vinna eið at e-u has a double meaning:
    α. vinna eið at bók, at baugi, to make an oath upon the book by laying the band upon it, Landn. 258, Grág., Nj.; cp. Vkv. 31, Gkv. 3. 3, Hkv. 2. 29, etc.: ‘við’ is now used in this sense.
    β. to confirm a fact (or the like) by an oath, to swear to, Grág. i. 9, 327.
    γ. the law phrase, nefna vátta at e-u, of summoning witnesses to a deed, fact, or the like; nefna vátta at benjum, to produce evidence, witnesses as to the wounds, Nj., Grág.; at görð, Eg. 738; at svörum, Grág. i. 19: this summoning of witnesses served in old lawsuits the same purpose as modern pleadings and depositions; every step in a suit to be lawful must be followed by such a summoning or declaration.
    4. used ellipt., vera at, to be about, to be busy at; kvalararnir er at vóru at pína hann, who were tormenting him; þar varstu at, you were there present, Skálda 162; at várum þar, Gísl. (in a verse): as a law term ‘vera at’ means to be guilty, Glúm. 388; vartattu at þar, Eg. (in a verse); hence the ambiguity of Glum’s oath, vask at þar, I was there present: var þar at kona nokkur ( was there busy) at binda sár manna, Fms. v. 91; hann var at ok smíðaði skot, Rd. 313; voru Varbelgir at ( about) at taka af, þau lög …, Fms. ix. 512; ek var at ok vafk, I was about weaving, xi. 49; þeir höfðu verit at þrjú sumur, they had been busy at it for three summers, x. 186 (now very freq.); koma at, come in, to arrive unexpectedly; Gunnarr kom at í því, G. came in at that moment; hvaðan komtú nú at, whence did you come? Nj. 68, Fms. iii. 200.
    5. denoting the kingdom or residence of a king or princely person; konungr at Danmörk ok Noregi, king of…, Fms. i. 119, xi. 281; konungr, jarl, at öllum Noregi, king, earl, over all N., íb. 3, 13, Landn. 25; konungr at Dyflinni, king of Dublin, 25; but í or yfir England!, Eg. 263: cp. the phrase, sitja at landi, to reside, of a king when at home, Hkr. i. 34; at Joini, Fms. xi. 74: used of a bishop; biskup at Hólum, bishop of Hólar, Íb. 18, 19; but biskup í Skálaholti, 19: at Rómi, at Rome, Fbr. 198.
    6. in denoting a man’s abode (vide p. 5, col. 1, l. 27), the prep. ‘at’ is used where the local name implies the notion of by the side of, and is therefore esp. applied to words denoting a river, brook, rock, mountain, grove, or the like, and in some other instances, by, at, e. g. at Hofi (a temple), Landn. 198; at Borg ( a castle), 57; at Helgafelli (a mountain), Eb. constantly so; at Mosfelli, Landn. 190; at Hálsi (a hill), Fms. xi. 22; at Bjargi, Grett. 90; Hálsum, Landn. 143; at Á ( river), 296, 268; at Bægisá, 212; Giljá, 332; Myrká, 211; Vatnsá, id.; þverá, Glúm. 323; at Fossi (a ‘force’ or waterfall), Landn. 73; at Lækjamoti (waters-meeting), 332; at Hlíðarenda ( end of the lithe or hill), at Bergþórshváli, Nj.; at Lundi (a grove), at Melum (sandhill), Landn. 70: the prep. ‘á’ is now used in most of these cases, e. g. á Á, á Hofi, Helgafelli, Felli, Hálsi, etc.
    β. particularly, and without any regard to etymology, used of the abode of kings or princes, to reside at; at Uppsölum, at Haugi, Alreksstöðum, at Hlöðum, Landn., Fms.
    γ. konungr lét kalla at stofudyrum, the king made a call at the hall door, Eg. 88; þeir kölluðu at herberginu, they called at the inn, Fms. ix. 475.
    7. used ellipt. with a gen., esp. if connected with such words as gista, to be a guest, lodge, dine, sup (of festivals or the like) at one’s home; at Marðar, Nj. 4; at hans, 74; þingfesti at þess bóanda, Grág. i. 152; at sín, at one’s own home, Eg. 371, K. Þ. K. 62; hafa náttstað at Freyju, at the abode of goddess Freyja, Eg. 603; at Ránar, at Ran’s, i. e. at Ran’s house, of drowned men who belong to the queen of the sea, Ran, Eb. 274; at hins heilaga Ólafs konungs, at St. Olave’s church, Fms. vi. 63: cp. ad Veneris, εις Κίμωνος.
    B. TEMP.
    I. at, denoting a point or period of time; at upphafi, at first, in the beginning, Ld. 104; at lyktum, at síðustu, at lokum, at last; at lesti, at last, Lex. Poët., more freq. á lesti; at skilnaði, at parting, at last, Band. 3; at fornu, in times of yore, formerly, Eg. 267, D. I. i. 635; at sinni, as yet, at present; at nýju, anew, of present time; at eilífu, for ever and ever; at skömmu, soon, shortly, Ísl. ii. 272, v. l.
    II. of the very moment when anything happens, the beginning of a term; denoting the seasons of the year, months, weeks, the hours of the day; at Jólum, at Yule, Nj. 46; at Pálmadegi, on Palm Sunday, 273; at Páskum, at Easter; at Ólafsvöku, on St. Olave’s eve, 29th of July, Fms.; at vetri, at the beginning of the winter, on the day when winter sets in, Grág. 1. 151; at sumarmálum, at vetrnáttum; at Tvímánaði, when the Double month (August) begins, Ld. 256, Grág. i. 152; at kveldi, at eventide, Eg. 3; at því meli, at that time; at eindaga, at the term, 395; at eykð, at 4 o’clock p. m., 198; at öndverðri æfi Abra hams, Ver. II; at sinni, now at once, Fms. vi. 71; at öðruhverju, every now and then.
    β. where the point of time is marked by some event; at þingi, at the meeting of parliament (18th to the 24th of June), Ld. 182; at féránsdómi, at the court of execution, Grág. i. 132, 133; at þinglausnum, at the close of the parliament (beginning of July), 140; at festarmálum, eðr at eiginorði, at betrothal or nuptials, 174; at skilnaði, when they parted, Nj. 106 (above); at öllum minnum, at the general drinking of the toasts, Eg. 253; at fjöru, at the ebb; at flæðum, at flood tide, Fms. viii. 306, Orkn. 428; at hrörum, at an inquest, Grág. i. 50 (cp. ii. 141, 389); at sökum, at prosecutions, 30; at sinni, now, as yet, v. that word.
    III. ellipt., or adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr,’ of the future time:
    1. ellipt., komanda or the like being understood, with reference to the seasons of the year; at sumri, at vetri, at hausti, at vári, next summer, winter…, Ísl. ii. 242; at miðju sumri, at ári, at Midsummer, next year, Fas. i. 516; at miðjum vetri, Fms. iv. 237,
    2. adding ‘komanda’ or ‘er kemr;’ at ári komanda, Bárð. 177; at vári er kemr, Dipl. iii. 6.
    IV. used with an absolute dat. and with a pres. part.:
    1. with pres. part.; at morni komanda, on the coming morrow, Fms. i. 263; at sér lifanda, in vivo, in his life time, Grág. ii. 202; at þeim sofundum, illis dormientibus, Hkr. i. 234; at öllum ásjándum, in the sight of all, Fms. x. 329; at úvitanda konungi, illo nesciente, without his knowledge, 227; at áheyranda höfðingjanum, in the chief’s bearing, 235.
    2. of past time with a past part. (Lat. abl. absol.); at hræjum fundnum, on the bodies being found, Grág. ii. 87; at háðum dómum ok föstu þingi, during the session, the courts being set, i. 484; at liðnum sex vikum, after six weeks past, Band. 13; at svá búnu, so goru, svá komnu, svá mæltu (Lat. quibus rebus gestis, dictis, quo facto, dicto, etc.), v. those words; at úreyndu, without trial, without put ting one to the test, Ld. 76; at honum önduðum, illo mortuo.
    3. ellipt. without ‘at;’ en þessum hlutum fram komnum, when all this has been done, Eb. 132.
    V. in some phrases with a slight temp, notion; at görðum gildum, the fences being strong, Gþl. 387; at vörmu spori, at once, whilst the trail is warm; at úvörum, unawares, suddenly, Nj. 95, Ld. 132; at þessu, at this cost, on that condition, Eb. 38, Nj. 55; at illum leiki, to have a narrow escape, now við illan leik, Fms. ix. 473; at því, that granted, Grág. ii. 33: at því, at pessu, thereafter, thereupon, Nj. 76.
    2. denoting succession, without interruption, one after another; hverr at öðrum, annarr maðr at öðrum, aðrir at öðrum; eina konu at annarri, Eg. 91, Fms. ii. 236, vi. 25, Bs. i. 22, 625. 80, H. E. i. 522.
    C. METAPH. and in various cases:
    I. denoting a transformation or change into, to, with the notion of destruction; brenna at ösku, at köldum kolum, to burn to ashes, to be quite destroyed, Fms. i. 105, Edda 3, Sturl. ii. 51: with the notion of transformation or transfiguration, in such phrases as, verða at e-u, göra e-t at e-u, to turn it into:
    α. by a spell; verða at ormi, to become a snake, Fms. xi. 158; at flugdrekum, Gullþ. 7; urðu þau bönd at járni, Edda 40.
    β. by a natural process it can often be translated by an acc. or by as; göra e-n at urðarmanni, to make him an outlaw, Eg. 728; græða e-n at orkumlamanni, to heal him so as to maim him for life, of bad treatment by a leech, Eb. 244: in the law terms, sár görist at ben, a wound turning into a ben, proving to be mortal, Grág., Nj.; verða at ljúgvætti, to prove to be a false evidence, Grág. i. 44; verða at sætt, to turn into reconciliation, Fms. i. 13; göra e-t at reiði málum, to take offence at, Fs. 20; at nýjum tíðindum, to tell as news, Nj. 14; verða fátt at orðum, to be sparing of words, 18; kveðr (svá) at orði, to speak, utter, 10; verða at þrifnaði, to geton well, Fms. vii. 196: at liði, at skaða, to be a help or hurt to one; at bana, to cause one’s death, Nj. 223, Eg. 21, Grág. ii. 29: at undrum, at hlátri, to become a wonder, a laughing-stock, 623. 35, Eg. 553.
    II. denoting capacity, where it may be translated merely by as or for; gefa at Jólagjöf, to give for a Christmas-box, Eg. 516; at gjöf, for a present; at erfð, at láni, launum, as an inheritance, a loan; at kaupum ok sökum, for buying and selling, Ísl. ii. 223, Grág. i. 423; at solum, ii. 204; at herfangi, as spoil or plunder; at sakbótum, at niðgjöldum, as a compensation, weregeld, i. 339, ii. 171, Hkr. ii. 168; taka at gíslingu, to take as an hostage, Edda 15; eiga e-n at vin, at óvin, to have one as friend or foe, illt er at eiga þræl at eingavin, ‘tis ill to have a thrall for one’s bosom friend (a proverb), Nj. 77; fæða, eiga, at sonum (syni), to beget a son, Edda 8, Bs. i. 60 (but eiga at dóttur cannot be said); hafa möttul at yfirhöfn, Fms. vii. 201; verða nökkut at manni (mönnum), to turn out to be a worthy man; verða ekki at manni, to turn out a worthless person, xi. 79, 268.
    2. in such phrases as, verða at orðum, to come towards, Nj. 26; var þat at erindum, Eg. 148; hafa at veizlum, to draw veizlur ( dues) from, Fms. iv. 275, Eg. 647; gora e-t at álitum, to take it into consideration, Nj. 3.
    III. denoting belonging to, fitting, of parts of the whole or the like; vóru at honum (viz. the sword) hjölt gullbúin, the sword was ornamented with a hilt of gold, Ld. 330; umgörð at ( belonging to) sverði, Fs. 97 (Hs.) in a verse; en ef mór er eigi at landinu, if there be no turf moor belonging to the land, Grág. ii. 338; svá at eigi brotnaði nokkuð at Orminum, so that no harm happened to the ship Worm, Fms. x. 356; hvatki er meiðir at skipinu eðr at reiðinu eðr at viðum, damage done t o …, Grág. ii. 403; lesta ( to injure) hús at lásum, við eðr torfi, 110; ef land hefir batnað at húsum, if the land has been bettered as to its buildings, 210; cp. the phrase, göra at e-u, to repair: hamlaðr at höndum eðr fótum, maimed as to hands or feet, Eg. 14; heill at höndum en hrumr at fótum, sound in band, palsied in foot, Fms. vii. 12; lykill at skrá, a key belonging, fitting, to the latch; hurð at húsi; a key ‘gengr at’ ( fits) skrá; and many other phrases. 2. denoting the part by which a thing is held or to which it belongs, by; fá, taka at…, to grasp by …; þú tókt við sverði hans at hjöltunum, you took it by the bill, Fms. i. 15; draga út björninn at hlustum, to pull out the bear by the ears, Fas. ii. 237; at fótum, by the feet, Fms. viii. 363; mæla ( to measure) at hrygg ok at jaðri, by the edge or middle of the stuff, Grág. i. 498; kasta e-m at höfði, head foremost, Nj. 84; kjósa e-n at fótum, by the feet alone, Edda 46; hefja frændsemi at bræðrum, eða at systkynum, to reckon kinship by the brother’s or the sister’s side, Grág. i. 28; kjósa at afli, at álitum, by strength, sight, Gs. 8, belongs rather to the following.
    IV. in respect of, as regards, in regard to, as to; auðigr at fé, wealthy of goods, Nj. 16, 30, 51; beztir hestar at reið, the best racehorses, 186; spekingr at viti, a man of great intellect, Ld. 124; vænn (fagr) at áliti, fair of face, Nj. 30, Bs. i. 61; kvenna vænst at ásjónu ok vits munum, of surpassing beauty and intellect, Ld. 122; fullkominn at hyggju, 18; um fram aðra menn at vinsældum ok harðfengi, of surpassing popularity and hardihood, Eb. 30.
    2. a law term, of challenging jurors, judges, or the like, on account of, by reason of; ryðja ( to challenge) at mægðum, guðsifjum, frændsemi, hrörum …; at leiðarlengd, on account of distance, Grág. i. 30, 50, Nj. (freq.)
    3. in arithm. denoting proportion; at helmingi, þriðjungi, fjórðungi, tíunda hluta, cp. Lat. ex asse, quadrante, for the half, third… part; máttr skal at magni (a proverb), might and main go together, Hkr. ii. 236; þú munt vera at því mikill fræðimaðr á kvæði, in the same proportion, as great, Fms. vi. 391, iii. 41; at e-s hluta, at… leiti, for one’s part, in turn, as far as one is con cerned, Grág. i. 322, Eg. 309, Fms. iii. 26 (freq.): at öðrum kosti, in the other case, otherwise (freq.) More gener., at öllu, öngu, in all (no) respects; at sumu, einhverju, nokkru, partly; at flestu, mestu, chiefly.
    4. as a paraphrase of a genitive; faðir, móðir at barni (= barns); aðili at sök (= sakar a.); morðingi at barni (= barns), faðerni at barni (barns); illvirki at fé manna (cp. Lat. felo de se), niðrfall at sökum (saka), land gangr at fiskum (fiska), Fms. iv. 274, Grág. i. 277, 416, N. G. L. i. 340, K. Þ. K. 112, Nj. 21.
    5. the phrase ‘at sér,’ of himself or in himself, either ellipt. or by adding the participle görr, and with the adverbs vel, ilia, or the like; denoting breeding, bearing, endowments, character …; væn kona, kurteis ok vel at sér, an accomplished, well-bred, gifted lady, Nj. I; vitr maðr ok vel at sér, a wise man and thoroughly good in feeling and bearing, 5; þú ert maðr vaskr ok vel at þér, 49; gerr at sér, accomplished, 51; bezt at sér görr, the finest, best bred man, 39, Ld. 124; en þó er hann svá vel at sér, so generous, Nj. 77; þeir höfðingjar er svá vóru vel at sér, so noble-minded, 198, Fms. i. 160: the phrase ‘at sér’ is now only used of knowledge, thus maðr vel að sér means clever, a man of great knowledge; illa að sér, a blockhead.
    6. denoting relations to colour, size, value, age, and the like; hvitr, svartr, grár, rauðr … at lit, white, swarthy, gray, red … of colour, Bjarn. 55, 28, Ísl. ii. 213, etc.; mikill, lítill, at stærð, vexti, tall, small of size, etc.; ungr, gamall, barn, at aldri, young, old, a child of age; tvítugr, þrítugr … at aldri, twenty, thirty … years of age (freq.): of animals; kyr at fyrsta, öðrum … kálfi, a cow having calved once, twice…, Jb. 346: value, amount, currency of money, kaupa e-t at mörk, at a mark, N. G. L. 1. 352; ok er eyririnn at mörk, amounts to a mark, of the value of money, Grág. i. 392; verðr þá at hálfri murk vaðmála eyrir, amounts to a half a mark, 500.
    β. metaph. of value, connected with verbs denoting to esteem, hold; meta, hafa, halda at miklu, litlu, vettugi, engu, or the like, to hold in high or low esteem, to care or not to care for (freq.): geta e-s at góðu, illu, öngu, to mention one favourably, unfavourably, indifferently … (freq.), prop. in connection with. In many cases it may be translated by in; ekki er mark at draumum, there is no meaning in dreams, no heed is to be paid to dreams, Sturl. ii. 217; bragð er at þá barnið finnr, it goes too far, when even a child takes offence (a proverb): hvat er at því, what does it mean? Nj. 11; hvert þat skip er vöxtr er at, any ship of mark, i. e. however small, Fms. xi. 20.
    V. denoting the source of a thing:
    1. source of infor mation, to learn, perceive, get information from; Ari nam ok marga fræði at Þuríði, learnt as her pupil, at her hands, as St. Paul at the feet of Gamaliel, (just as the Scotch say to speer or ask at a person); Ari nam at Þorgeiri afraðskoll, Hkr. (pref.); nema kunnáttu at e-m, used of a pupil, Fms. i. 8; nema fræði at e-m, xi. 396.
    2. of receiving, acquiring, buying, from; þiggja e-t at e-m, to receive a thing at his hands, Nj. 51; líf, to be pardoned, Fms. x. 173; kaupa land at e-m, to buy it from, Landn. 72, Íb. II, (now af is more freq. in this sense); geta e-t at e-m, to obtain, procure at one’s hands, impetrare; þeirra manna er þeir megu þat geta at, who are willing to do that, Grág. i. I; heimta e-t at e-m (now af), to call in, demand (a debt, money), 279; fala e-t at e-m (now af), to chaffer for or cheapen anything, Nj. 73; sækja e-t at e-m, to ask, seek for; sækja heilræði ok traust at e-m, 98; leiga e-t at e-m (now af), to borrow, Grág. ii. 334; eiga e-t (fé, skuld) at e-m, to be owed money by any one, i. 399: metaph. to deserve of one, Nj. 113; eiga mikit at e-m, to have much to do with, 138; hafa veg, virðing, styrk, at, to derive honour, power from, Fms. vi. 71, Eg. 44, Bárð. 174; gagn, to be of use, Ld. 216; mein, tálma, mischief, disadvantage, 158, 216, cp. Eg. 546; ótta, awe, Nj. 68.
    VI. denoting conformity, according to, Lat. secundum, ex, after; at fornum sið, Fms. i. 112; at sögn Ara prests, as Ari relates, on his authority, 55; at ráði allra vitrustu manna, at the advice of, Ísl. ii. 259, Ld. 62; at lögum, at landslögum, by the law of the land, Grág., Nj.; at líkindum, in all likelihood, Ld. 272; at sköpum, in due course (poet.); at hinum sama hætti, in the very same manner, Grág. i. 90; at vánum, as was to be expected, Nj. 255; at leyfi e-s, by one’s leave, Eg. 35; úlofi, Grág. ii. 215; at ósk, vilja e-s, as one likes…; at mun, id. (poet.); at sólu, happily (following the course of the sun), Bs. i. 70, 137; at því sem …, as to infer from …, Nj. 124: ‘fara, láta, ganga at’ denotes to yield, agree to, to comply with, give in, Ld. 168, Eg. 18, Fms. x. 368.
    VII. in phrases nearly or quite adverbial; gróa, vera græddr, at heilu, to be quite healed, Bárð. 167, Eb. 148; bíta at snöggu, to bite it bare, Fms. xi. 6; at þurru, till it becomes dry, Eb. 276; at endilöngu, all along, Fas. ii; vinnast at litlu, to avail little, 655 x. 14; at fullu, fully, Nj. 257, Hkr. i. 171; at vísu, of a surety, surely, Ld. 40; at frjálsu, freely, 308; at líku, at sömu, equally, all the same, Hom. 80, Nj. 267; at röngu, wrongly, 686 B. 2; at hófi, temperately, Lex. Poët.; at mun, at ráði, at marki, to a great extent; at hringum, utterly, all round, (rare), Fms. x. 389; at einu, yet, Orkn. 358; svá at einu, því at einu, allt at einu, yet, however, nevertheless.
    VIII. connected with comparatives of adverbs and adjectives, and strengthening the sense, as in Engl. ‘the,’ so much the more, all the more; ‘at’ heldr tveimr, at ek munda gjarna veita yðr öllum, where it may be translated by so much the more to two, as I would willingly grant it to all of you; hon grét at meir, she grat (wept) the more, Eg. 483; þykir oss at líkara, all the more likely, Fms. viii. 6; þess at harðari, all the harder, Sturl. iii. 202 C; svá at hinn sé bana at nær, Grág. ii. 117; at auðnara, at hólpnara, the more happy, Al. 19, Grett. 116 B; þess at meiri, Fms. v. 64; auvirðismaðr at meiri, Sturl. ii. 139; maðr at vaskari, id.; at feigri, any the more fey, Km. 22; maðr at verri, all the worse, Nj. 168; ok er ‘at’ firr…, at ek vil miklu heldr, cp. Lat. tantum abest… ut, Eg. 60.
    β. following after a negation; eigi at síðr, no less, Nj. 160, Ld. 146; eigi… at meiri maðr, any better, Eg. 425, 489; erat héra at borgnara, any the better off for that, Fms. vii. 116; eigi at minni, no less for that, Edda (pref.) 146; eigi at minna, Ld. 216, Fms. ix. 50; ekki at verri drengr, not a bit worse for that, Ld. 42; er mér ekki son minn at bættari, þótt…, 216; at eigi vissi at nær, any more, Fas. iii. 74.
    IX. following many words:
    1. verbs, esp. those denoting, a. to ask, enquire, attend, seek, e. g. spyrja at, to speer (ask) for; leita at, to seek for; gæta, geyma at, to pay attention to; huga, hyggja at; hence atspurn, to enquire, aðgæzla, athugi, attention, etc.
    β. verbs denoting laughter, play, joy, game, cp. the Engl. to play at …, to laugh at …; hlæja, brosa at e-u, to laugh, smile at it; leika (sér) at e-u, to play at; þykja gaman at, to enjoy; hæða, göra gys at …, to make sport at …
    γ. verbs denoting assistance, help; standa, veita, vinna, hjálpa at; hence atstoð, atvinna, atverk:—mode, proceeding; fara at, to proceed, hence atför and atferli:—compliance; láta, fara at e-u, v. above:— fault; e-t er at e-u, there is some fault in it, Fms. x. 418; skorta at e-u, to fall short of, xi. 98:—care, attendance; hjúkra at, hlýja at, v. these words:—gathering, collecting; draga, reiða, flytja, fá at, congerere:—engagement, arrival, etc.; sækja at, to attack; ganga at, vera at, to be about; koma at, ellipt. to arrive: göra at, to repair: lesta at, to impair (v. above); finna at, to criticise (mod.); telja at, id.: bera at, to happen; kveða at e-m, to address one, 625. 15, (kveða at (ellipt.) now means to pronounce, and of a child to utter (read) whole syllables); falla at, of the flood-tide (ellipt.): metaph. of pains or straits surrounding one; þreyngja, herða at, to press hard: of frost and cold, with regard to the seasons; frjósa at, kólna at, to get really cold (SI. 44), as it were from the cold stiffening all things: also of the seasons themselves; hausta, vetra að, when the season really sets in; esp. the cold seasons, ‘sumra at’ cannot be used, yet we may say ‘vára að’ when the spring sets in, and the air gets mild.
    δ. in numberless other cases which may partly be seen below.
    2. connected ellipt. with adverbs denoting motion from a place; norðan, austan, sunnan, vestan at, those from the north, east…; utan at, innan at, from the outside or inside.
    3. with adjectives (but rarely), e. g. kærr, elskr, virkr (affectionate), vandr (zealous), at e-m; v. these words.
    TEMP.: Lat. post, after, upon, esp. freq. in poetry, but rare in prose writers, who use eptir; nema reisi niðr at nið (= maðr eptir mann), in succession, of erecting a monument, Hm. 71; in prose, at þat. posthac, deinde, Fms. x. 323, cp. Rm., where it occurs several times, 2, 6, 9, 14, 18, 24, 28, 30, 35; sonr á at taka arf at föður sinn, has to take the inheritance after his father, Grág. i. 170 new Ed.; eiga féránsdóm at e-n, Grág. i. 89; at Gamla fallinn, after the death of G., Fms. x. 382; in Edda (Gl.) 113 ought to be restored, grét ok at Oð, gulli Freyja, she grat (wept) tears of gold for her lost husband Od. It is doubtful if it is ever used in a purely loc. sense; at land, Grág. (Sb.)ii. 211, is probably corrupt; at hönd = á hönd, Grág. (Sb.) i. 135; at mót = at móti, v. this word.
    ☞ In compounds (v. below) at- or að- answers in turn to Lat. ad- or in- or con-; atdráttr e. g. denotes collecting; atkoma is adventus: it may also answer to Lat. ob-, in atburðr = accidence, but might also be compared with Lat. occurrere.
    and að, the mark of the infinitive [cp. Goth. du; A. S. and Engl. to; Germ. zu]. Except in the case of a few verbs ‘at’ is always placed immediately before the infinitive, so as to be almost an inseparable part of the verb.
    I. it is used either,
    1. as, a simple mark of the infinitive, only denoting an action and independent of the subject, e. g. at ganga, at hlaupa, at vita, to go, to run, to know; or,
    2. in an objective sense when following such verbs as bjóða segja…, to invite, command …; hann bauð þeim at ganga, at sitja, be bade, ordered them to go, sit, or the like; or as gefa and fá; gefa e-m at drekka, at eta, to give one to drink or to eat, etc. etc.
    β. with the additional notion of intention, esp. when following verba cogitandi; hann ætlaði, hafði í hyggju at fara, he had it in his mind to go (where ‘to go’ is the real object to ætlaði and hafði í hyggju).
    3. answering to the Gr. ινα, denoting intention, design, in order to; hann gékk í borg at kaupa silfr, in order to buy, Nj. 280; hann sendi riddara sína með þeim at varðveita þær, 623. 45: in order to make the phrase more plain, ‘svá’ and ‘til’ are frequently added, esp. in mod. writers, ‘svá at’ and contr. ‘svát’ (the last however is rare), ‘til at’ and ‘til þess at,’ etc.
    II. in the earlier times the infin., as in Greek and Lat., had no such mark; and some verbs remain that cannot be followed by ‘at;’ these verbs are almost the same in Icel. as in Engl.:
    α. the auxiliary verbs vil, mun ( μέλλω), skal; as in Engl. to is never used after the auxiliaries shall, will, must; ek vil ganga, I will go; ek mun fara, (as in North. E.) I mun go; ek skal göra þat, I shall do that, etc.
    β. the verbs kunna, mega, as in Engl. I can or may do, I dare say; svá hygginn at hann kunni fyrir sökum ráða, Grág. ii. 75; í öllu er prýða má góðan höfðingja, Nj. 90; vera má, it may be; vera kann þat, id.: kunnu, however, takes ‘at’ whenever it means to know, and esp. in common language in phrases such as, það kann að vera, but vera kann þat, v. above.
    γ. lata, biðja, as in Engl. to let, to bid; hann lét (bað) þá fara, he let (bade) them go.
    δ. þykkja, þykjast, to seem; hann þykir vera, he is thought to be: reflex., hann þykist vera, sibi videtur: impers., mér þykir vera, mibi videtur, in all cases without ‘at.’ So also freq. the verbs hugsa, hyggja, ætla, halda, to think, when denoting merely the act of thinking; but if there be any notion of intention or purpose, they assume the ‘at;’ thus hann ætlaði, hugði, þá vera góða menn, he thought them to be, acc. c. inf.; but ætlaði at fara, meant to go, etc.
    ε. the verbs denoting to see, bear; sjá, líta, horfa á … ( videre); heyra, audire, as in Engl. I saw them come, I heard him tell, ek sá þá koma, ek heyrði hann tala.
    ζ. sometimes after the verbs eiga and ganga; hann gékk steikja, be went to roast, Vkv. 9; eiga, esp. when a mere periphrasis instead of skal, móður sína á maðr fyrst fram færa (better at færa), Grág. i. 232; á þann kvið einskis meta, 59; but at meta, id. l. 24; ráða, nema, göra …, freq. in poetry, when they are used as simple auxiliary verbs, e. g. nam hann sér Högna hvetja at rúnum, Skv. 3. 43.
    η. hljóta and verða, when used in the sense of must (as in Engl. he must go), and when placed after the infin.of another verb; hér muntu vera hljóta, Nj. 129; but hljóta at vera: fara hlýtr þú, Fms. 1. 159; but þú hlýtr at fara: verða vita, ii. 146; but verða at vita: hann man verða sækja, þó verðr (= skal) maðr eptir mann lifa, Fms. viii. 19, Fas. ii. 552, are exceptional cases.
    θ. in poetry, verbs with the verbal neg. suffix ‘-at,’ freq. for the case of euphony, take no mark of the infinitive, where it would be indispensable with the simple verb, vide Lex. Poët. Exceptional cases; hvárt sem hann vill ‘at’ verja þá sök, eða, whatever he chooses, either, Grág. i. 64; fyrr viljum vér enga kórónu at bera, en nokkut ófrelsi á oss at taka, we would rather bear no crown than …, Fms. x. 12; the context is peculiar, and the ‘at’ purposely added. It may be left out ellipt.; e. g. þá er guð gefr oss finnast (= at finnast), Dipl. ii. 14; gef honum drekka (= at drekka), Pr. 470; but mostly in unclassical writers, in deeds, or the like, written nastily and in an abrupt style.
    and að, conj. [Goth. þatei = οτι; A. S. þät; Engl. that; Germ, dass; the Ormul. and Scot. at, see the quotations sub voce in Jamieson; in all South-Teutonic idioms with an initial dental: the Scandinavian idioms form an exception, having all dropped this consonant; Swed. åt, Dan. at]. In Icel. the Bible translation (of the 16th century) was chiefly based upon that of Luther; the hymns and the great bulk of theol. translations of that time were also derived from Germany; therefore the germanised form það frequently appears in the Bible, and was often employed by theol. authors in sermons since the time of the Reformation. Jón Vidalin, the greatest modern Icel. preacher, who died in 1720, in spite of his thoroughly classical style, abounds in the use of this form; but it never took root in the language, and has never passed into the spoken dialect. After a relative or demonstr. pronoun, it freq. in mod. writers assumes the form eð, hver eð, hverir eð, hvað eð, þar eð. Before the prep. þú (tu), þ changes into t, and is spelt in a single word attú, which is freq. in some MS.;—now, however, pronounced aððú, aððeir, aððið …, = að þú…, with the soft Engl. th sound. It gener. answers to Lat. ut, or to the relat. pron. qui.
    I. that, relative to svá, to denote proportion, degree, so…, that, Lat. tam, tantus, tot…, ut; svá mikill lagamaðr, at…, so great a lawyer, that…, Nj. 1; hárið svá mikit, at þat…, 2; svá kom um síðir því máli, at Sigvaldi, it came so far, that…, Fms. xi. 95, Edda 33. Rarely and unclass., ellipt. without svá; Bæringr var til seinn eptir honum, at hann … (= svá at), Bær. 15; hlífði honum, at hann sakaði ekki, Fas. iii. 441.
    II. it is used,
    1. with indic, in a narrative sense, answering partly to Gr. οτι, Lat. quod, ut, in such phrases as, it came to pass, happened that …; þat var einhverju sinni, at Höskuldr hafði vinaboð, Nj. 2; þat var á palmdrottinsdag, at Ólafr konungr gékk út um stræti, Fms. ii. 244.
    2. with subj. answering to Lat. acc. with infin., to mark the relation of an object to the chief verb, e. g. vilda ek at þú réðist, I wished that you would, Nj. 57.
    β. or in an oblique sentence, answering to ita ut…; ef svá kann verða at þeir láti…, if it may be so that they might…, Fms. xi. 94.
    γ. with a subj. denoting design, answering to ϊνα or Lat. ut with subj., in order that; at öll veraldar bygðin viti, ut sciat totus orbis, Stj.; þeir skáru fyrir þá melinn, at þeir dæi eigi af sulti, ut ne fame perirent, Nj. 265; fyrsti hlutr bókarinnar er Kristindómsbálkr, at menn skili, in order that men may understand, Gþl. p. viii.
    III. used in connection with conjunctions,
    1. esp. þó, því, svá; þó at freq. contr. þótt; svát is rare and obsolete.
    α. þóat, þótt (North. E. ‘thof’), followed by a subjunctive, though, although, Lat. etsi, quamquam (very freq.); þóat nokkurum mönnum sýnist þetta með freku sett… þá viljum vér, Fms. vi. 21: phrases as, gef þú mér þó at úverðugri, etsi indignae (dat.), Stj. MS. col. 315, are unclass., and influenced by the Latin: sometimes ellipt. without ‘þó,’ eigi mundi hón þá meir hvata göngu sinni, at (= þóat) hon hraeddist bana sinn, Edda 7, Nj. 64: ‘þó’ and ‘at’ separated, svarar hann þó rétt, at hann svari svá, Grág. i. 23; þó er rétt at nýta, at hann sé fyrr skorinn, answering to Engl. yetthough, Lat. attamenetsi, K. Þ. K.
    β. því at, because, Lat. nam, quia, with indic.; því at allir vóru gerfiligir synir hans, Ld. 68; því at af íþróttum verðr maðr fróðr, Sks. 16: separated, því þegi ek, at ek undrumst, Fms. iii. 201; því er þessa getið, at þat þótti, it i s mentioned because …, Ld. 68.
    γ. svá at, so that, Lat. ut, ita ut; grátrinn kom upp, svá at eingi mátti öðrum segja, Edda 37: separated, so … that, svá úsvúst at …, so bad weather, that, Bs. i. 339, etc.
    2. it is freq. used superfluously, esp. after relatives; hver at = hverr, quis; því at = því, igitur; hverr at þekkr ok þægiligr mun verða, Fms. v. 159; hvern stvrk at hann mundi fá, 44; ek undrumst hvé mikil ógnarraust at liggr í þér, iii. 201; því at ek mátti eigi þar vera elligar, því at þar var kristni vel haldin, Fas. i. 340.
    IV. as a relat. conj.:
    1. temp, when, Lat. quum; jafnan er ( est) mér þá verra er ( quum) ek fer á braut þaðan, en þá at ( quum) ek kem, Grett. 150 A; þar til at vér vitum, till we know, Fms. v. 52; þá at ek lýsta (= þá er), when, Nj. 233.
    2. since, because; ek færi yðr (hann), at þér eruð í einum hrepp allir, because of your being all of the same Rape, Grág. i. 260; eigi er kynlegt at ( though) Skarphéðinn sé hraustr, at þat er mælt at…, because (since) it is a saying that…, Nj. 64.
    V. in mod. writers it is also freq. superfluously joined to the conjunctions, ef að = ef, si, (Lv. 45 is from a paper MS.), meðan að = meðan, dum; nema að, nisi; fyrst að = fyrst, quoniam; eptir að, síðan að, postquam; hvárt að = hvárt, Lat. an. In the law we find passages such as, þá er um er dæmt eina sök, at þá eigu þeir aptr at ganga í dóminn, Grág. i. 79; ef þing ber á hina helgu viku, at þat á eigi fyrir þeim málum at standa, 106; þat er ok, at þeir skulu reifa mál manna, 64; at þeir skulu með váttorð þá sök sækja, 65: in all these cases ‘at’ is either superfluous or, which is more likely, of an ellipt. nature, ‘the law decrees’ or ‘it is decreed’ being understood. The passages Sks. 551, 552, 568, 718 B, at lokit (= at ek hefi lokit), at hugleitt (= at ek hefi h.), at sent (= at ek hefi sent) are quite exceptional.
    and að, an indecl. relat. pronoun [Ulf. þatei = ος, ος αν, οστις, οσπερ, οιος, etc.; Engl. that, Ormul. at], with the initial letter dropped, as in the conj. at, (cp. also the Old Engl. at, which is both a conj. and a pronoun, e. g. Barbour vi. 24 in Jamieson: ‘I drede that his gret wassalage, | And his travail may bring till end, | That at men quhilc full litil wend.’ | ‘His mestyr speryt quhat tithings a t he saw.’—Wyntoun v. 3. 89.) In Icel. ‘er’ (the relat. pronoun) and ‘at’ are used indifferently, so that where one MS. reads ‘er,’ another reads ‘at,’ and vice versâ; this may easily be seen by looking at the MSS.; yet as a rule ‘er’ is much more freq. used. In mod. writers ‘at’ is freq. turned into ‘eð,’ esp. as a superfluous particle after the relative pron. hverr (hver eð, hvað eð, hverir eð, etc.), or the demonstr. sá (sá eð, þeir eð, hinir eð, etc.):—who, which, that, enn bezta grip at ( which) hafði til Íslands komið, Ld. 202; en engi mun sá at ( cui) minnisamara mun vera, 242; sem blótnaut at ( quae) stærst verða, Fms. iii. 214; þau tiðendi, at mér þætti verri, Nj. 64, etc. etc.
    n. collision (poët.); odda at, crossing of spears, crash of spears, Höfuðl. 8.
    β. a fight or bait of wild animals, esp. of horses, v. hesta-at and etja.
    the negative verbal suffix, v. -a.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AT

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